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Allowed Chinese rulers to remain in power only as long as they were just and effective Mandate of heaven
Government headed by religious leaders or a leader regarded as god Theocracy
A term that describes the rise and fall of dynasties Dynastic cycle
Large landmass that juts out from a continent subcontinent
Used by shang kings to talk with their ancestors and predict the future Oracle bones
One of two great large cities of the Indus valley civilization Harappa
Triangular area marshland formed by deposits of silt at the mouth of some rivers Delta
United lower and upper Egypt King Menses
Ruler who signed the first known peace treaty Ramses II
A political unit consisting of a city and it's surrounding land city-state
What was found in 1801 that allowed us to decipher hieroglyphics Rosetta Stone
What evidence suggests that the Indus Valley cities had well-organized government well planned cities
Which of the following is a true statement about the Indus valley civilization It disappeared without a trace and was only rediscovered in 1922
Large landmass that juts out from a continent subcontinent
What evidence suggests that the Indus Valley cities had well-organized government well planned cities
Which of the following is a true statement about the Indus valley civilization It disappeared without a trace and was only rediscovered in 1922
The chinese system of writing was difficult to learn because it used thousands of characters
the mandate of heaven is the idea behind which of the following the dynastic cycle
most egyptians were members of which of the following groups farmers
where did the first cities emerge in river valleys
a system of government in which local lords governed their own lands but owed militia service and other kinds of support to the ruler is called feudalism
Which dynasty developed the feudal system in china Zhou
which of the following was first achieved by the chinese silk making
the egyptians believed in which of the following life after death
how did ancient egyptians view their pharaohs as gods
ancient people are called ------- because they believed in many gods polytheists
china was more isolated from the world than other early civilizations because it is surrounded by mountains, jungles, deserts, and an ocean
which of the following geographic features had the greatest influence on ancient egypt nile river
during what kingdom was the ancient pyramids of giza built old kingdom
the need to keep records led to the development of which of the following in egypt hieroglyphics
the code of hammurabi was a major achievement for which of the following reasons it was the first major collections of laws
chief minister who supervised the business of government in egypt vizier
sumerian writing system cuneiform
created a code to provide"justice" in babylon hammurabi
a pyramid shaped temple built by the sumerians ziggurant
united the sumerian city states into the first empire sargon I
name meaning the "land between the rivers" mesopotamia
how did the sumerians differ from the egyptians in the way they viewed an afterlife they saw life after death as horrible
Created by: user-1878376
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