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Core Content Knowledge - Legalities

Landmark case causing a movement in the education field. Brown vs. Board of Education
Education for All Handicapped Children ACT, 1975. EAHCA or EHA (PL 94-142).
Foundational legislation for IDEA. EHA - amended and reauthorized 5 times since.
Purpose of IDEA. Ensure all children with disabilities are guaranteed FAPE.
Purpose of IDEA. Assists all states in establishing early intervention services for infants and toddlers with disabilities.
Purpose of IDEA. Ensures that educators and parents have the necessary tools to improve the education for all children with disabilities.
Purpose of IDEA. Assesses the effectiveness of the education for children with disabilities.
1 of 6 Major principles of IDEIA, 2004. Zero reject (CHILD FIND): No child with a disability may be excluded from a public education.
1 of 6 Major principles of IDEIA, 2004. Protection in the evaluation process(NON-BIA TESTING):Nondiscriminatory identification and evaluation must be conducted, which includes procedures followed and tools utilized.
1 of 6 Major principles of IDEIA, 2004. FREE AND APPROPRIATE PUBLICE EDUCATION (FAPE): The education of students with disabilities must be at the public expense based on the development of an IEP (INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAM) that includes related services.
1 of 6 Major principles of IDEIA, 2004. LEAST RESTRICTIVE ENVIRONMENT (LRE): Children with disabilities must be educated with non-disabled children to the maximum extent appropriate and a continuum of placement services must be imposed.
1 of 6 Major principles of IDEIA, 2004. DUE PROCESS PROCEDURES (PROCEDURAL SAFEGUARDS):Requires parent and student rights regarding assessment, placement, and service implementation of education program be instituted.
1 of 6 Major principles of IDEIA, 2004. Parent and Student Participation (SHARED DECISION-MAKING): Parents and students (as appropriate)must be included in the SPED process helping to make plans and decisions.
Changes added to IDEA 1997 in reauthorization of IDEA in 2004. Paperwork reduction, short-term objectives and benchmarks eliminated from IEPs, implementation of comprehensive and multiyear (3year) IEPs, & focus on HIGHLY QUALIFIED teachers aligning IDEA with NCLB.
Section 504 (Rehabilitation Act of 1973) Extends civil rights to persons with disabilities focused on prohibiting discrimination in ed., employ., & other comm. settings; requiring compliance by any recipient of fed. funds even though these requirements are not monetarily supported by the fed.
ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act-1990) Based on Sec. 504, extending civil rights to persons with disabilities in priv. sector employment, pub. srvc., pub. accom., trans., & telecom. Entities must accom. persons with disabilities in an approp. & non-discrim. manner.
NCLB (No Child Left Behind-2001), The Reauth. of the Elementary & Secondary Ed. Act Primary goal is for all children to be proficient in all subject matter by 2014 and imposes a requirement that all teachers must be "highly qualified".
1 of 4 key principles of the NCLB. Stronger accountability through district and state testing for every student.
1 of 4 key principles of the NCLB. Increased flexibility to schools for use of fed. funds.
1 of 4 key principles of the NCLB. Additional options for parents regarding the education of their child.
1 of 4 key principles of the NCLB. Focus on curriculum and instructional methods with scientifically researched and proven effects.
FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) Not a specific SPED law. Fed. law protecting the privacy of all students' educational records and applies to any and all schools receiving federal funds.
Gifted and Talented Children's Education Act-1978 (PL95-561) Law allowing for funding to support the exceptional needs of students in the areas of identification, education, and programming.
Education Consolidation Act-1982 Merged the federal Office of Gifted & Talented with other fed. programs & states received block grants to determine which programs and students to support.
Jacob K. Javits Gifted and Talented Student Education Act-1988 (PL100-297) Fed. funds provided specifically to students who are considered economically disadvantaged, who demonstrate limited English proficiency or have a disability while also identified as gifted or talented.
Created by: puanani
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