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Patho chap 43 & 44

eyes and ears

3 layers of the eye scelera, choroid, retina
what are some basic functions of the eye see colors, focus images & carry impulses to the optic disc light rays pass through the cornea, anterior chamber
what diagnostic tests are used for the eyes ishihara color chart, snellen chart
myopia near sightedness
hyperopia farsightedness
presbyopia aging
astigmatism an irregularity in the curve of the cornea
amblyopia lazy eye
strabismus crossed eye
normal vision 20/ 20
blindness is considered vision that can't be corrected to better than 20/200
blepharitis an infection of the eyelid
symptoms of blepharitis characterized by dry, gritty sensation in t he eye and photophobia
photophobia sensitivity to light
stye or a hordeolum a bacterial infection at the root of the eyelid
most common cause of stye staph a
chalazion the blockage of the meibomian gland near the margin of the eyelid
keratitis inflammation of the cornea
most common causative agent in keratitis HSV
what condition does keratitis lead to keratoconjuctivitis
which infection is caused by contact lenses contaminated with ameba acanthamoeba keratitis
keratoconjuctivitis sicca associated with autoimmune disorders
key system of keratoconjuctivitis sicca reduced tear production
dacryocysitis inflammation of the lacrimal sac
symptoms of dacryocystitis eye is red, watery with purulent exudate
scleritis inflammation of the sclera
what is scleritis associated with autoimmune
where does the pain radiate to in scleritits? eyebrow or temple
who is most likely to have scleritis rheumatoid arthritis & systemic lupus erythematous
what is the most common type of eye injury? corneal abrasion
how is corneal abrasion diagnosed slit lamp, fluorescein dye, woods light
how's at the greatest risk for corneal abrasion people with contact lens
what are the symptoms of corneal abrasion gritty eye, photophobia
bacterial conjunctivitis mucopurulent exudate
viral conjunctivitis watery discharge
allergic conjunctivitis inflamed and cobblestone appearance
glaucoma swelling of the optic nerve caused by increased pressure
risk factors glaucoma > 40 years, ethnicity, history of miagrane, cardiovascular disease
causes of glaucoma increased pressure on optic nerve
2 types of glaucoma POAG - progressive PACG - rapid
symptoms of glaucoma halos around lights, vision loss, eye redness
diagnosis of glaucoma increase optic cup to optic disc ration on fundoscopic exam
risk factors DM retinopathy diabetes, high blood pressure, pregnancy
causes of DM retinopathy increase glucose levels & damage of retina
2 forms of DM retinopathy non-proliferative and proliferative
symptoms of DM retinopathy initially - asymptomatic progression - blurred vision, poor night vision
diagnosis of DM retinopathy slit lamp examination & fundoscopic exam
risk factors of cataracts aging, getting too much sunlight, previous eye surgery
causes of cataracts smoking, diabetes, exposure to UV light, age
patho of cataracts excessive growth of epitheal layers of the lens
symptoms of cataracts gradual vision loss, halos at night, cloudiness in lens of eyes
risk factors of age related macular degeneration hypertension, smoking, genetics
causes of age related macular degeneration combination of genetic, environmental, and behavioral factors
2 types of age related macular degeneration dry (non exudative) - 90% of those with disease wet (exudative) - more severe
symptoms of age related macular degeneration yellow white accumulations in macular region
diagnosis of cataracts tonometry, visual activity, dilated eye exam
diagnosis of age related macular degeneration ansler grid to measure central vision
what are the two functions of the ear? balance and hearing
urticle, saccule, semicircular cannals help with? balance
cochlea helps with? hearing
decibel the unit to describe the loudness of sound
when someone whispers, it is how many dB 0-20 dB
normal conversation is at what dB 60 dB
sounds greater than how many dB can cause hearing loss? 85 dB
mild hearing loss difficulty following conversations
moderate hearing loss hearing aid to hear normal conversation
severe hearing loss can hear speaking, but cannot make out words -> hearing aid needed
profound hearing loss hearing aids, lip reading, sign language
conductive loss the disorder of sound transmission from the outer or middle ear to the receptors of the middle
causes of conductive loss impacted cercum, ottis media
sensorineural loss a disorder of inner ear, auditory nerve or auditory pathway in the brain
causes of sensorineural loss noise trauma, infections, genetic disorders
mixed hearing deficiency loss is a combination of both conduction and sensorineural hearing loss
presbycusis hearing loss in older adults due to gradual loss of hairs in cochlea
tinnitus the perception of abnormal sounds in the head or ear and can be a ringing
causes of tinnitus CN VIII disorders, prolonged noise exposure, infection, meds
vertigo a sense of the room spinning and is different from dizziness
diagnostic tests for ear disorders audiometry, tympanogram, genetic test, MRI & CT
most common causes of reversible hearing loss ear wax
otitis externa known as swimmer's ear
symptoms of otitis externa external ear may be painful, redness, tenderness & draining
otitis media ear infection of the middle of the ear
greatest risk of getting ottis media and why children because they have shorter, wider, and more horizontal eustachian tubes
symptoms of ottis media fever, earache, children will ear tug, poor eating and irritability
where is the tympanic membrane in the middle of the ear
what can cause the tympanic membrane to rupture complication of middle ear infection or trauma
what are the symptoms if the tympanic membrane is ruptured or infected buzzing sound in the ear, earache & hearing loss
otosclerosis is from a callus on the stapes which leads to a decrease in vibrations from limited ossicle movement
what type of hearing loss occurs during otosclerosis progressive; usually in one ear
describe meniere's disease change in fluid volume in bony and membranous labyrinth
what are the symptoms of meniere's disease progressive hearing loss and tinnitus
who does meniere's disease affect? those 40- 50 years
Created by: sammy.e7
Popular Pathology sets




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