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mortuary science

Autopsy provide clinical diagnosis advance medical knowledge and used for identification and manner of death
Cause of death condition that results in death of an individual
Etiology underlying causes of a disease
General pathology cellular and tissue responses to pathologic stimuli
Lesion pathologically altered tissue
Manner of death natural, accident, suicide, homicide, and undetermined
Mechanisms of death physiological derangement produced by cause of death
Pathogenesis the manner that a disease develops
Pathology the study of suffering
Special Pathology specific features of disease in relation to a particular organ or organ system
Acquired presents after birth
Acute rapid onset short duration
Allergies hypersensitivity to a substance that normally doesn't cause a reaction
Chronic slow onset long duration
Communicable transmitted directly or indirectly from person to person
Complications unfavorable conditions arising during a disease
Congenital existing at birth
Deficiency lack of dietary substance that can lead to a disease
Diagnosis recognition of the nature of a disease
Endemic disease continuously present in a community
Epidemic higher prevalence of a disease in a population
Exacerbate increased severity
Febrile related to fever
Fulminating rapid severe onset usually fatal
Functional no change in anatomy
Hereditary transmitted from parent to child
Iatrogenic illness from medical treatment
Idiopathic no known cause
Infection invasion by disease causing agent
Infestation being host to animal parasites
Intoxication poisoning by drug of toxic substance
Morbidity rate prevalence of a disease in a population at a given time
Mortality rate number of deaths in proportion to population at a given time
Nosocomial acquired in a hospital
Occupational disease disease with high occurrence in a particular workplace
Organic accompanied by specific anatomical changes
Pandemic disease that is epidemic widespread or even a worldwide
Prevalence number of cases cases present in a specific population at a given time
Prognosis prediction of the outcome of an illness
Recurrence reappearance of symptoms
Remission temporary cessation of symptoms
Signs objective measurable disturbances
Sporadic occur randomly or isolated manner
Symptoms unmeasurable disturbances felt by the patient
Syndrome set of signs associated with a disease
Amyloid waxy translucent complex protein resembling starch
Atrophy shrinkage in the size of the cell
Calcification increase of calcium salts and other minerals in cells
Caseous cottage-cheese appearance necrotic tissue
Degeneration deterioration of tissues due to disease
Gangrene necrotic tissue is wet or dry
Gout arthritis execs of uric acid in cell
Hypertrophy enlargement of cells
Necrosis death of tissue
Hyperplasia increase of number of cells
Metaplasia cells regenerate after injury
Congenital anomaly development or an organ or structure that is abnormal in form structure
Malformation any anomaly
Hypoplasia underdevelopment of tissue, organ, or the body
Aplasia complete failure of a tissue or organ to form
Polydactylism having more than normal number of digits
Phocomelia congenital condition where proximal portions are poorly developed absent
Amelia absence of one or more limbs
Spinal bifida failure of spine to close during pregnancy
Vascular nevus birthmark caused but superficial blood vessels AKA strawberry nevus
Down syndrome trisomy 21 genetic mutation
Cystic fibrosis fatal genetic disease
Hernias protrusion of an organ through a wall
Inflammation immunological defense against foreign organisms
inflammation swelling tumor
inflammation heat calor
inflammation redness rubor
inflammation pain dolor
Inflammation altered function functio laesa
Vasodilation increase diameter of vessels
Goals of inflammation isolate eliminate and regenerate
Vasoconstriction decrease in diameter of vessel
Chemotaxis movement of white blood cells to inflamed area
Phagocytosis phagocytes eat and destroy microorganisms
Abscess walled of area of pus
Ulcers open sores or lesions
Vesicle blister congaing fluid
Furuncle AKA boil pustular infection of a sweat or hair follicle
Pustule small elevation of skin forming pus
Pus protein rich fluid
Exudate fluid released by body from tissues
Hemorrhage escape of blood from vascular system
Purulent pus from infections
Carbuncle grouping of several boils
Scar cicatrix no blood vessels hair follicles oil or nerve endings
Edema AKA dropsy
Four primary causes of Edema increased permeability of capillary walls, increased pressure due to venous obstruction or heart failure, inflammatory conditions and fluid and electrolyte disturbances
Anasarca severe generalized edema
Ascites edema of the abdomen
Hydrothorax edema of pleural cavity
Hydropericardium edema of pericardial sac
Hydrocele edema of scrotum
Pitting edema edema maintaining depression
Pulmonary edema edema of the lungs
Hyperemia increased blood flow
Active hyperemia increased blood flow for physiological reasons
Passive hyperemia increased blood due to inadequate drainage
Cyanosis blue color of the skin
Ischemia reduction of blood flow
Hypoxia decrease of oxygen in tissue
Thrombosis formation of a blood clot
Thrombus stationary blood clot
Embolism obstruction of a vessel by debris
Embolus moving blood clot
Infarction death of tissues distal to blockage
Petechiae Antemortem pinpoint size hemorrhages, cause permanent extravascular stain
Ecchymosis bruise
Epistaxis bloody nose
lung purge red frothy
Stomach purge coffee grounds
Brain purge pink or clear fluid
Hemoptysis coughing of blood
Hematemesis vomiting blood
Melena Black feces from blood
Hematuria blood in urine
Exsanguination extreme blood loss
8 postmortem conditions from vascular death diminished circulation , edema, abscess, hemorrhage, emaciation, dehydration, rapid decomp, discoloration
Hematoma swelling due to excess blood
Oncology study of tumors
Neoplasm tumor
Benign not cancerous tumor
Malignant cancerous tumor
Metastasis spread of cancer
Adenoma benign neoplasm epithelial lining of glands or ducts
Papilloma benign neoplasm epithelial lining of glands or ducts
Nevus benign neoplasm of melanocytes
Polyp benign neoplasm of mucous membranes
Hemangioma benign neoplasm of blood vessel endothelium
Osteoma benign neoplasm of bone
Chondroma benign neoplasm of cartilage
Lipoma benign neoplasm of fat
Fibroma benign neoplasm of fibrous connective tissue
Rhabdomyoma benign neoplasm of striated muscle
Glioma malignant neoplasm of brain
Lymphoma malignant neoplasm of lymphatic system
Melanoma malignant neoplasm of melanocytes
Squamous cell carcinoma malignant neoplasm of stratified squamous cells
Adenocarcinoma malignant neoplasm of epithelial lining of glands or ducts
Transitional cell carcinoma malignant neoplasm of urinary tract epithelium
Basal cell carcinoma malignant neoplasm of basal cells of skin
Hemangiosarcoma malignant neoplasm of blood vessel endothelium
Osteosarcoma malignant neoplasm of bone
Chondrosarcoma malignant neoplasm of cartilage
Liposarcoma malignant neoplasm of fat
Fibrosarcoma malignant neoplasm of fibrous connective tissue
Lymphangiosarcoma malignant neoplasm of lymph vessels
Rhabdomyosarcoma malignant neoplasm of striated muscle common in children
Leiomyosarcoma malignant neoplasm of smooth muscle
Glioma malignant neoplasm of the brain
Cyst sac within the body or on the body containing air or fluid
Ovarian cyst fluid filled sac in the ovary
Sebaceous cyst common slow growing painless cyst
Leukocytosis increase in the number of white blood cells
Leukocyte white blood cell
Leukemia cancer of the blood characterized by large amount of abnormal white blood cells
Leukopenia decrease in number of white blood cells in blood
Anemia capacity of blood to transport oxygen is decreased
Primary anemia decrease in production of red blood cells
Secondary anemia destruction of formed red blood cells
Erythrocyte red blood cell
Aplastic anemia bone marrow is unable to produce red blood cells
Hemolytic anemia rupturing of red blood cells (hemolysis)
Pernicious anemia failure of blood to absorb B12 and therefore can not absorb iron
Sickle cell anemia hereditary and chronic characterized by the presence of crescent / or sickle-shaped cells
erythrocytosis abnormally high red blood cell count (polycythemia) radioactive treatment
Hemophilia hereditary bleeding disorder that doesn't allow blood to clot
Thrombocytopenia reduced platelet count
Thrombocytes platelet
Purpura extravascular bleeding in the subcutaneous tissue
Dyspnea shortness of breath
Fibrillation spontaneous contraction of cardiac cells
Arrhythmia loss of normal beating rhythm
Cardiac hypertrophy increase in the size of the heart because of the increase size of muscle fibers
Cardiac dilatation pathological condition heart is enlarged due to over stretching of fibers
Myocardial infarction heart attack
Infarction formation of necrosis due to lack of oxygen
Angina chest pain associated with heart attacks
Endocarditis inflammation of the lining of the heart / heart valves
Pericarditis inflammation of the tissue that surrounds the heart
Myocarditis inflammation of the heart muscle
Carditis inflammation of the heart
Arteritis inflammation of the arteries
Phlebitis inflammation of the veins
Cardiomyopathy chronic disease of the heart effecting pumping
insufficiency, stenosis, and prolapse three ways that valves disrupt blood flow
Valvular stenosis narrowing of valves
Valvular prolapse stretching of the valves
Rheumatic fever characterized by severe arthritis
Hypertension high blood pressure
Atrial septal defect septum fails to close at birth
Arteriosclerosis disease of the arteries resulting in thickening and the loss of elasticity
Hypertension high blood pressure
Atherosclerosis fatty substances build in inner lining of an artery
Aneurysm abnormal enlargement or bulging of blood vessel
Takayasu's arteritis inflammatory disease of the aorta (Asian women)
Phlebitis inflammatory condition of the veins of the legs
Varicose veins enlarged veins close to the surface of the skin
Gingivitis Inflammation of the gums
Pharyngitis Inflammation of the pharynx (soar throat)
Esophagitis Inflammation of the esophagus
Gastritis Inflammation of the stomach
Enteritis Inflammation of the lining of the intestines
Colitis Inflammation of the colon
Appendicitis Inflammation of the vermiform appendix
Hemorrhoids Inflammation of the blood vessels of the rectum
Cholecystitis Inflammation of the gall bladder
Cholelithiasis Gallstones
Cholangitis Inflammation of the bile duct
Pancreatitis Inflammation of the pancreas
Peritonitis Inflammation of the membrane surrounding the abdominal cavity
Ulcerative colitis ulcers of the lining of the rectum and lower part of the rectum
Ulcers open sore or lesson accompanied by sloughing off of necrotic tissue
Stenosis constriction of a cavity or orifice
Crohn's disease inflammatory bowel disease
Enteritis inflammation of the intestine by microorganisms
Colitis inflammation of the large intestine
Hepatitis inflammation of the liver
Jaundice AKA Icterus excess of bilirubin from blood
Cirrhosis degenerative disorder of the liver
Cholelithiasis formation of gallstones
Created by: earm2020
Popular Pathology sets




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