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B WHII Unit 4 Test
Cold War Test
Answer | |
Iron Curtain | imaginary line between West and East Europe AFTER World War II |
West | Area of Europe after World War II that was mostly democratic governments |
East | Area of Europe after World War II that was mostly communist governments |
Political | The iron curtain during the Cold War showed ____ divisions of Europe after World War II |
After | The Cold War era is _____ the end of World War II. (Before or After?) |
Yalta Conference | Decisions about rebuilding Europe and Korea after World War II was over was agreed upon at this meeting between the "big three" |
Rivalry | The Cold War was a ____ between the US and USSR and communist ideals v. democratic ideals. |
Superpowers | US and USSR were considered military ______ between 1945-1991. |
Nuclear | Both the US and USSR had _____ weapons and were building arsenals during the Cold War |
Containment | Harry Truman's _____ policy included the plan to keep communism ideas from spreading outside of those agreed upon at the Yalta Conference. |
North Korea | This area of Korea would remain communist and rebuilding was supported by the USSR |
South Korea | This area of Korea would remain democratic and rebuilding was supported by the US |
Satellite States | In Europe, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Romania were considered ______ _______ and behind the "iron curtain." |
Deterrence Theory | During the Cold War, the US and USSR would engage in the ____ ____= idea that having more nuclear weapons that each other would help aviod a nuclear war out of fear of destruction |
Korean War | First time that the new United Nations peacekeeping organization was used and only Cold War event where Containment policy worked |
38th | The Korean War ended with an agreement to use the ____ parallel line of latitude as the border- this was also the border before the Korean War |
North | The Korean War started because ____ Korean forces invaded South Korea areas. |
Nothing | What was gained during the Korean War? |
Yes | Was communism contained during the Korean War? Yes or No? |
Berlin Wall | This was constructed in 1961 by the USSR to keep East Germans from leaving |
Berlin | Capital city of Germany that was split after World War II |
Germany | This European country was split into an East and West after World War II |
Western | This area of Germany and Berlin was democratic during the Cold War. |
Eastern | This area of Germany and Berlin was communist during the Cold War. |
Cuban Missile Crisis | considered to be the closest point of nuclear war between the USSR and US |
Fidel Castro | Cuba's communist leader in 1962 |
Cuba | location of USSR missiles and nuclear weapons in 1962 |
John F Kennedy | US President during Cuban Missile Crisis |
blockades | Kennedy ____ Cuba using the US navy and does not allow USSR ships into Cuban harbors |
USSR | This nation eventually removes nuclear weapons from Cuba |
France | The modern-day country of Vietnam was once a colony of this European nation |
Ho Chi Minh | Communist leader of Vietnam during the Communist North invasion of the Southern, Democratic areas |
Domino Theory | The idea that if communist leaders and ideals spread in an area of the world, it will continue |
United States | This nation would be involved in Vietnam for almost 10 years in an attempt to contain communism |
Television | This technology played an important role in the broadcasting of news in Vietnam for Americans |
Protests | These occurred in response to growing dissatisfaction of the Vietnam conflict and American involvement |
Communist | Type of government in Vietnam today |
Fails | When US forces leave Vietnam, the attempt to contain communism ______ |
Germany | Officially reunited as one nation in 1990 and is democratic today |
Symbol | The removal of the Berlin Wall in 1989 is a ____ of the Cold War coming to an end. |
Ronald Reagan | US President during the 1980's that supported the removal of the Berlin Wall |
Gorbachev | Mikhail ____, the last USSR leader of the Soviet Union and Ronald Reagan, US President held peace talks to end the nuclear arms race in the 1980's. |
Economic | The end of the USSR was brought about by the _____ system failing |
Glasnost and Perestroika | Gorbachev's ideas of openness and reform of the communist economy and government |
No | Does Gorbachev have the support to institute his new reforms in the Soviet Union? Yes or No? |
Fifteen | When the USSR's economic system collapses, the country breaks into ____ individual new nations. |
Iron Lady | Margaret Thatcher was Great Britain's first female Prime Minister and was also know as the ______ _______ |
United States | Margaret Thatcher was able to grow and expand better relations between Great Britain and the ___ _____ during her tenure as Prime Minister. |
Military | Margaret Thatcher supported free trade and increased the capacity and strength of the British _____ during her time as Prime Minister in the 1980s. |