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Religion exam 1

religion exam

Religion is a system of... symbols, myths, rituals, ethics and doctrines for the expression of ultimate relevence
Empirical Method method based on objective and precise observation
Science vs Religion Knowledge from: science: observation religion: revelation
Science vs Religion Focus on: science: object(ive) religion: subject(ive)
Science vs Religion Form of meaning: science: cognition religion: relevence
Science vs Religion Truth: science: validity religion: value
Utilitarian practical and instrumental value. such as brushing teeth
symbol used to represent something. typically in religion
Myth story about the past told to express values. doesnt have to be historically accurate
Ritual formalized actions that dramatize religious symbols -repeated to continue contact with ultimate or social reasons
Magic An attempt to manipulate spirits and spiritual forces
Science vs. Religion Form of meaning science: cognition religion: relevence
Henotheism one diety most worthy of worship (other dietys are acknowleged)
monolatry worship one diety
humanism humans are basically good and can work out their own salvation
pantheism everything is god
deism impersonal diety not active
theism personal diety active
secular us government
theocracy religiousleaders run government
fundamentalists ppl strict about their religon
hermeneutics interpretation of documents (hermits, lol)
Science vs. Religion Past science: history religion: myth
Smart's 7 dimension fasf
Shaman exorcism, healing, finding game, making rain, guiding souls found in tribal cultures
Priest performs regular rituals, sacrifices found in christian religions, ancient civilizations, hebrews
prophet speaks will of God
Pascals wager God exists vs does not exist wager
Theologians ... attempt to use rational elaboration to explain religion
cosmological argument everything is caused by something else
teleological argument design argument (watchmaker theory)
theodicy the problem of evil
omnipotent all powerful (potent/strong)
omniscient all knowing (all -science)
Omnibenevolent all-good (beneficient)
prehistoric before writing
tribal social organization of hunters and gatherers
sacred holy things
profane not sacred, average
exorcism cast out evil spirits
sacrifice to give to the spirits
high god god in the sky creator who is now inactive
divination predicting the future
megaliths stone ritual centers
tricksters clever figures in myths
Aborgines aborgine=native Australia leader: shaman High god, animism, Dreamtime, totemism puberty rituals
Inuits (Eskimos) very odd feared menstrual blood shared women violent myths occupied with survival didnt eat land and water animals in same day very strange -lived in Arctic -had shaman, afterlife, underworld, animism, creation
Native americans one holy force tied in with nature -believed in animal realm and human realm -dont mistreat world in spring, like mistreating pregnant mother -shaman high god, respected animals and nature, tricksters creation, peyote , relevations, Ghost dance, visi
Celts celtic priest-druid western europe megaliths, similiar to rome sacrafice
Teutons north europe (germany) Vikings pantheon, apocalypic, hell, tricksters
africans witch doctor, myths about God being very personal and then leaving, ghosts, puberty rituals such as clitorectony :(
Ainu North japan, Hokkaido shaman, bear sacrifice, animism
polynesians polynesia, Pacific
Created by: 551568292
Popular History sets




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