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chapter 4

The nucleus is wrapped in ? Nuclear envelope/ membrane (double phospholipid bilayer
Can RNA exit the nucleus via nuclear pores? Yes
Can DNA exit the nucleus via nuclear pores? NO
Nucleolus located within the nucleus ( but is not seperated by a membrane). Makes rRNA and assembles subunits of the ribosome
Cisternal space= ER lumen
2 sides of a eukaryotic cell Cytosol side and ER lumen side
Inorder to reach the cytosol--> membrane must be crossed via paasive or facilliated diffusion, or active transport
Inorder to reach the ER lumen--> Uses endocytosis (doesnt even have to cross membrane)
Ribosomes attached to rough ER are on which side? cytosol side
Rough ER synthesizes all proteins that are not used in the cytosol
Proteins made on the Rough ER and pushed into? ER lumen to be sent to Golgi complex
Lysosomes come from Golgi
Smooth ER site of lipid synthesis ( including steroids) & help detoxify some drugs
Cytoskeleton is used to anchor membrane protein/compartments; move components within cell; move the cell itself
What are the 2 types of filaments within the cytoskeleton:: 1. Microfilaments 2. Micro tubules
Microtubules:: larger, made of hollow tubes( tubulin protein), spiral shape with 13 filaments
spiral shape of microtubules are due to 2 types of tubulin: alpha and beta
Flagella and Cilia are made from microtubules
spindle aparatus is made from microtubules
In humans Cilia is found ONLY in fallopian tubes and respiratory tract
Microfilaments squeeze membrane together in phagocytosis and cytokinesis; AND are the contractile force in microvilli and muscle
Major portion of flagella and cillia are anoxeme (9+2)
flagella and Cillia are motored (move) by a protein called dynein
What functions in cillia and flagella production, but not necessary for Microtubule production? centrioles
Microfilaments smaller; major component is actin; produce contractile force in muscle; active in cytoplasmic streaming, phagocytosis, & microvilli movement
Cytoplasmic streaming is responsible for amoeba- like movement
Eukaryotic Flagella = 9+2 microtubules ; whiplike motion
Prokaryotic flagella= thin strand of single protein --->Flagellin ; rotating motion
Tight junction connect adjacent cells; act as fluid type seal, blocking out ions, water, and other molecules
alot of tissues have {Epithelial tissue- bladde, intestines, kidney] tight junctions
Desosomes act like spot welds; join 2 cells at a single point; attach directly to cytoskeleton;
Desosomes DO NOT prevent fluid from circulating throughout the cell
Desosomes are found in skin or intestinal epithelium
_________ found in tissue where alot of stress is found Desosomes
______ usually accompanies tight junctions Desosomes
Gap junctions small tunnels connecting cells
_____allows small molecules and ions to move between cells Gap Junctions
_____in cardiac muscle allow for spread of action potential from cell to cell Gap Junctions
____cycle takes place within the mitochondrion Krebs cycle
______have their own circular DNA that replicates seperate from the eukaryotic cell Mitochondrion
Mitochondrial DNA has no histones OR nucleosome
Mitochondria have their own_____ & ______ that is different from the rest of the cell's RNA and ribosomes
Mitochondria are surrounded in structure by 2 phospholipid bilayers
Inner layer of mitochondria invaginates to form cristae
Where is the ETC of mitochondria located? in the inner membrane of the mitochondria
cells that work together for a common purpose tissue
extracellular matrix( stuff that surrounds the cell) in tissue is formed by elastic and collagen ( both secreted from fibroblasts)
Consistency of matrix in blood liquid
Consistenct of matrix in bone solid
Extracellular matrix is formed by the cell itself
Animal cell contains a Carb region analogous to plant cell wall or bacterial cell wall called::: glycocalyx (made from same material as extracellular matrix)
Organs that work together to perform a common function system
Different tissue types work together to form organs
Flagella of bacteria is made from flagellin (NOT MICROTUBULES)
_____ anchors desosomes, making them the strongest junction of the 3 cytoskeleton
Not a membrane bound organelle? Ribosomes
Methods of communication are neurotransmitters, hormones, local mediators
What 3 systems govern communication in the cell nervous system; paracrine system; endocrine system
Neuronal communication tends to be Rapid; direct; specific
hormonal communication tends to be slower, spread throughout the body, affect many cells and tissues
Parracrine system uses local mediatorsin the interstitial fluid
____ can be amino acid derivatives, proteins, or fatty acids local mediators
____ is not dependent in insulin to move glucose from blood into the cytoplasm of a cell via facilliated transport neuron
_____receive signals dendrites
_____generate action potentials axon hillock
_____carries an action potential to the synapse axon
Most neurons of the brain are multipolar
neurons that are in Retina, inner ear, olfactory area of the brain bipolar
neurons that are sensory only unipolar
inside cell = negative ; 3 Na+ pumped out (interstitial fluid) and 2 K+ pumped into cell (cytosol) Resting potential
inside cell= positive ; outside cell= negative; Na+ is higher inside cell Depolarization
Inside Cell= more negative; K+ moves out of cell Repolarization
Inside cell= more negative than resting potential; due to pottasium channels being slow to close Hyperpolarization
Na+/K+ pump used to make the inside of the cell more negative than the outside
Accomodation when threshhold stmulus is reached, but occurs very slowly, action potential may NOT occur
Absolute Refractory period no stimulus will create another action potential once an action potential has begun
Relative refractory period gives the time during which only a VERY large stimulus will create an action potential
The slowest part of the process of the nervous system synapse (impulse going from one cell to another)
electrical synapses are uncommon and are ______ than chemical synapses faster & bidirectional
Chemical synapse= unidirectional
chemical synapse is made up of postsynaptic neuron, presynaptic neuron and a synaptic cleft btwn the 2
_____ is released into the cell when an action potential arrives at the membrane near the synapse Ca2+
neurotransmitters are released via ______into the synaptic cleft exocytic process
neurotransmitter diffuses across the synaptic cleft via Brownian motion
receptors may be 1. 2. 1. ion channels 2. secondary messengers (good for prolonged change)
Second message systems are initiated by G-proteins
Myelinated axons are found in Vertebrates (ONLY)
neural cell bodies are what color gray
myelinated cells are what color white
tiny gaps btwn myelin nodes of ranvier
Saltatory conduction action potential moving from one node of ranvier to the next
Aceytlcholinesterase - degrades acetylcholine
SA= sensory (afferent) neurons- receives signals from environment (most signals are discarded)
Sensory neurons are located in what part of the spine dorsal
Interneurons transfer signals from neuron to neuron ...most neurons in body are interneurons
ME= motor (efferent) neurons- carry signals to a muscle or gland called the effector
motor neurons are located in what part of the spine ventral
CNS brain and spinal cord
PNS everything else
Autonomic system= involuntary and innervate cardiac and smooth muscle and some glands
Somatic system= voluntary and innervates skeletal muscle
Autonomic pathways are controlled by which part of the brain? hypothalamus
Acetylcholine is used by parasympathetic and somatic pathways
Epinephrine and norepinephrine are used by sympathetic nervous system
receptors for acetylcholine are called cholinergic
receptors for epinephrine and norepinephrine are called adrenergic
CNS uses interneurons
receptors for acetylcholine are called cholinergic
receptors for epinephrine and norepinephrine are called adrenergic
Somatic uses what neurons sensory and motor
CNS uses interneurons
Autonomic system is broken down into 1. Sympathetic and 2. Parasympathetic
PNS uses sensory and motor neurons
Sympathetic system = fight or flight ; HR increases
PNS is divided into somatic and autonomic
Parasympathetic system= rest and digest; HR decreases;
Somatic uses what neurons sensory and motor
activates heart and skeletal muscles; dilates pupils for night hunting Sympathetic system
Autonomic uses what neurons sensory and motor
Redirects blood to the intestines and excretory system parasympathetic system
Autonomic system is broken down into 1. Sympathetic and 2. Parasympathetic
Sympathetic system = fight or flight ; HR increases
Parasympathetic system= rest and digest; HR decreases;
activates heart and skeletal muscles; dilates pupils for night hunting Sympathetic system
Redirects blood to the intestines and excretory system parasympathetic system
medulla, hypothalamus, thalamus, and cerebellum LOWER brain; subconscious activities like respiratory system, arterial pressure, salvation, emotions, and reaction to pain
Cerebrum and Cerebral cortex HIGHER brain; stores memories and process though
THe cerebral cortex CAN NOT function without the lower brain T or F TRUE
light first strikes which part of the eye cornea
Retina( back portion of the eye) contains rods and cones
WHat distinguish colors? cones
colored portion of eye iris
____ constricts pupil in bright environment PNS
Sound is detected by cochlea
Detect orientation and movement of the head semicircular canals
sound wave detected by cochlea are transfered to ______ to create neural signals sent to the brain hair cells in organ of corgi
Involuntary breathing controlled by Medulla Oblangata
Knee jerk reflex is controlled by spinal cord
Fine muscular movements cerebellum
vasodialation of arteries to kidneys occurs in Parasympathetic
reflex arcs involve inhibitation and excitation of muscle groups
higher level thought processes are controlled by cerebrum ( cerebral cortex)
Created by: zrsoori
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