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Social Studies Unit4

agnostic a position stating the existence of God can't be proven
Arabic Semitic language spoken and written in a wide arc of territory. stretching across the Middle East, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa
Vedas a Hindu holy book which is a collection of Aryan hymns that was transmitted orally before written down in the 6th century BCE.
Torah The holy book of Judaism. It describers the creation of the world, the history of ancient Israel, The Ten Commandments, and contains the Psalms and the prophetic books (Old Testament)
Upanishads Hindu holy book from the 8th century BCE that contains revealed truths concerning the nature of ultimate reality while describing the character and form of human salvation
sacred worthy of regarded with, religious worship and/or respect
Talmud the collection of Jewish writings that is the basis of Jewish religious law
religion a person's beliefs concerning the existence and worship of a god or gods, and divine involvement in the universe and human life
Ramadan The ninth month of the Muslim calendar. All Muslims must fast during daylight hours, except the very young or sick.
reincarnation the rebirth of a soul into another body
Quran Islamic holy book verbally revealed from Allah (God in Arabic) to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. Considered a book of guidance of life by Muslims.
Rabbi Jewish scholar charged with conducting religious services, ensuring that Jewish laws are observed, and serving as a spiritual guide for the community.
polytheism the belief in many gods or goddesses
Pope the bishop of Rome; head of the Roman Catholic Church
Nirvana in Buddhism, it means spiritual enlightement
nonpartisan not biased - especially toward any particular political group
messiah According to the Hebrew Bible, an anointed king who will lead the Jews back to the land of Israel and establish justice in the world. According to the Christians, the Messiah was Jesus Christ.
monotheism the belief in one god or goddess
Judaism the oldest known monotheistic religion that teaches that there is only one God
karma Actions in this life result from the consequences of a previous life's actions. Associated with Hinduism and Buddhism.
Islam The youngest of the world's major monotheistic religions, Worshipers of this monotheistic religion are known as Muslims, which means "one who submits to the will of Allah".
jihad effort in God's service waged by Muslims in defense of the Islamic faith
Holy Trinity Formed by the Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer. Christians believe that these three entries are all part of a single higher power.
Imam In Islam, the leader of prayers and a religious leader
HInduism A polytheistic religion that believes salvation is achieved through a spiritual oneness of the soul, atman, with the ultimate reality of the universe, Brahma
Holy Land term given to land found in present day Israel that is significant to Judaism, Christinaity, and Islam
hajj the pilgrimage or holy journey to the city of Mecca
Hebrew Semitic language originating in ancient Palestine and spoken by the Isrealites. Modern Hebrew was developed in the 19th and 20th centuries from the ancient written language
Four Noble Truths Siddhartha Gautama's philosophy of the nature of human suffering and its relation to desire, found in Buddhist beliefs.
Golden Rule a rule of conduct to "do to others as you would have to do them for you" found in many religions
Eightfold Path Code of behavior for followers of Buddhism.
Five Pillars of Islam Code of behavior for followers of Islam.
demographics the statistical data of a population such as average age, income, education
dhrama The act of fulfilling one's duty in life. Associated with Hinduism and Buddhism
Buddhism Developed in India, and is a belief in an endless cycle of reincarnation, or samsara, which is similar to beliefs of Hinduism
Christianity This monotheistic developed from Judaism and believes Jesus died for our sins, was buried, was resurrected, and thereby offers salvation to all who will recieve him in faith
Brahma In Hinduism, the god of creation
Buddha Hindu for "enlightened one". The founder of Buddhism: Siddhartha Gautama
Ahimsa In Hinduism, it is the principle of nonviolence against all living things
atheism a position stating that there is no God or gods
mosque a domed Islamic religious building and place of worship/prayer
sacraments Christian religious practices such as baptism, communion and confirmation
New Testament sacred sculpture of Christians, a collection of Christian works written in the common Greek language of the first century, at different times by various writers
Created by: user-1727941
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