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Civil Rights Act of 1866 Granted citizenship to all persons born in the U.S. except Native Americans. Allowed African Americans to own property. Allowed federal courts to sue anyone who violated these rights.
13th Amendment Banned slavery in the U.S.
14th Amendment Granted citizenship to all persons born or naturalized in the U.S. and declared that no state could deprive any person of life, liberty or property with out due process of law.
15th Amendment Declared that the right to vote "shall not be denied on account of race, color, or previous servitude"!
Compromise of 1877 Outcome of the 1877 election.. Republicans nominated R.B. Hayes. Democrats nominated S. Tilden. Tilden clearly won. But a deal was made and Hayes got the Presidency and Military was pulled from the South.
Boomtowns Quickly growing towns
Open Range Vast area of Grassland owned by the Federal Government.
Homestead Act For a $10 fee, settlers where given 160 acres of land if they agreed to live there for atleast 5 years.
Wheat belt Eastern edge of the Great Plains - much of the Dakotas and parts of Nebraska/Kansas.
Nomads People who roamed vast distances, following food - Buffalo.
Annuities Annual payments to the Government
Indian Peace Commission 1867 - Government formed - proposed two large reservations on the plains - Government would run them
Dawes Act of 1887 Allotted to each head of household 160 acres of reservation land for farming, Single adults go 80 acres and children got 40 acres.
Populists People's Party, pushed for political reform, including 8 hr work day, labor unions and silver currency.
Graduated Income Tax one that taxed higher earnings more heavily.
Created by: Tdubs16
Popular U.S. History sets




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