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Patho chap 30

common disorders of the large intestine

2 types of movements in the larger intestine haustral contraction and mass movement
what can severe constipations result in fecal impaction and obstipation
obstipation sensation to defecate with no passage of stool, liquid, or gas from the colon
RLQ pain appendicitis, ovarian cyst, kidney stone, pyelonephritis
LLQ pain diverticulitis, ovarian cyst, kidney stone, pyelonephritis
RUQ pain hepatitis, duodenal ulcer, acute cholecysitis
LUQ pain gastric ulcer, ruptured spleen , aoritc aneurysm, pancreatitis
causes/ risk factors of Crohn's disease toxic mega colon
toxic mega colon extreme dilation of disease colon: can cause complete obstruction or life- threatening perforation
what area of GI tract does Crohn's disease affect mouth to anus
what layer of GI tract does Crohn's disease mucosa, sub- mucosa and transmural layer
common lesions found in Crohn's disease cobblestone, anal fistulas, and skip lesions
Crohn's disease patho chronic inflammation
Crohn's disease symptoms episodes of diarrhea & abdominal pain, hyperactive bowl sounds, malabsorption, dehydration
causes/ risk factors of ulcerative colitis genetic autoimmune
what area of GI tract does ulcerative colitis affect begin in rectum and moves upward
common lesions in ulcerative colitis pseudopolyps
what layer of GI tract does ulcerative colitis affect not transmural
ulcerative colitis patho unclear; autoimmune infection and genetic component
ulcerative colitis symptoms similar presentation of symptoms as Crohn's
ulcerative colitis increase risks for colon cancer
appendicitis inflammation of the pouch like area that protrudes from the cecum
if appendicitis is untreated and it ruptures, it can lead to what peritonitis
peritonitis inflammation of peritoneal membrane
symptoms of peritonitis abdominal pain, abdominal rigidity, rebound tenderness
psoas sign examiner asks the supine pt to actively flex the right thigh at the hip & pain occurs in the abdomen
rovsing's sign examiner palpates the LLQ and the pt feels pain in the RLQ
obturator sign internal & external rotation of the patient's flexed right hip causes pain in RLQ
rebound tenderness having more pain when you move your hand away
what does IBS stand for irritable bowl syndrome
what does IBS entail abdominal pain and bloating, bouts of constipation & diarrhea, no pathological changes interior of bowel
diverticula small out pouching formed
diverticulosis bowl walls have weakened areas
diverticulitis diverticula inflammation
signs & symptoms of diverticular disease bowel habits may be altered, LLQ or RLQ depending on area affected
what is volvus twisting of the large intestine
what does volvus result in obstruction and ischemia
varicose veins are dilated, swollen vessels in the perianal region and can be either internal or external
risk factors of varicose veins constipation/ straining during poop, high pressure within the portal vein of the liver, prolonged sitting, anal intercourse, pregnancy, lack of fiber
Created by: sammy.e7
Popular Pathology sets




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