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B WHII Unit 4 Test

Cold War Test

Iron Curtain imaginary line between West and East Europe AFTER World War II
West Area of Europe after World War II that was mostly democratic governments
East Area of Europe after World War II that was mostly communist governments
Political The iron curtain during the Cold War showed ____ divisions of Europe after World War II
After The Cold War era is _____ the end of World War II. (Before or After?)
Yalta Conference Decisions about rebuilding Europe and Korea after World War II was over was agreed upon at this meeting between the "big three"
Rivalry The Cold War was a ____ between the US and USSR and communist ideals v. democratic ideals.
Superpowers US and USSR were considered military ______ between 1945-1991.
Nuclear Both the US and USSR had _____ weapons and were building arsenals during the Cold War
Containment Harry Truman's _____ policy included the plan to keep communism ideas from spreading outside of those agreed upon at the Yalta Conference.
North Korea This area of Korea would remain communist and rebuilding was supported by the USSR
South Korea This area of Korea would remain democratic and rebuilding was supported by the US
Satellite States In Europe, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania were considered ______ _______ and behind the "iron curtain."
Deterrence Theory During the Cold War, the US and USSR would engage in the ____ ____= idea that having more nuclear weapons that each other would help aviod a nuclear war out of fear of destruction
Korean War First time that the new United Nations peacekeeping organization was used and only Cold War event where Containment policy worked
38th The Korean War ended with an agreement to use the ____ parallel line of latitude as the border- this was also the border before the Korean War
North The Korean War started because ____ Korean forces invaded South Korea areas.
Nothing What was gained during the Korean War?
Yes Was communism contained during the Korean War? Yes or No?
Berlin Wall This was constructed in 1961 by the USSR to keep East Germans from leaving
Berlin Capital city of Germany that was split after World War II
Germany This European country was split into an East and West after World War II
Western This area of Germany and Berlin was democratic during the Cold War.
Eastern This area of Germany and Berlin was communist during the Cold War.
Cuban Missile Crisis considered to be the closest point of nuclear war between the USSR and US
Fidel Castro Cuba's communist leader in 1962
Cuba location of USSR missiles and nuclear weapons in 1962
John F Kennedy US President during Cuban Missile Crisis
blockades Kennedy ____ Cuba using the US navy and does not allow USSR ships into Cuban harbors
USSR This nation eventually removes nuclear weapons from Cuba
France The modern-day country of Vietnam was once a colony of this European nation
Ho Chi Minh Communist leader of Vietnam during the Communist North invasion of the Southern, Democratic areas
Domino Theory The idea that if communist leaders and ideals spread in an area of the world, it will continue
United States This nation would be involved in Vietnam for almost 10 years in an attempt to contain communism
Television This technology played an important role in the broadcasting of news in Vietnam for Americans
Protests These occurred in response to growing dissatisfaction of the Vietnam conflict and American involvement
Communist Type of government in Vietnam today
Fails When US forces leave Vietnam, the attempt to contain communism ______
Germany Officially reunited as one nation in 1990 and is democratic today
Symbol The removal of the Berlin Wall in 1989 is a ____ of the Cold War coming to an end.
Ronald Reagan US President during the 1980's that supported the removal of the Berlin Wall
Gorbachev Mikhail ____, the last USSR leader of the Soviet Union and Ronald Reagan, US President held peace talks to end the nuclear arms race in the 1980's.
Economic The end of the USSR was brought about by the _____ system failing
Glasnost and Perestroika Gorbachev's ideas of openness and reform of the communist economy and government
No Does Gorbachev have the support to institute his new reforms in the Soviet Union? Yes or No?
Fifteen When the USSR's economic system collapses, the country breaks into ____ individual new nations.
Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher was Great Britain's first female Prime Minister and was also know as the ______ _______
United States Margaret Thatcher was able to grow and expand better relations between Great Britain and the ___ _____ during her tenure as Prime Minister.
Military Margaret Thatcher supported free trade and increased the capacity and strength of the British _____ during her time as Prime Minister in the 1980s.
Created by: user-1848546
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