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Causes of Revolution

Review of key events/causes of the American Revolution

Mercantilism Creates a favorable balance of trade for mother country "make the mother country rich"
Navigation Acts Certain goods could only trade with England; certain goods must pass through England
French & Indian War Conflict between France with Indian allies over the Ohio Valley and rest of French lands
Sugar Act British taxed sugar, coffee, indigo, and molasses from anywhere but Britain; passed to raise money
Stamp Act Stamps sold by British governmnent for all documents and paper products
Proclamation of 1763 Colonists could not move west of the Appalachian mountains.
Boston Massacre Group of British soldiers were being taunted by colonists. Shot was fired and soldiers open fired. Five colonists died.
Tea Act Permitted British East India Company to send tea to the colonies without paying taxes, however colonists had to pay
Quartering Act Required colonists to quarter (house and supply) British soldiers in their homes
Intolerable Acts Boston Harbor closed; Canceled Massachusetts charter; Moved officials' trials to Britain; Allowed quartering of British troops in all colonies
Declaratory Act Passed as a result of Stamp Act being repealed. Parliament had power to pass laws governing colonies in all cases
Townshend Acts Duties on glass, lead, paper, tea; paid for military costs and salaries of colonial governors
Writs of Assistance Special forms that allowed tax collectors to search for smuggled goods (like a search warrant)
Boston Tea Party Colonists dressed as Indians boarded English ships and dumped tea into the Harbor
Created by: mharlan
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