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digital citizenship
Question | Answer |
What is addictive design | Features or aspects of a device or app that are intended to hook the user into frequent use (ex: streaks, daily rewards, autoplay) |
What is feedback loop | When you get a response to something you do or post online, causing your brain to experience a temporary moment of pleasure |
What is a habit | Something we do automaticlly without thinking |
What is humane design | Features or aspects of a device or app that prioririzes what's good for people's lives (ex: turning off notifications/do not disturb, A way to monitor use) |
Digital well being | experiencing media and technology inways that support one's mental, physical, social , and emotional health. |
Values | principles or personal rules that are important to us and are informed by or experiences, identities, cultures, and much more |
De-escalate | to lessen the intensity or anger in a conflict |
Digital drama | when people use devices, apps or websitesto start or further a conflict between people |
thinking traps | exaggerated or irratational negative thought patternsthat can lead us to believe things that aren't necssaelly true |
negative automatic thoughts | negative thoughts that pop up in our minds which may not be true or helpful to us |
cyberbullying | using digital devices, sites, and apps to intimidate, harm, and upset someone |
empathy | to imagine the feelings that someone else is feeling |
upstander | someone who responds to a bullying situation by confronting the bully directly or by telling a trusted adult |
ally | someone who responds to the situation by supporting the person being bullied |
digital citizen | someone who uses technology responsibly to learn, create, and participate |
digital footprint | all of the imformation online about a person, either posted by that person or other, intentionally or unintentionally. |
data | any type of information that could be collected, categorized, and analyze. |
input | the data an AI application uses to learn or preformance |
output | the final result or creation of an AI system, based on what it was asked to do and using its existing inputs |
artificial intelligence | a computer program or app that can preforn tasks that typically require human intelligence |
generative AI | a type of ai that can create contentincluding text, images, and audio |
risky | potentially harmful to one's emotional or physical well being |
private information | information about you that can be used to identify you because its unique to you |
red flag feeling | when something happens that makes you feel uncomfortable, worried, sad, or anxious |
all or nothing thinking | when you make big generalizations (keywords all, always, none never, everybody, nobody, ect. |
labeling | when you use negative labels for yourself( keywords I'm a... followed by a negative word |
mind reading | when you assume you knowwhat someone else is thinking or feeling |
shoulds | when you think about what you "should" (or shouldn't) do or be like |
negative filter | when you focus only on the negatives |
personalizing | when you put the blame on yourself or assume something is about you |
fourtine telling | when you assume youknow what's going to happen, and it's going to be bad! |
heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy | ok teeney |