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SS Vocab

SS Vocab 1920s

Disarmament reduction of a nation;s armed forces or weapons for war
Red Scare Fear of communist rule of US
Communism the economic system in which the government owns the mans of production and promises to share profits equally
Bolshevik a communist party that took over the russian czar in 1917
proletariat workers
bourgeoisie owners
renaissance a rebirth of black culture
quota system limit on immigration that allowed only a certain number of people to immigrate to the US from each country
sheik a young man with sex appeal
bootlegging smuggling liquor into the US during Prohibition
prohibition period from 1920 to 1933 when the making and sale of liquor was illegal in the US
speakeasies illegal bar
organized crime crime as a business
white collar worker a skilled, managing, selling or advertising person
blue collar worker an unskilled person who works in factories
fad something popular for a period of time
advertising a type of persaution to get people to buy certain items
ticker tape parade a parade made for a hero or heroine with torn up paper thrown
bull market rising stock market
jazz musical form that blossomed in the 20's and gave another nick name to the 20's.
mass production rapid manufacture of large numbers of a product
Charleston popular dance in the 20's
silent films films that were silent and were black and white but soon went out of business
home brew home made beer
normalcy the way the US was before the war
bob a short haircut started by Coco Chanel
newsreel information shown before a movie to inform on world happenings
prosperity a great point in economy
flapper a young woman who declared her independence by rejecting traditional rules of conduct and behavior
installing buying to buy an item on credit with a small amount down
hooch another word for beer
Tin Lizzie affectionate nickname for a T-Model
Created by: spdcr2008
Popular U.S. History sets




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