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NCFE Health and Fitness - MGS

Tidal volume The amount of air which enters the lungs during inhalation at rest
Vital Capacity The maximum amount of air you can exhale after taking the deepest possible inhalation
Residual volume The amount of air left after maximum exhalation
Inspiratory reserve volume The additional air that can be forcibly inhaled after inhalation of a normal tidal volume
Expiratory reserve volume The additional air that can be forcibly exhaled after expiration of a normal tidal volume
Cardiac Output The amount of blood leaving the heart per MINUTE
Stroke Volume The amount of blood leaving the heart per BEAT
Cardiac output (CO) = Stroke Volume (SV) x Heart rate (HR)
Systolic pressure The higher blood pressure measurement that occurs when the heart beats, pushing blood through the arteries
Diastolic pressure the lower blood pressure measurements that occurs when the heart rests between beats
Aerobic training zone 60-80% of MHR
Anaerobic training zone 80-100% of MHR
Articulating cartilage A smooth lubricated surface to absorb shock and aid movement
Ligaments Stabilise joints and prevent dislocation
Tendons Connect muscle to the bones to enable movement
Synovial membrane lines the joint cavities and makes synovial fluid
Synovial fluid lubricates the joint to reduce friction between the articular cartilages
Joint Capsule surrounds and seals the synovial joint to provide stability
Pivot Has a ring of bone that fits over a pivoting bone
Condyloid Here bones slide over the top of each other. They allow small movements in all directions
Saddle The thumb forms this joint joint where one of the bones forming the joint is shaped like a ______ with the other bone resting on it, like a rider on a horse. The joint allows the thumb to move towards the fingers
Vasoconstriction is the narrowing (constriction) of blood vessels by small muscles in their walls
Vasodilation is the medical term for when blood vessels in your body widen, allowing more blood to flow through them and lowering your blood pressure
Vascular Shunt During exercise, the cardiovascular system redistributes the blood so that more of it goes to the working muscles and less of it goes to other body organs such as the digestive system
90/60mmHg Low blood pressure
120/70mmHg Average blood pressure
140/90mmHg High blood pressure
Muscle Fibres - Type 1 Training at low intensity but performing higher repetitions improves performance of muscle fibre type
Muscles Fibres - Type 2 Training at high intensity but performing lower repetitions improves performance of muscle fibre type
deoxygenated blood (The cardiac cycle) from the body → vena cava → right atrium → tricuspid valve → right ventricle → pulmonary valve → pulmonary artery → to the lungs → pick up oxygen to become oxygenated
oxygenated blood (The cardiac cycle) from the lungs → pulmonary vein → left atrium → bicuspid valve → left ventricle → aortic valve → aorta → to the body → drop off oxygen and nutrients, pick up waste products and become deoxygenated
Endomorph (higher body fat percentage than muscle, heavier, rounder
Ectomorph (little body fat, light muscle)
Mesomorph (more muscle than fat)
An ability to meet the demands of an environment Fitness
Principles of overload FITT
Principles of training SPORT
Goal setting SMART
Bones in the axial 80
Bones in the appendicular 126
Three types of muscles Smooth, Cardiac and Skeletal
Five types of bones Short, long, flat, irregular and sesamoid.
Validity The degree to which a test measures what it is supposed to measure
Relaibility How consistent the method of measurement is
How to train muscular strength High weight–low rep
How to train muscular endurance Low weight - high rep
Active lifestyle An active lifestyle means you do physical activity throughout the day. Any activity that gets you up and moving is part of an active lifestyle
Sedentary lifestyle A sedentary lifestyle means you sit or do not move much during the day
Articulating cartilage Protective covering on the ends of bones
Created by: MissGriffithsPE
Popular Sports sets



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