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SSAT Verbal Section
Term | Definition |
ab- (e.g., abduct, abhor, abolish, abominable, abdicate, abject, abortive) | away from |
ad- (e.g., advocate, adhere, adjacent, adorn, adjudicate, adjunct, admonish) | to, toward |
a-/an- (e.g., amoral, anarchy, anomalous, amiss, abstemious, atypical, amethyst, apocryphal) | not, without |
ambi- (e.g., ambiguous, ambivalent) | both |
ante- (e.g., antecedent, annal, antebellum) | before |
anti- (e.g., antagonistic, antidote, antibiotic) | against |
ar- (e.g., arbitrary, aristocratic) | relating to |
au- (e.g., auditory) | relating to |
co-/con- (e.g., coerce, concur, cooperate, contiguous, contumelious) | together, with |
de- (e.g., devalue, dehydrate, decommission, deforest) | down, away, reverse |
dis- (e.g., disapprove, discomfort, disallow, disagree) | not, opposite of |
en- (e.g., enforce, engender, enrich) | to cause to be |
ex- (e.g., exclude, exodus) | out of, away from |
im- (e.g., impartial, impassive) | not |
in- (e.g., invalidate, invincible, incoherent, indignant, inconsistent, incandescent, indefatigable, incontrovertible) | not, into |
inter- (e.g., interact, intercede, interject, intermediary, intermission, intermittent, intervene, interminable) | between, among |
intra- (e.g., intramural) | within |
mal- (e.g., malice, malignant, malfunction) | bad, ill |
medi- (e.g., median, mediator) | middle |
mis- (e.g., misconstrue, misinterpret, misunderstand) | wrong, badly |
non- (e.g., nonchalant, nonviolent) | not |
ob- (e.g., oblivious) | against, toward |
over- (e.g., overzealous) | excessively |
pre- (e.g., prejudice, prelude, precondition, preemptive, preliminary, preeminent) | before |
pro- (e.g., proficient, promote) | for, in favor of |
pur- (e.g., purge) | to purify |
quar- (e.g., quarter, quarterfinal) | four, division |
re- (e.g., reiterate, reclaim, revisit, revitalize, revile, requite) | again, back |
sangu- (e.g., sanguine) | blood |
sedi- (e.g., sedentary) | calm, sitting |
sub- (e.g., subordinate, subconscious, subdue, subjugate, substandard, subpoena, subterranean) | under, below |
sur- (e.g., surmise) | over, above |
trans- (e.g., transcend, transfer, transform, transport) | across |
tri- (e.g., triad) | three |
un- (e.g., unconventional, unfair, unassuming, unorthodox, unhappy, uncooperative, unsympathetic, unctuous, unoriginal) | not |
-able/-ible (e.g., manageable, edible, amplifiable, laughable, legible, insatiable, amendable, adaptable, malleable) | capable of |
-al (e.g., celestial, comical, mutual, personal, radical, musical, sanctimonious) | relating to |
-ance/-ence (e.g., abundance, independence, importance) | state or quality of |
-ate (e.g., activate, cultivate, articulate, appreciate, illuminate, integrate) | to make, to act |
-cy (e.g., transparency, democracy, efficiency) | state or condition |
-ful (e.g., wonderful, graceful, resentful, helpful, joyful) | full of |
-ic (e.g., auditory, artistic, ironic, poetic, historic, generic, holistic, alchemical, iconic) | relating to |
-ism (e.g., altruism, activism, Buddhism, realism, optimism) | practice or belief |
-ist (e.g., artist, activist, pundit, philatelist) | one who practices or is concerned with |
-ity/-ty (e.g., credibility, activity, ambiguity, audacity, curiosity, clarity, loyalty, authenticity, ferocity, absurdity) | quality of, state or condition |
-less (e.g., careless, fearless, hopeless, powerless, surly) | without |
-ment (e.g., excitement, achievement, development, government, arrangement, commitment, enjoyment, improvement) | action or process |
-ness (e.g., darkness, sadness, bitterness, kindness, happiness) | state of being |
-ous (e.g., gracious, famous, fabulous, mischievous, joyous, treacherous, glamorous, devious, rancorous, tumultuous, curious) | full of, characterized by |
-sion/-tion (e.g., intervention, introspection, validation, agitation, exclusion, implementation, celebration, revision, satisfaction, decision, action, organization, lamentation, nationalization, insurrection, admonition) | action or process |
-y (e.g., grimy, gloomy, ironic, ancestry) | characterized by |
-er (e.g., pioneer, employer, puppeteer, broker, painter) | one who |
-ize/-ise (e.g., mobilize, realize) | make or become |
act (e.g., active, react) | to do |
aggress (e.g., aggressive) | to attack or force |
amic (e.g., amicable) | friend |
anthro (e.g., anthropology) | human |
aud (e.g., auditory, audacious) | hear |
auto (e.g., automaton) | self |
bacchus (e.g., bacchanal) | wine |
bene (e.g., benefactor, benevolent) | good |
biblio (e.g., bibliophile) | books |
cide (e.g., suicide, homicide, pesticide) | to kill |
cede/ceed (e.g., proceed, concede) | go, yield |
cred (e.g., credit, credible, incredible) | to believe |
dict (e.g., dictate, predict) | to say or tell |
duc/duct (e.g., introduce, produce, conduct) | to lead |
fer (e.g., transfer, confer) | to carry |
form (e.g., transform) | shape |
fract (e.g., fracture) | to break |
gen (e.g., generate, genesis) | birth, kind |
gress (e.g., progress, regress, digress) | step |
lum (e.g., illuminate) | light |
mort (e.g., mortal, mortician) | death |
path (e.g., empathy, sympathy) | feeling |
phil (e.g., philosophy, philanthropy) | love |
phon (e.g., telephone, phonics) | sound |
port (e.g., transport, import) | to carry |
pugn (e.g., pugnacious) | to fight |
quar (e.g., quarrel) | to complain |
rap (e.g., rapacious) | to seize |
rect (e.g., rectify) | to rule or set straight |
rem (e.g., remiss) | to remember |
scrip/script (e.g., describe, manuscript, transcript) | to write |
sens/sent (e.g., sensitive, dissent) | to feel |
spec (e.g., inspect, spectacle) | to see |
staunch (e.g., staunch) | to stop or hold back |
temp (e.g., contemporary, temporary) | time |
tract (e.g., attract, distract) | to pull |
vent (e.g., advent, circumvent) | to come |
ver (e.g., verify) | true |
voc (e.g., vocal) | voice |