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B WHII Unit 7 Test
Global Changes/Modern Issues Test
Interdependence | meaning the modern world, economies, businesses are all connected by technology, the Internet, fast transportation and communication |
Globalization | Another word to describe modern interdependence |
European Union | Political group in Europe that uses a common corrency, the "Euro" |
United Nations | Peacekeeping organization that aims to solve and prevent world conflicts |
International Monetary Fund | organization that provides loans and financial aid to developing nations |
World Trade Organization | Free and fair trade between nations that promotes global buying and selling |
Tariffs | The North American Free Trade Agreement aimed to reduce _____ or taxes and promote free trade between Mexico, the United States, and Canada |
NATO | Also known as North Atlantic Treaty Organization, formed after World War II. A military alliance with democratic nations, former Communist nations, which have modern established democracies, can now become members |
Refugee | A person who is forced to leave their nation due to war, famine, terrorism, genocide, or natural disasters |
Migration | The act of people moving from one area to another, usually in large numbers |
Jerusalem | Capital of Isreal where many religiuos conflicts have occured |
Islam | Two major Islamic groups that have been involved in some conflict in the Middle East |
Northern Ireland | Area of Ireland where Protestant and Catholic Christian groups have carried out acts of violence against one another |
Balkan Peninsula | Area of Europe where Christian and Islamic groups have been involved in religious conflicts |
Islam | The "Horn of Africa" on the East coast has been a site of conflict between followers of _____ and other non-Muslim believers |
Buddhism | In South Asia, followers of Islam and ______ have been invloved in religious conflicts |
Pollution | an environmental challenge along with loss of animal habitat and global climate change issues |
Population | ____ growth can cause many issues such as poverty and healthcare concerns in developing and underdeveloped countries |
Internet | this technology allows for instant communication, social media, instant news, and revolutionized how people work, learn, and obtain information |
Genetic Engineering | Stem cell and cloning research is associated with ____ ___ and bioethics |
Terrorism | definition: the use of violence/threats to indimidate and persuade political ideas |
Religious | Sometimes, ____ extremism is a root cause and factor in terrorists acts. |
Al-Qaeda | Terrorist organization responsible for the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States |
Munich Olympics | In 1972, Palestinian terrorist group members took 11 Israeli athletes hostage and had them killed. At which major event did this take place? |
Terrorism | Other acts of ______ have also included suicide bombers, use of vehicles as weapons, and airplane hijackings. |
Patriot Act | The United States passed this set of laws to allow increased survelllance of American citizens to review acts of potential terrorism |