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WKMS Royal Colony

What were the slaves hoping to accomplish throught the Stono Rebellion? They were trying to escape to freedom in Spanish Florida.
What caused the increase in demand for slaves in the colony of SC? The growing demand for and the spread of rice and indigo
What problem was caused by the vigilantes participating in the Regulator Movement? The Regulators violated people's rights and punished innocent people.
Subsidy a bonus paid on a crop to encourage farmers to grow it
What ended the Regulator Movement and restored law and order to the Up Country of SC by creating seven courthouses in the colony? Circuit Court Act of 1769
Which region had small farms that grew subsistence crops? Up Country
Buffer Zone an area of land protecting a region from attack by another neighboring region
What happened as a result of the Stono Rebellion? It increased plantation owners' fears about controlling large numbers of slaves so harsh slave codes were enacted that controlled all aspects of a slave's life
How did the early government of SC change? It changed from a proprietary colony to a royal colony.
Tidewater region in the Low Country where the level of the rivers rises and falls with the tides
How were the Spaniards in Florida indirectly responsible for the Stono Rebellion? They promised the slaves freedom if they reached St. Augustine.
In which region of the state were all of the courts located before 1769? Low Country
How did the slave trade effect the population of SC? There were more slaves than whites in the Low Country.
How did the government of SC change in 1729? It went from being a proprietary colony to a royal colony
What was SC's first type of government? proprietary government
Subsistence Farmers farmers that grow just enough crops to survive
Why were the slave codes of 1740 enacted? to provide a list of restrictions for slaves
Which group made up most of the representatives in the Commons House of Assembly in the royal colony of SC? The Low Country elite or planters
What happened as a result of the Regulator Movement? Justice, law and order were provided for the Upcounty.
What made the middle passage of slaves to America especially difficult? Slaves were confined to a small space in the hold of a ship.
Which region of Colonial SC is known as the tidewater region? Low Country
What plan was used to attract more white settlers to the colony of SC and encourage them to settle in the Up Country? Township Plan of 1730.
Regulators a group of vigilantes that tried to provide law and order in SC’s Up Country
In which region of Colonial SC was rice the most important crop? Low Country
In which region of Colonial SC did most of the planters live? Low Country
How did the period of royal governemnt differ from the proprietary government? The colony was economically prosperous.
In which region of Colonial SC was the Regulator Movement widespread? Up Country
In which region of Colonial SC were the primary towns Beaufort, Georgetown, and Charles Town located? Low Country
Which region of SC was the first settled? Low Country
What happened during the Stono Rebellion? A group of slaves let by a slave named Jemmy staged a rebellion near the Stono River in 1740. The rebellion was unsuccessful, but as a result, strict Slave Codes governing the actions of slaves were passed.
What sorts of restictions were placed on slaves by the Slave Codes? 1) slaves couldn't meet in groups, 2)slaves had to have passes to travel from plantation to plantation 3)slaves couldn't grow or store their own food, 4)slaves couldn't use drums or horns to communicate, 5)slaves couldn't learn to read or write
What was discouraged under the economic system of mercantilism? Imports
Why was SC an important colony under the economic system of mercantilism? SC was a source of raw materials for England.
Created by: egoodwin
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