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Medieval Europe

Medieval Age From 400-1500, a time of isolation with kings, lords, knights, and peasants
Medieval Old-fashioned and unenlightened
Rise (causes) of Medieval Era Trade slowed, towns emptied, education decreased, barbarian attacks increased
Barbarians Made life in Europe dangerous and caused people to band together for protection
3 Pillars of the Medieval Age Manorialism, Feudalism, and the Latin Christendom
Manorialism Local, self-sufficient, and decentralized ECONOMIC communities. A group of Manors made a kingdom
Lord Gave peasant families a home in their Manor in exchange for crops and hired knights for protection
Knight/Vassal Pledged allegiance to a Lord and his Manor and protected them from barbarians in exchange for land and food from the farms the peasants worked
Peasant Worked on farms and gave a portion of their crop to the Lord of the Manor they lived on in exchange for a home and safety. They had a short lifespan and worked 6 days a week with a meatless diet
Serf A type of peasant that could not leave the land of the Manor without the Lord's permission
Free People Skilled workers: millers, blacksmiths, carpenters, ect.
Priest Provided the spiritual needs of the villagers
Castle A fortified base used to enforce authority and protect the surrounding land, effective defensive fortification until the use of gunpowder
Decline of Manorialism Caused by the Crusades and the revival of trade. Large fairs/marketplaces became common and the development of a money economy as well as rising cities and literacy caused manorialism to fade
Feudalism A SOICIO-POLITICAL system based on the agreements between two unequal members (Ex: Lord and Vassal making deals economically, politically, socially). The system was dependent on every part working
Fief A portion of land used in trade, in exchange for other goods or another type of service
Primus interpares : Weak king. Not an absolute ruler, dependent on Lords and Knights and Serfs for land, food, and military power. Made social contracts with Lords as they had no private army
Charlemagne Ruled over France, Germany, and half of Italy. In 800 Europe was relatively united under him. The Pope crowned him emperor for ending a rebellion. Regarded by Europe as a successor to the Roman emperors. Divided his land between his grandsons in 843
William the Conqueror Duke of Normandy (France) who became king of England. Brought Feudalism to England and tried to introduce Norman customs
Decline of Feudalism Declined due to the Black Plague and the rise of kings.
The Black Death (Bubonic Plague) A plague that rapidly spread through Europe carried by infected fleas riding rats that stowed away on trade ships from Italy in 1347. It spread to the rest of Europe in 1350
Causes of the Black Death The unsanitary conditions and crowded population led to the death of 1 in 3 people. Rats were everywhere and there was lots of garbage and sewage in the streets. That on top of malnutrition and lack of personal hygiene led to millions dead
Three forms of the Black Death Bubonic: infection of the lymph system- 60% fatal. Pneumonic: infection of the respiratory system- about 100% fatal. Septicemic: infection in the blood- 100% fatal.
Effects of the Black Death So many left dead meant lots of open job positions, and many people moved up a class or two. More social mobility and survivors were able to demand higher wages
Rise of kings Kings began to finance and build their own armies, meaning they were no longer dependent on lords and knights.
Latin Christendom The Roman Catholic church gained power as the Medieval Era went on, and it led to churches becoming a source of reliability and and leadership for the people- "Social Glue"
Church Heirarchy Pope: spiritual leader of the church, claimed to have power over non-religious rulers as well. Archbishops/Bishops: many were feudal Lords and they had their own territory. Parish priests were the lowest ranking but very important
Sacraments Sacred rituals of the church (baptism, confirmation, communion) that were carried out by the parish priests. They were necessary to avoid hell and helped the church control the Christians in the Middle Ages
Canon Law Body of laws was called "Canon Law". Excluded those who failed to follow Canon Laws were "excommunicated", they were outcast, excluded, and would go to hell
Authority of the Church The church became wealthy due to Tithes paid by loyal Christians. The Roman Catholic Church crowned rulers and forced the religious and non-religious worlds together
Decline of the Church "Babylonian Captivity" (the papal residence was moved to Avignon, France), the Great Schism (division of the Roman Catholic Church into opposing groups), and corruption led to the decline of the church
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