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What 2 states were added to the US to maintain balance Maine and Missouri
What line of latitude showed the very bottom of where all states had to be free 36'30
What state had the 36'30 line going through it that was admitted as a free state California
What two territories would not have Slavery restricted Utah and New Mexico
What was abolished in Washington D.C. The slave trade
What was the act that made it harder for slaves to run away Fugitive Slave Act
Who was known as "The Great Compromisor" Henry Clay
True or False: Even people in free states would have to turn in a runaway slave. TRUE
What was created to secretly help slaves escape? The Underground Railroad
What year was Uncle Tom's Cabin published? 1852
Who wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin? Harriot Beecher Stowe
TRUE OR FALSE: The story of Uncle Tom's Cabin was adapted into a children's story FALSE (It was adapted into a play)
What two states were created to build a transcontinental railroad? Kansas and Nebraska
Who introduced the bill of the Kansas-Nebraska act? Senator Stephen Douglas
What was the name for Kansas due to the constant violence that went on there due to fighting between abolitionists and pro-slave owners? "Bleeding Kansas"
Who owned Dred Scott and ended up getting sued by him later? Eliza Sanford
What was the supreme court ruling? 7-2 in favor of Sanford
Why did the supreme court rule in favor of Sanford? 1. All people of color had no legal rights 2. No laws can be made against slavery because slaves are property and you can't take slavery due to the 5th amendment
What were the Lincoln-Douglas Debates? A series of 7 debates between a Republican named Abraham Lincoln and a Democrat named Stephen Douglas.
Why did Lincoln and Douglas debate? To fight to become the next U.S. Senator from Illinois.
What was the result of the debates? Lincoln lost, Douglas won.
TRUE OR FALSE: The North were on Douglas' side and the South were on Lincoln's side. FALSE (other way around)
Who was John Brown? An extreme abolitionist who attacked a federal arsenal with a small force of men.
What arsenal did John Brown and his comrades attack? Harpers Ferry, VA
TRUE OR FALSE: The U.S. Marines quickly put down the rebellion and captured Brown. TRUE
What was Brown convicted of? Treason and Murder
What was Brown sentenced to? He was sentenced to hang to death
What is the word for breaking away? Secedes
Who was/were the Republican candidate in the Election of 1860? Abraham Lincoln.
Who was/were the Democratic candidate in the Election of 1860? John Bell, John Breckenridge, Stephen Douglas.
Who won the Election of 1860? Lincoln.
What were two reasons Lincoln won against the Democrats? 1. The Democratic party nominated 3 different people which divided the entire party rather than representing them as a whole 2. Lincoln won over the North and northern states tend to have more Electoral College Votes than southern states.
TRUE OR FALSE: Lincoln wanted to abolish slavery entirely FALSE (He just wanted to stop it from moving out west.)
What did South Carolina do upon the victory of Lincoln? They seceded.
How many states followed South Carolina? 6 (for now)
Created by: SamG47
Popular U.S. History sets




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