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SSAT Verbal Section

ab- (e.g., abduct, abhor, abolish, abominable, abdicate, abject, abortive) away from
ad- (e.g., advocate, adhere, adjacent, adorn, adjudicate, adjunct, admonish) to, toward
a-/an- (e.g., amoral, anarchy, anomalous, amiss, abstemious, atypical, amethyst, apocryphal) not, without
ambi- (e.g., ambiguous, ambivalent) both
ante- (e.g., antecedent, annal, antebellum) before
anti- (e.g., antagonistic, antidote, antibiotic) against
ar- (e.g., arbitrary, aristocratic) relating to
au- (e.g., auditory) relating to
co-/con- (e.g., coerce, concur, cooperate, contiguous, contumelious) together, with
de- (e.g., devalue, dehydrate, decommission, deforest) down, away, reverse
dis- (e.g., disapprove, discomfort, disallow, disagree) not, opposite of
en- (e.g., enforce, engender, enrich) to cause to be
ex- (e.g., exclude, exodus) out of, away from
im- (e.g., impartial, impassive) not
in- (e.g., invalidate, invincible, incoherent, indignant, inconsistent, incandescent, indefatigable, incontrovertible) not, into
inter- (e.g., interact, intercede, interject, intermediary, intermission, intermittent, intervene, interminable) between, among
intra- (e.g., intramural) within
mal- (e.g., malice, malignant, malfunction) bad, ill
medi- (e.g., median, mediator) middle
mis- (e.g., misconstrue, misinterpret, misunderstand) wrong, badly
non- (e.g., nonchalant, nonviolent) not
ob- (e.g., oblivious) against, toward
over- (e.g., overzealous) excessively
pre- (e.g., prejudice, prelude, precondition, preemptive, preliminary, preeminent) before
pro- (e.g., proficient, promote) for, in favor of
pur- (e.g., purge) to purify
quar- (e.g., quarter, quarterfinal) four, division
re- (e.g., reiterate, reclaim, revisit, revitalize, revile, requite) again, back
sangu- (e.g., sanguine) blood
sedi- (e.g., sedentary) calm, sitting
sub- (e.g., subordinate, subconscious, subdue, subjugate, substandard, subpoena, subterranean) under, below
sur- (e.g., surmise) over, above
trans- (e.g., transcend, transfer, transform, transport) across
tri- (e.g., triad) three
un- (e.g., unconventional, unfair, unassuming, unorthodox, unhappy, uncooperative, unsympathetic, unctuous, unoriginal) not
-able/-ible (e.g., manageable, edible, amplifiable, laughable, legible, insatiable, amendable, adaptable, malleable) capable of
-al (e.g., celestial, comical, mutual, personal, radical, musical, sanctimonious) relating to
-ance/-ence (e.g., abundance, independence, importance) state or quality of
-ate (e.g., activate, cultivate, articulate, appreciate, illuminate, integrate) to make, to act
-cy (e.g., transparency, democracy, efficiency) state or condition
-ful (e.g., wonderful, graceful, resentful, helpful, joyful) full of
-ic (e.g., auditory, artistic, ironic, poetic, historic, generic, holistic, alchemical, iconic) relating to
-ism (e.g., altruism, activism, Buddhism, realism, optimism) practice or belief
-ist (e.g., artist, activist, pundit, philatelist) one who practices or is concerned with
-ity/-ty (e.g., credibility, activity, ambiguity, audacity, curiosity, clarity, loyalty, authenticity, ferocity, absurdity) quality of, state or condition
-less (e.g., careless, fearless, hopeless, powerless, surly) without
-ment (e.g., excitement, achievement, development, government, arrangement, commitment, enjoyment, improvement) action or process
-ness (e.g., darkness, sadness, bitterness, kindness, happiness) state of being
-ous (e.g., gracious, famous, fabulous, mischievous, joyous, treacherous, glamorous, devious, rancorous, tumultuous, curious) full of, characterized by
-sion/-tion (e.g., intervention, introspection, validation, agitation, exclusion, implementation, celebration, revision, satisfaction, decision, action, organization, lamentation, nationalization, insurrection, admonition) action or process
-y (e.g., grimy, gloomy, ironic, ancestry) characterized by
-er (e.g., pioneer, employer, puppeteer, broker, painter) one who
-ize/-ise (e.g., mobilize, realize) make or become
act (e.g., active, react) to do
aggress (e.g., aggressive) to attack or force
amic (e.g., amicable) friend
anthro (e.g., anthropology) human
aud (e.g., auditory, audacious) hear
auto (e.g., automaton) self
bacchus (e.g., bacchanal) wine
bene (e.g., benefactor, benevolent) good
biblio (e.g., bibliophile) books
cide (e.g., suicide, homicide, pesticide) to kill
cede/ceed (e.g., proceed, concede) go, yield
cred (e.g., credit, credible, incredible) to believe
dict (e.g., dictate, predict) to say or tell
duc/duct (e.g., introduce, produce, conduct) to lead
fer (e.g., transfer, confer) to carry
form (e.g., transform) shape
fract (e.g., fracture) to break
gen (e.g., generate, genesis) birth, kind
gress (e.g., progress, regress, digress) step
lum (e.g., illuminate) light
mort (e.g., mortal, mortician) death
path (e.g., empathy, sympathy) feeling
phil (e.g., philosophy, philanthropy) love
phon (e.g., telephone, phonics) sound
port (e.g., transport, import) to carry
pugn (e.g., pugnacious) to fight
quar (e.g., quarrel) to complain
rap (e.g., rapacious) to seize
rect (e.g., rectify) to rule or set straight
rem (e.g., remiss) to remember
scrip/script (e.g., describe, manuscript, transcript) to write
sens/sent (e.g., sensitive, dissent) to feel
spec (e.g., inspect, spectacle) to see
staunch (e.g., staunch) to stop or hold back
temp (e.g., contemporary, temporary) time
tract (e.g., attract, distract) to pull
vent (e.g., advent, circumvent) to come
ver (e.g., verify) true
voc (e.g., vocal) voice
Created by: vidaiscool
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