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B WHII Unit 3 Test

World War II Test

Aggressive Germany, Japan, and Italy were taking _____ actions by invading lands and establishing colonies in neighboring areas
Nationalism strong devotion and love for one's nation
Appeasement the act of giving into the demands of another
Pacifism similar to appeasement, this non-action allowed for Hitler to break the agreements of the Treaty of Versailles
Isolated During the Great Depression, the United States remained _____ and out of major world affairs.
Financial Worldwide ______ or economic downturn was worldwide during the 1930's and slowed military strength in the United States and Great Britain.
Allied Great Britain, France, USSR, and the United States make up the ________ Powers during World War II.
Axis Italy, Germany, and Japan make up the _____ Powers during World War II.
Roosevelt Franklin D. _______ was the US President during most of World War II and the Great Depression.
Truman At the end of World War II, the decision to use nuclear weapons on Japan to end the war were made by US President Harry _____
Eisenhower Developer of the D-Day (Normandy, France) invasions in 1944, Dwight ______ was the leading Commander of Allied troops in Europe
MacArthur Leading the fight in the Pacific against the Japanese, Douglas _____ was the US General in the Pacific Theatre of World War II.
Marshall The development of a rebuilding plan in Europe after World War II was headed by George C. ______, US General.
Churchill Great Britain's Prime Minister throughout most of World War II- Winston ______
USSR Joseph Stalin was the dictator of the _____ or Soviet Union during World War II and after. This nation became an Allied Power in 1941.
Germany Hitler would become the leader of this fascist nation in the 1930's and would lead the nation through 1945.
Mussolini Benito _____ was the first fascist dictator and leader of Italy during the 1920's through 1945.
General Hideki Tojo was Japan's ____ during World War II. Japan was a militaristic government during this conflict.
Hirohito Japan's emperor ______ was the figurehead of the government during World War II, but was not considered a powerful leader or position.
Poland The invasion of this nation by the USSR and Germany started World War II in 1939.
Blitzkrieg German "lightening warfare"
France This nation surrendered to Germany in 1940 after the invasion
Battle of Britain the attempt by Germany to force Great Britain to surrender by using "blitzkrieg" air raids and bombing, fails and forces the Nazi air force to retreat
Radar New technology that allows Great Britain to detect incoming Germany planes during the Battle of Britain
Operation Barbarossa Code name for the German invasion of the USSR in 1941
Non-Agression When Germany invades the Soviet Union in 1941, Hitler breaks the _______ Pact and forces the USSR to join the Allies.
Pearl Harbor The United States is forced to join the Allies during World War II when the Japanese launce a surprise attack on navy forces at ______ in Hawaii.
Oil This natural resource, that the US placed a trade embargo on with Japan, was a crucial reason why the Japanese attacked on December 7, 1941.
Island Hopping The US Pacific Theatre of war during 1941-1945 included this tactic-
Europe Defeating Germany and Italy in ____ were the focus of the war effort led by Eisenhower.
D-Day This was considered to be the turning point of World War II in 1944.
Normandy This area of northern France was the location of the D-Day allied invasion of the mainland European continent.
Invasion Eisenhower planned the _____ of northern France on the beaches of Normandy to establish a path into the European continent and thus push back German troops
Yalta Conference Although World War II was still waging in 1945, this meeting between FDR, Stalin, and Churchill determined the rebuilding processes after its' completion.
The Big Three FDR, Churchill, and Stalin were considered "____ _____ ____" at the Yalta Conference
Korea The fate of this Asian Peninsula was also discussed at the Yalta Conference in 1945.
Victory in Europe Day What does V-E Day stand for?
Berlin Capital of Germany, German troops surrendered here after the death of Hitler
Mussolini Fascist dictator who was captured and killed by his own Italian people
United States This nation developed the nuclear weapons that ended World War II
Roosevelt In April 1945, Franklin ______ dies before World War II had ended.
Truman Harry ____ was Roosevelt's Vice President and becomes President in 1945 after his death.
Cities Hiroshima and Nagasaki were Japanese _____ that were targeted and sites of nuclear weapon attacks
Little Boy Name of the nuclear weapon used in Hiroshima
Fat Man Name of the nuclear weapon used in Nagasaki
Surrenders After the use of nuclear weapons, Japan ______ and World War II officially comes to an end.
True True or False? Truman made the decision to use nuclear/atomic weapons to bring a swift/quick end to World War II.
Genocide definition: systematic and purposeful destruction of a racial, political, cultural, or religious group
Holocaust systematic attempt by the Nazi German Political party to eliminate people of Jewish background
Largest The Holocaust is the ____ genocide in world history with over 6 million deaths
Aryan Hitler's belief in the superiority of this race-
True True or False? Other groups such as Gypsies, Communists, Disabled, Homosexuals, and Poles were also discriminated against and targed by the German Nazi's.
Stages The Holocaust occurred in _____ and targeted Jewish businesses, political rights, included registration and segregation, and forced reselttement into ghettos in Eastern European cities.
Final Solution The Nazi death camps were part of Hitler's ___ _____.
Auschwitz This was the largest death camp in Eastern Europe, it is estimated that over 1.5 million people died in this one camp during the Holocaust.
Armenian Christians Other genocides occurred: During World War I, Ottoman Turks targeted ____ ______ in the Ottoman Empire.
Great Purge Other genocides occurred: During the 1930's, Joseph Stalin targeted any Russian citizen accused of disloyalty during the ____ ______ and were sent to camps in Siberia.
Cambodia Other genocides occurred: This Southeastern Asian country was the location of Pol Pot's anti communist purge of citizens disloyal to his leadership.
Rwanda Other genocides occurred: This African country was the location of the Hutu people's attempt to destroy the Tutsi minority ethnic group in the 1990s
United Nations After the end of World War II, this association takes the place of the League of Nations
Military The new peacekeeping organization, the United Nations, will have a ____ unlike the League of Nations.
D As part of the United Nations, the attempt to stop future genocides is outlined in a code of conduct called the ___ ___ ______ _____
Marshall Plan As part of the US rebuilding plan in Europe, this will allow democracy ideas to spread and grow in Western Europe, and will have US military forces stay in Europe to help with the rebuilding procesess
NATO Democratic Alliance after World War II (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Warsaw Pact Communist Alliance after World War II
Democracy After World War II, Japan's government becomes a ____
MacArthur Douglass _____ and US troops stay in Japan after the end of World War II to rebuild and help establish a democratic system.
Created by: user-1848546
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