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Staphylococcus Species Identification

Staphylococcus genus are Gram positive or negative? Gram positive coccus
Where do Staphylococcus live Mucous membrane, skin of warm-blooded animals. Found in food, dust, water.
What is osmotolerant? They can tolerate salt upto 10% (some even beyond)
What is the most pathogenic species in Staphylococcus genus? and where is it most located? Staphylococcus aureus. 10% - 40% of the population harbors in their nose
MSA? Mannitol Salt Agar. Selective + differential medium. --> identify members of Staphylococcus genus. Medium mau` RED
Selective Media? contains ingredients that prevent the growth of some orgs while selecting for the growth of others.
Differential media? contains ingredients that will cause a color change or reaction that allows for the differentiation of the selected types of orgs.
Positive for mannitol salt agar? Growth, yellowing of medium around growth. ---> Org is not inhibited by the salt. mannitol is fermented to acid--> Staphylococcus species.
Negative for mannitol salt agar? Growth, no color change of medium. ---> Org is not inhibited by the salt. Mannitol is not fermented to acid - > Staphylococcus species.
No growth for mannitol salt agar? No growth, no color change of medium around growth ----> Org is inhibited by the salt. NOT a Staphylococcus species.
What is coagulase? is an enzyme that clots blood plasma. Staphylococcus aureus produces this enzyme.
Positive for coagulase? Rabbit plasma is coagulated -> organism secretes coagulase that clots the plasma -> PATHOGENIC STAPHYLOCOCCUS AUREAUS
Negative for coagulase? Rabbit plasma is not coagulated -> organism not secretes coagulase. --> NOT S. aureus.
What is Catalase? Is an enzyme that degrades hydrogen peroxide H2O2 to water and oxygen gas-> bubbles are emitted.
What is the importance of Catalase Test? to differentiate the Staphylococcus Species from Streptococcus.
HOw to read result for Catalase Test? Bubbles -> Catalase positive -> Catalase degrades H2O2 to water and oxygen. No bubbles -> Catalase negative -> Org doesn’t secrete catalase which degrade H2O2 to water and bubbles.
What is the purpose of using MSA? Mannitol Salt Agar: isolate (selective) org who can tolerate salt and know which one can do mannitol fermentation. In general, isolate and differentiate of pathogenic staphylococcus.
What is the purpose of using Coagulase? Differentiate Staphylococcus aureus from their Gram-positive cocci.
What is the purpose of using Catalase? used to identify org produce the enzyme catalase (differentiate staphylococcus from streptococcus.
Created by: pipi1402
Popular Biochemistry sets




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