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NURS 319: Genetics

Chapter 3 Genetics

genome map of all of an individual's genes
epigenetics study of changes caused by modification of gene expression
pharmacogenomics individual's genetics impact likely response to medications
gene trait
genotype genetic makeup of cell/ person/ organism
exons DNA sequences that encode proteins
introns non-coding DNA sequences
codon three base pairs code for an amino acid
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid, human biological makeup
RNA: what is mRNA and tRNA and what is their function? mRNA: messenger, carries codes from DNA from nucleus to ribosome tRNA: transfer, brings amino acids to mRNA
Genetic mutations changes in sequence of DNA
Who receives germ cell mutations? offspring
In somatic cells, are mutations passed to offspring? no
What are the 4 nitrogenous bases found in a strand of DNA? How do they pair with each other? A,T,C,G A-T, C-G
What nitrogenous bases are changed in RNA? Thymine replaced with uracil
What is a gene locus and its parts? locus: location on the chromosome, p-short & q- long arm
The karyotype is a picture of _______ _________. There are ____ pairs of chromosomes. The first 22 are ______ and the last pair identifies the _______of a person. individual's chromosomes 23, autosomal; sex
A male has ___ chromosomes and a female has ___ chromosomes XY; XX
The _ chromosome is dominant because it is bigger and there are _ of them. X; 2
Transcription is DNA to RNA
Translation is RNA to protein
An _____ _______ is a gene that is inherited from one parent. An example is the gene for red hair. autosomal dominant
The ________ is the gene code a person inherits from their parents. The physical expression of the gene is the _______. genotype; phenotype
In Trisomy 21, trisomy 21 is the ______ and the severity of the disease is the _______. genotype; phenotype
Homozygous genes mean the alleles have the _____ traits. same
Heterozygous means they carry _______ traits. different
A ________ trait means that trait will be expressed and only means that the person needs only _ allele to be dominant. dominant; 1
A ________ trait means that the person needs _ allele from each parent for the person to exhibit the trait. recessive; 1
If there;s only 1 recessive gene, that person is a carrier
When a dominant gene is mapped out on the Punnett Square, they have a ___ chance of the trait being homozygous dominant, a 50% chance the trait will be ________ dominant, and a __ chance the recessive trait will be dominant. 50%, heterozygous, 25%
For autosomal recessive traits, the person will have a __ chance of having the disease, __ of neither having or carrying the disease, and a __ chance of being a carrier. 25%, 75%, 50%
Sex-linked or X-linked diseases are problems on the ___ chromosome. 23rd
Because the female has 2x chromosomes, the _____ is the carrier and the ____ will exhibit the disease female; male
Ratio of people with phenotype compared to genotype genetic penetrance
related to the severity of a genetic disorder genetic expressivity
a disorder or illness that occurs from a combination of 1 or more genes plus environmental triggers complex or multifactorial inheritance
Which parent passes down mitochondrial disorders? Why do mitochondrial disorders cause neurodegenerative diseases or problems with heart tissues? Mothers; mitochondria are responsible for energy supply
A ________ is a normal cell that helps to control cell proliferation. if it mutates, it activates an ______ which enables uncontrolled cell proliferation or cancer. proto-oncogene; oncogene
The _____ is coded by the oncogene to cause the transformation of a cell into a cancer cell. oncoprotein
A ______ _______ ________ functions by inhibiting uncontrolled cell proliferation which suppresses tumor growth. tumor suppressor gene
3 types of chromosomal alterations and their definitions Aneuploidy: different number of chromosomes Translocation: piece of chromosome breaking and joining another Deletion: piece of chromosome broken off and lost
What type of disorder is Familial Hypercholesterolemia? What is the pathophysiology? What disease processes does having high lipids (cholesterol and LDL) in the blood put the person at risk for? autosomal dominant; liver cannot do LDL takeup; coronary artery disease
Describe the pathophysiology of Marfan's Syndrome. What are the symptoms a patient may experience? structural compounds not fully developed- elasticity kyphoscoliosis, heart murmur, tall stature
Describe Turner syndrome pathophysiology. Who do we see it in and why? missing X chromosome females because they have two X chromosomes
Describe the pathophysiology of Fragile X syndrome. What are the main signs and symptoms? CGG repeat on X chromosome; cognitive impairment, autistic like behaviors
Describe the pathophysiology of Trisomy 21. What are the key characteristics of the syndrome? 3 chromosomes on spot 21 squished face, low IQ, old age dementia, lowered immune system, heart defects
Created by: lcorlew1
Popular Pathology sets




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