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Palmer Micro 3

Gm+/- cocci, Gm- rods.

Gm+, alpha-hemolytic, lancet-shaped, quellung positive Strep pneumoniae
Stys Staph aureus
Pyoarthritis from disseminated infections Staph aureus
UTI in elderly Staph epidermidis
UTI in adolescent girls Staph saprophyticus
Neonatal sepsis Group B Strep agalactiae
PID Neisseria gonorrhea
macular rash and petechial hemorrhages fulminant meningococcemia - Neisseria meningitidis
Organisms present in blood, nasopharyngeal swab, very few in CSF Neisseria meningitidis
Carrion’s disease Bartonella Bacilliformis
oroya fever Bartonella Bacilliformis
sand flies Bartonella Bacilliformis
Cat scratch fever Bartonella henselae
Trench fever Bortonella quiltana
Passive immunity by mother/Natural immunity by 8 years old Haemophilus influenzae
Soft, painful chancres in genital region Haemophilus ducreyi
Soft, painless chancres in genital region Treponema pallidum (syphilis)
Soft chancres in genital region Haemophilus ducreyi OR Treponema pallidum (syphilis)
Cause meningitis (NOT late onset neonatal sepsis) haemophilis infulenzae, neisseria menigitidis, strep pneumoniae, moraxilla
Late onset neonatal sepsis meninigitis strep B (agalactiae)
Causes pneumonia Strep pneumoniae, haemophilis influenzae, staph aureus, peptostreptococci
Quellung positive haemophilis influenzae, strep pneumoniae, neisseria menigitidis
Condition from the release of endotoxin by bacteria killed by an antibiotic Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction
Treatment for Bordetella pertussis Erythromycin to kill B.pertussis, then continued antibiotics to prevent pneumonia
catalase +, facultative anaerobes, hyaluronidase, pyrogenic STAPH
teichoic acid STAPH
protein A Antiphagocytic - STAPH
mucus membrane pathogens Neisseria, Haemophilus, Moraxella
Most common staph Staph aureus
Golden yellow pigment on solid media, white to orange colonies Staph aureus
Mannitol + Staph aureus
Coagulase + Staph aureus
Ribitol teichoic acid Staph aureus
Gm+, produces enterotoxin Staph aureus
Abscess formation Staph aureus
Encrusted pustules on superficial layers of skin Impetigo - Staph aureus/Strep A (pyogenes)
pyoarthritis Disseminated infection of staph aureus or PID in Neisseria gonorrhea
acute bacterial endocarditis staph aureus
subacute bacterial endocarditis staph epidermidis
most common endocarditis strep viridans
all bacterial endocarditis causes Staph aureus, staph epidermidis, strep viridans, strep A (pyogenes), strep D (fecalis), moraxella (branhamella catarrhalis)
sandpaper texture, streaking of skin on joint lines, can start to peel Scalded skin syndrome - staph aureus
High fever, vomiting, diarrhea, peripheral circulatory collapse, tampons TSS - staph aureus
Acute vomiting, mild cramps, no fever, 2-6 hours after ingestion Food poisoning - staph aureus
White colonies Staph epidermidis
Glycerol teichoic acid Staph epidermidis
Glycerol and or rubitol teichoic acid Staph saprophyticus
Gm+ chained cocci, non-motile, catalase –, facultative anerobes STREP
Hyaluronic acid capsule STREP
Protein F fibronectin binding - STREP
Lactic acid fermentors STREP
Group A Strep pyogenes
M, T, and R antigens Strep A (pyogenes)
beta-hemolytic, bactracin sensitive Strep A (pyogenes)
M-protein Antiphagocytosis - Strep A (pyogenes)
Strep A hemolysins Streptolysin S (O2 STABLE) and O (O2 SENSITIVE)
Most common pharyngitis Strep A (pyogenes)
Scarlet Fever Strep A (pyogenes)
pyoderma (impetigo) Staph aureus, Strep A (pyogenes)
cellulitis Strep A (pyogenes)
Rheumatic fever Strep A (pyogenes)
Acute glomerulonephritis Strep A (pyogenes)
Strep group B Strep agalactiae
Beta-hemolytic, bactracin resistant, normal oral/vaginal flora Strep B (agalactiae)
Sialic acid capsule Strep B (agalactiae)
5 serotypes Strep B (agalactiae)
serotype of late-onset neonatal sepsis 3
alpha-hemolytic, bactracin resistant strep D non-enterococci
beta-hemolytic, bactracin resistant, inhibited (not killed) by penicillin strep D enterococci (fecalis)
Strep D enterococci Strep fecalis
NON Strep Group D Enterococci E. faecalis, E. faecium
PYR + NON Strep Group D Enterococci (E. faecalis, E. faecium)
Strep D diseases endocarditis, UTI, septicemia
Strep D treatment Need an antibiotic sensitivity test
Anaerobic, Gm+ cocci Peptostreptococci
Normal in GI, Gu, and especially in periodontal Peptostreptococci
Possible diseases of Peptostreptococci abscess, pneumonia, Gu tract infections
alpha-hemolytic, found in the oral cavity and heart strep viridans
strep viridans diseases dental caries, endocarditis
strep viridans treatment penicillin
alpha hemolytic, sensitive to bile and quinine strep pneumoniae
strep pneumoniae diseases pneumonia (usually secondary infection), meningitis, otitis media/septicemia in infants > 2 months old
strep pneumoniae treatment usually penicillin, or other antibiotic
strep pneumoniae vaccine capsular polysaccharide, only in adults
Virulent neisseria Types 1 and 2, which have capsules - gonorrhea and meningitidis
neisseria motility twitching pili. NO FLAGELLA
Glucose fermentor only Neisseria gonorrhea
STD, diplococci, pyogen Neisseria gonorrhea
IgAse Neisseria gonorrhea, Haemophilus influenzae
Urethritis Moraxella, Neisseria gonorrhea
Diseases of Neisseria gonorrhea urithritis, rectal infection, pharyngitis, ophtalmia neonatorum
Culture on thayer-martin chocolate plate in candle (CO2) jar Neisseria gonorrhea
Neisseria gonorrhea treatment penicillin G
penicillinase+ Neisseria gonorrhea treatment spectinomycin
Glucose and maltose fermentation only Neisseria meningitidis
quellung+, natural reservoir in nasopharynx Neisseria meningitidis
fever, vomiting, headache, stiff neck meningitis, early stages
Waterhouse-friderichsen syndrome Neisseria meningitidis
Neisseria meningitidis treatment High dose of IV penicillin
Neisseria meningitidis vaccine Capsular polysaccharide - infants or military settings
Branhamella catarrhalis Moraxella
- Gm -, diplococcobacilli, normal flora Moraxella (Branhamella catarrhalis)
Severe moraxella diseases endocarditis or meningitis (both rare)
moraxella diseases in immunocomprimised patients otitis media, maxillary sinusitis, pulmonary disease, urethritis (indistingushable from gonorrhea)
Non-motile coccobacilli w/capsule, obligate aerobe, oxidase -, natural flora Acinetobacter
Gm-, coccobacillus, no capsule, flagella, hemangioma Bartonella Bacilliformis
Pyogenic, facultative anaerobe, blood components requred HAEMOPHILUS
chocolate agar required due to non-hemolytic property Haemophilus infulenzae
Cells are pleomorphic (vary between small coccobacilli to long, slender filaments) Haemophilus influenzae
Acute bacterial meningits in 3 to 6 year-olds Haemophilus influenzae
Large number of organisms in CSF Haemophilus influenzae
Start with upper resperatory tract infection, but may lead to meningitis or epiglottitis Haemophilus influenzae
Antiphagocytic and immunosuppressive capsule with 6 serotypes Haemophilus influenzae
Haemophilus influenzae serotype that's common in children B
Haemophilus influenzae treatment ampicillin or chloramphenicol
Haemophilus influenzae vaccine Capsular polysaccharide conjugated to diphtheria toxoid. Used for infants
Bacterial conjunctivitis Haemophilus aegyptius
Haemophilus aegyptius treatment tetracycline ointment
Haemophilus ducreyi treatment sulfonamides and streptomycin
small Gm- coccobacilli with hemagglutimin pili attach to upper resperatory tract - Bordetella
Most severe Bordetella to least Pertussis, parapertussis, bronchiseptica
Unidentified toxin Neurotoxin - Bordetella
Obligate human parasite Bordetella pertussis
Whooping cough Bordetella pertussis
Mild flu-like symptoms, mild, persistent cough, MOST CONTAGIOUS Caterrhal Stage - Bordetella pertussis
Violent coughing, characteristic whoop, cyanosis, vomiting, convulsions, exhaustion Paraoxysmal Stage - Bordetella pertussis
amelioration of symptoms, cough persists for several months Convalescent stage - Bordetella pertussis
Grown on Bordet-Gengon and Regan-Lowe agar Bordetella pertussis
Bordetella vaccine Inactivated whole organism. Produces antibodies and cell-mediated immunity. Administered at 2 months old. Boosters at 4, 6, and 18 months, and then again when entering school.
Created by: FierceEyes
Popular Chiropractic sets




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