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Patho Chap 3


genome the gene code you inherit
epigenetics alteration in gene expression due to environmental stressors, behaviors, or life style
pharmacogenomics how your body reacts to a medication
gene fundamental unit of DNA
genotype genetic code
exons portion of genome that encodes proteins
introns portion of genome that does not encode for proteins
codon set of 3 nucleotides that signal a specific amino acid
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
genetic mutations damage or chance to a gene that alters genetic code, may be inherited or sporadic
germ cell gametes affected and may be passed down to offspring
somatic cell body cells and cannot be passed to offspring
gene locus gene nomenclature
gene parts chromosome number, arm, region
karyotype picture of chromosome pairs
autosomes first 22 pairs of chromosomes
transcription from DNA to mRNA, RNA polymerase uses DNA as a template to form mRNA strand
translation mRNA to proteins, happens in the ribosome
allele a gene inherited from one parent
phenotype physical expression of a gene
homozygous same
heterozygous different
dominant trait only needs 1 allele to be dominant
recessive trait needs 1 allele form each parent for the person to exhibit the trait
genetic penetrance the ration of people with phenotype compared to genotype
genetic expressivity related to the severity of a genetic disorder
complex (multifactorial) inheritance a disorder or illness that occurs form a combination of 1 or more genes plus environment triggers
proto oncogene a normal cell that helps to control proliferation
what occurs if a proto- oncogene mutates? an oncogene occurs
oncogene enables uncontrolled cell proliferation or cancer
oncoprotein coded by the oncogene to cause the transformation of a cell into a cancer cell
tumor suppressor gene functions by inhibiting uncontrolled cell proliferation which suppress tumor growth
aneuploidy different number of chromosomes than 46
translocation one piece of a chromosome breaking off and joining another
deletion piece of chromosome is broken off and lost
Created by: sammy.e7
Popular Pathology sets




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