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digital citizenship


What is addictive design Features or aspects of a device or app that are intended to hook the user into frequent use (ex: streaks, daily rewards, autoplay)
What is feedback loop When you get a response to something you do or post online, causing your brain to experience a temporary moment of pleasure
What is a habit Something we do automaticlly without thinking
What is humane design Features or aspects of a device or app that prioririzes what's good for people's lives (ex: turning off notifications/do not disturb, A way to monitor use)
Digital well being experiencing media and technology inways that support one's mental, physical, social , and emotional health.
Values principles or personal rules that are important to us and are informed by or experiences, identities, cultures, and much more
De-escalate to lessen the intensity or anger in a conflict
Digital drama when people use devices, apps or websitesto start or further a conflict between people
thinking traps exaggerated or irratational negative thought patternsthat can lead us to believe things that aren't necssaelly true
negative automatic thoughts negative thoughts that pop up in our minds which may not be true or helpful to us
cyberbullying using digital devices, sites, and apps to intimidate, harm, and upset someone
empathy to imagine the feelings that someone else is feeling
upstander someone who responds to a bullying situation by confronting the bully directly or by telling a trusted adult
ally someone who responds to the situation by supporting the person being bullied
digital citizen someone who uses technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate
digital footprint all of the imformation online about a person, either posted by that person or other, intentionally or unintentionally.
data any type of information that could be collected, categorized, and analyze.
input the data an AI application uses to learn or preformance
output the final result or creation of an AI system, based on what it was asked to do and using its existing inputs
artificial intelligence a computer program or app that can preforn tasks that typically require human intelligence
generative AI a type of ai that can create contentincluding text, images, and audio
risky potentially harmful to one's emotional or physical well being
private information information about you that can be used to identify you because its unique to you
red flag feeling when something happens that makes you feel uncomfortable, worried, sad, or anxious
all or nothing thinking when you make big generalizations (keywords all, always, none never, everybody, nobody, ect.
labeling when you use negative labels for yourself( keywords I'm a... followed by a negative word
mind reading when you assume you knowwhat someone else is thinking or feeling
shoulds when you think about what you "should" (or shouldn't) do or be like
negative filter when you focus only on the negatives
personalizing when you put the blame on yourself or assume something is about you
fourtine telling when you assume youknow what's going to happen, and it's going to be bad!
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ok teeney
Created by: user-1892293
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