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FMS 8th Ch 5

Chapter 5

Boycotts Method the colonists used to get the British to repeal the Stamp Act. To refuse, to buy, sell, or use.
Quartering Act Required colonist to house British soldiers. (Part of the Intolerable Acts)
Boston Tea Party A protest against the Tea Act-a group of colonist (Sons of Liberty) boarded British tea ships and dumped the tea into the harbor.
Declaratoy Act Stated that Parliament had the power to make laws for the colonies "in all cases whatsoever". Stripped away much of their independence.
Sugar Act Placed a tax on molasses and sugar.
Stamp Act Placed a tax on every kind of printed material (newspapers, legal documents)
Mayflower Compact A legal contract in which the 41 male passengers on the Mayflower agreed to have fair laws to protect the general good. Influenced the writers of the U.S. Constitution.
Samuel Adams A member of the Sons of Liberty who started the Committee of Correspondence to stir public support for American independence.
English Bill of Rights An act that reduced the powers of the English monarch. Influenced the writers of the U.S. Constitution.
Sons of Liberty A group of colonist who protested taxes e.g.. Stamp Act and were involved in the Boston Tea Party.
Boston Massacre 5 colonist were killed when Red Coats fired into a mob of angry colonists-Crispus Attucks: was one of the first casualty of the American Revolution
Intolerable Acts Acts that Parliament passed in 1774 to punish Massachusetts for the Tea Party.1 Closed Boston Harbor 2 Cancelled the Massachusetts Charter and meetings 3.Moved trials of British Officials to Britain 4.Made Colonists house British Soldiers Quartering Act
Taxation w/o Representation Taxing colonist without their consent.
French and Indian War War between France and Britain over the control of territory in North America.
Treaty of Paris 1763 Ended the French and Indian War and changed the balance of power in North America. British gained all French land east of Mississippi except New Orleans and 2 small islands. British settlers began moving west.
Primary Sources They include eyewitness reports, records created at the time of an event, speeches, and letters by people involved in the event, photographs, and artifacts.
Secondary Sources The later writings and interpretations of historians and writers. Often they provide summaries of information found in primary sources, like in textbooks and articles.
Townshend Acts Taxes on imported goods, e.g.. Lead, Paper, Glass
Tea Act Allowed British East India Company to sell low cost tea directly to colonies--led to the Boston Tea Party.
Magna Carta Signed in 1215 by King John, was the first document that limited power of the ruler. Influenced the writers of the U.S. Constitution.
Proclamation of 1763 An order in which Britain prohibited its American colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains
King George III The King of England who issued the Proclamation on 1763.
Charter A document giving permission to start a colony.
Slave Codes Laws to control slaves.
Created by: Stoll FMS
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