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History exam

exam 3 not major

an economic system in which nations seek to increase their power by obtaining large amounts of of gold and silver and by establishing a favorable balance of trade Mercantilism
the legislative body of England Parliament
a series of laws enacted by parliament, beginning in 1651 to tighten Navigation Acts
a veteran military officer from an aristocratic English family Sir Edmund Andros
one grown primarily for sale rather than the farmers own use cash crop
people who were considered property of others slave
3 way trading process, rum and other goods from new England to Africa slaves from Africa to the west indies; sugar and molasses from W.I. to new England triangular trade
the voyage from Africa to the west indies middle passage
Intellectual movement that started in Europe enlightenment
Philadelphia inventor, writer, and political leader Benjamin Franklin
Forceful preacher in the Great Awakening Jonathan Edwards
Religious revival movement in the colonies Great awakening
13. What was more diverse in the North than the South? economies
Which City Became the largest port in the British Empire? Philadelphia
With cities becoming overcrowded and clean water difficult to get what spread rapidly? diseases
Under the Navigation Acts no country could trade with colonies unless what the goods were shipped in English ships
Could the colonies export every product to any country? no
What does habeas Corpus mean citizens can not be held unless proof of crime
Two of England’s most important documents that influenced American governments? Magna Carta and English Charter
Fertile soil in the South allowed for families to grow what? cash crop
In the south towns grew instead of plantations. false
What made it possible for farmers to send their crops directly to sea instead of using port cities? rivers
Who controlled much of the South’s economy? planters
Name three types of industry in the North. fishing, lumbering, and ship building
Many immigrants from Europe settled where? New England
Created by: Rachel-reams
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