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B WHII Unit 7 Test

Global Changes/Modern Issues Test

Interdependence meaning the modern world, economies, businesses are all connected by technology, the Internet, fast transportation and communication
Globalization Another word to describe modern interdependence
European Union Political group in Europe that uses a common corrency, the "Euro"
United Nations Peacekeeping organization that aims to solve and prevent world conflicts
International Monetary Fund organization that provides loans and financial aid to developing nations
World Trade Organization Free and fair trade between nations that promotes global buying and selling
Tariffs The North American Free Trade Agreement aimed to reduce _____ or taxes and promote free trade between Mexico, the United States, and Canada
NATO Also known as North Atlantic Treaty Organization, formed after World War II. A military alliance with democratic nations, former Communist nations, which have modern established democracies, can now become members
Refugee A person who is forced to leave their nation due to war, famine, terrorism, genocide, or natural disasters
Migration The act of people moving from one area to another, usually in large numbers
Jerusalem Capital of Isreal where many religiuos conflicts have occured
Islam Two major Islamic groups that have been involved in some conflict in the Middle East
Northern Ireland Area of Ireland where Protestant and Catholic Christian groups have carried out acts of violence against one another
Balkan Peninsula Area of Europe where Christian and Islamic groups have been involved in religious conflicts
Islam The "Horn of Africa" on the East coast has been a site of conflict between followers of _____ and other non-Muslim believers
Buddhism In South Asia, followers of Islam and ______ have been invloved in religious conflicts
Pollution an environmental challenge along with loss of animal habitat and global climate change issues
Population ____ growth can cause many issues such as poverty and healthcare concerns in developing and underdeveloped countries
Internet this technology allows for instant communication, social media, instant news, and revolutionized how people work, learn, and obtain information
Genetic Engineering Stem cell and cloning research is associated with ____ ___ and bioethics
Terrorism definition: the use of violence/threats to indimidate and persuade political ideas
Religious Sometimes, ____ extremism is a root cause and factor in terrorists acts.
Al-Qaeda Terrorist organization responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States
Munich Olympics In 1972, Palestinian terrorist group members took 11 Israeli athletes hostage and had them killed. At which major event did this take place?
Terrorism Other acts of ______ have also included suicide bombers, use of vehicles as weapons, and airplane hijackings.
Patriot Act The United States passed this set of laws to allow increased survelllance of American citizens to review acts of potential terrorism
Created by: user-1848546
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