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B WHII Unit 5 Test

Africa and Asia Cold War Test

Mao Zedong Communist leader of China during the Chinese Civil War 1949
Chian Kai-shek Democratic leader in China during the Chinese Civil War 1949
Communist Supporters of this type of government win the Chinese Civil War in 1949
Taiwan Chiang Kai-shek and supporters of Democracy leave mainland China and go to this island
Democratic Chiang Kai-shek sets up a _____ government on the island of Taiwan.
China Today, ______ is still a communist run government
Taiwan Today, _____ is still a democratic government
Yes Yes or No? In the modern world, do China and Taiwan still have a strained politial relationship?
Deng Xiaoping Communist leader of China from 1978-1992 that saw the modernization of the Chinese economy
Great Britain India was a colony of ___ ____ from 1612 to 1947.
Mahatma Gandhi Person who led the Indian Independence movement in the 1940's
Indian National Congress This Indian organization, established in the 1800s, supported Indian independence from Great Britain and supported non-violent methods to achieve this goal
India ____ is the world's largest democratic nation in the modern-world due to an increasing population and economic system
Nehru Jawaharlal ______ was India's first Prime Minister as a free, independent, democratic nation
Indira Gandhi Nehru's daughter who also was elected as Prime Minister, supported the nuclear sciences and programs in India during the 1980s
non-violence Mahatma Gandhi is associated with using _____ as a means to achieve independence from Great Britain.
Hinduism Major religious belief system in India today
Islamic Areas of the former colony of India were split due to differences between Hindu and _____ beliefs
Pakistan Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and ____ are all countries independent of modern-day India today due to religious differences
Middle East Israel is located in the ______, a region of Southwest Asia.
Jewish Israel is predominatly a _____ nation (major religion)
Holocaust After this event in Eastern Europe during World War II, many followers of Judaism looked for a homeland.
United States Along with many Allied natios, this country supported the creation of Israel as the official homeland of Jews
Palestinians Many Islamic believers known as _____ in this area (known as Palestine before the creation of Israel) lost territory due to the creation of Israel.
Religion Conflicts rooted in _____ and beliefs would occur in this region and even still occur in the modern-world.
Yom Kippur In 1973, Egypt, Syria, and Iraq forces attacked Israel in the attempt to regain territory, this is known as the ___ ____ War.
Golda Meir This female Prime Minister led Israel during the Yom Kippur War in 1973.
Israel The United State supported____ during this conflict and would support this nation through other religious conflicts in its' history.
Ghana In West Africa, this modern-day nation was first to gain independence from Great Britain
Algeria This Northern African nation gained freedom from France through a violent war effort from 1954-1962
Egypt location of the Suez Canal and Aswan High Dam
Nasser Gamal Abdel ______ Egypt's Prime Minister during 1958 commissioned the Aswan High Dam to be build to control Nile River flood stages
Kenyatta Jomo ______ led Kenya's fight for independence from Great Britain.
South Africa Former British Colony that allowed segregation until 1994.
Nelson Mandela South Africa's first black President and helped end segregation in 1994
Apartheid Also known as segregation in South Africa
Great Britain Gamal Abdel Nasser saw the return of the Suez Canal control from ______ to Egypt
Created by: user-1848546
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