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History Exam 2

Progressive Movement (1898-1914) Supported income tax Direct election of senators 40-hour work week Supported eugenics Many had racist views on African Americans and immigrants
Muckrakers Helped launch the progressive movement American journalists who were writing articles about problems going on in America Originally coined by Teddy Roosevelt
Ida Tarbell Early muckraker Anti-monopoly Focused a lot of her attention on John D Rockefeller and Standard Oil Published a series of articles where she was trying to expose Rockefeller’s trust Book became a bestseller instrumental in bringing down standard oil
Lincoln Steffens Early muckraker Focused his attention on political corruption in big cities in the US Wrote a lot of articles to try to expose these problems Published a book called the Shame of the Cities
Northern Securities Company Teddy Roosevelt targeted this railroad monopoly Owned by JP Morgan Controlled almost all the railroads in the North western part of the US
Jacob Riis Wanted to expose the wretched living conditions of poor people in inner cities. Pioneered photo-journalism. Wrote a book called How the Other Half Lives. Collection of photos in the 1880s of people living in the terrible conditions
Theodore Roosevelt (1901-1909) Progressive Rep. Helped get national park and forestry. Supported progressive ideals. Supported the UMV
United Mine Workers (UMW) Largest union of miners in the US, mostly coal miners Run by John Mitchell Gained a 10% wage increase Got a 9 hour work day
John Mitchell President of the UMV Learned a lot of lessons from previous unions and strikes Knew Union would survive if his union was not radical Just wanted to fight for better rights for his people Wage increase, 8 hour work day, 40 hour work week
Hepburn Act (1906) TR got congress to pass Designed to strengthen the interstate commerce commission ICC had the power to set maximum railroad rates ICC could inspect accounting books of railroad companies ICC could regulate any company involved in Interstate commerce
Upton Sinclair Wrote a book that exposed the dirty secrets that were going on in the meat packing industry A Muckraker Wrote a number of articles detailing problems in the meat processing plants SOCIALIST; hates capitalism
The Jungle Written by Upton Sinclair in 1906 Based on research Described how workers were overworked, underpaid, and how disgusting the factories were “there would be meat stored in great piles and the water from leaky roofs would land in it and the rats would be
The Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) Passed by congress Gave the federal government the authority of overseeing food and drugs Illegal to sell impure food and medicine Food and medicine cannot be falsely labeled All ingredient in medicine and food must be labeled
Meat Inspection Act (1906) Federal inspectors would go into meat processing plants and inspect the animals before and after they were slaughtered They would inspect meat afterwards to make sure it was safe, didn’t have harmful chemicals Safety regulations passed in meat factories
William Howard Taft (1909-1913) First governor of the Philippines Served as secretary of war in Roosevelt’s cabinet Easily got the Republican nomination Broke up a lot of monopolies during his presidency Proposed both the 16th and 17th amendment Supported by TR
16th Amendment 1913 (income tax) An old populist idea Originally only effected the extremely wealthy Was only supposed to be until the end of WW1, but has stayed around
17th Amendment 1913 (direct election U.S. Senators) Old populist party idea People would elect senators instead of the state legislature
Progressive Party (1912) Convinced Roosevelt to form his own party in 1912 Nominated Roosevelt for president in 1912 Called for national presidential primaries Called for national minimum wage laws Called for workers comp laws Called for the abolishment of child labor
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) Won election because of a split Republican party. Expanded the power of the presidency. Proposed the 14 points after WW1. A progressive democrat. President during WW1
Clayton Antitrust Act (1914) Passed by congress Designed to close some loopholes in the Sherman antitrust act Said that one individual cannot be the CEO of 2 or more companies in the same industry Exempt labor unions from anti-trust lawsuits Created the federal trade commission
Federal Trade Commission (1914) Enforced all anti-trust laws Would investigate companies to see if they were a monopoly Also oversaw the NY stock exchange and stock market
William E.B. Du Bois (1868-1963) Initially a supporter of Washington, but realized his ideas were flawed. Organized the Niagra Convention - formally called for an end to the Atlanta Compromise. Big supporter of socialism. Editor and chief of NAACP journal.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) Organized in 1909 by Du Bois and many philanthropists Goal was to eradicate racism and segregation Adopted Washington’s idea of sponsoring court cases to help African Americans file lawsuits One of their sponsored cases was Brown v Board of Education
Woodrow Wilson (1913-1921) If we allow ourselves to blame Germany and punish ourselves to harshly, we would plant seeds to start another World War
World War I (1914-1918) Caused by imperialism, nationalism, and alliance system. Gave rise to the US as a world power.
Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria) Lost WW1
Allied Powers (Great Britain, France, Russia, US, Italy, Japan) US started as neutral Joined the war because of the Zimmerman telegram Britain blockaded trade outside of Germany
U-boat Unrestricted submarine warfare German Uboats would sink passing ships
Lusitania Passenger ship that was sunk by German U-boat Had American passengers Americans were upset, causing us to Join the war in Europe
Sussex pledge German government pledged to stop sinking all non-military ships
The Zimmermann Telegram Influenced US to join the war Germans tried to encourage Mexico to attack the US
Committee on Public Information (Creel Committee) Woodrow Wilson got congress to create a government agency Tried to convince the American people that Germany was bent on World Domination Propaganda “German soldiers are barbaric” Intentionally exaggerated stories about what was going on in Europe
The Espionage Act (1917) Signed by Wilson into law Passed by congress It is illegal for any American citizen to aid the enemy or obstruct recruiting Could be faced with 10,000 dollar fine and 20 years in jail
The Sedition Act (1918) Clearly a violation of the 1st amendment Illegal to say anything to discourage the purchase of a war bond Illegal to say or print anything disloyal or abusive against the government, the constitution, or the military
American Expeditionary Force (AEF) Americans officially deployed to Europe Commanded by John. J Pershing
General John J. Pershing Commander of the US forces Led the AEF
The Paris Peace Conference Conference to end WW1 Signed the Treaty of Versailles
Fourteen Points If included in treaty of versailles, help prevent wars Treaty "public" Wilson thought that every nation should disarm No blockades, free trade National self determination We need to get rid of big multiethnic empires and colonies League of Nations
League of Nations New idea of Wilson in the Fourteen points This would maintain world peace Collective security When nations join, they agreed that they would come together for any other nation in the League of Nations US never joined
The Big Four The nations most responsible for creating the Treaty of Versailles Italy, England, France, US
Treaty of Versailles Signed at the Paris Peace Conference Became exactly what Wilson did not want Did create a League of Nations US did not sign the Treaty Contributred to the Great depression Destroyed the German economy which in turn hurt European economy
The Red Scare (1919-1920) Fear of communism Really enhanced by a. Mitchell Palmer Eventually died off by the summer of 1920
A. Mitchell Palmer Stirred up a lot of the Red Scare Convinced that communists in the US were trying to overthrow the government Exaggerated the threat of communism to further his own political ambition Investigated union of Russian workers Arrested lots of people
Warren G. Harding (1921-1923) Rep. Nominated by Republicans (from Ohio) Similar to Coolidge and Hoover Did not complete his first term Had a stroke His administration was known mostly for corruption and scandal A member of his cabinet was indited and sent to jail
Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) Rep. Republican (Mass) Harding’s VP Replaced all of Harding’s appointed cabinet members with his own Decided to not run again in 1928 “what’s good for big business is good for America”
Andrew Mellon Secretary of the treasury for Harding, Coolidge, and Hoover Had the most responsibility for running fiscal and monetary policy Wanted big business to grow and thrive Wanted to cut back on anti-trust laws Promoted a return to laissez-faire capitalism
Herbert Hoover (1929-1933) Rep. Republican Won the election very easily In Coolidge’s cabinet Received a lot of blame for the crash and great depression “do-nothing president” Did not want a huge government program to fix the economy
Crash of 1929 Stock prices were really high, and eventually had a correction during a 4-5 day period NY stock exchange lost 89% of its value in 4-5 days Bad loans caused banks to go out of business NY stock exchange Bought stocks from companies with borrowed money
The Great Depression Affected the world. 20-25% of population unemployed. Tariffs were raised. Agriculture was not doing well. Many Causes. Dust Bowl. Wages of workers had not been growing. Crash of 1929. Consumer based economy. Policies of Mellon and 3 Reps.
Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1933-1945) Proposed the New Deal and Second New Deal. President during bulk of Great Depression and WW2. "court packing plan" - increase number of justices to enhance his power. Won 4 terms, died during his 4th term.
New Deal Lots of programs and agencies to help from the depression Wanted to provide recovery and relief to the American people Huge expansion of federal power Child labor, minimum wage, 40 hour work week, 1.5x overtime Some programs deemed unconstitutional
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) One of the first new deal programs Job was to insure people’s deposits in banks Initially up to $5000 Banks would have to pay monthly to the FDIC
Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA) New deal Help american farmers Pay farmers subsidies to not make as much food/stuff Sharecroppers lost their land/homes Program was tremendously successful
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) New Deal Federal agency sponsor the construction of damns all along the TN river and others Purpose of building damns was to control water levels Built turbines and harnessed the energy of the water to provide electricity in rural areas Productive
Second New Deal Launched in 1935 by Roosevelt None of these programs ended the depression, though they helped Works Progress Administration (WPA) Social Security Act
Works Progress Administration (WPA) Second New Deal Similar to the TVA Plan was to have the government hire people and put them to work on schools, hospitals, airports, roads, bridges, etc Operated from 1935-1942 Employed 8.5 million americans
Social Security Act Second New Deal Passed by congress Federal government would tax employees and employers to set aside money to use once a person retires Created temporary unemployment assistance and disability assistance
Gerald P. Nye Republican senator from North Dakota Firm believer that WWI was a mistake Held a series of hearings from 1934-1936 Suspected that America got into WWI purely for monetary reasons
Neutrality Acts US is not allowed to loan money/sell weapons to countries that are at war If American citizens ride on ships of countries at war, their own risk Could sell non war related goods Could be paid for in cash and carry them back on their own ship
Adolf Hitler Elected into power in the 1933 election Had every intention of starting a giant war Begins to rebuild germany’s military Air force, navy, army Wanted to take Austria, Poland’s sea port
Benito Mussolini Built up Italy’s military Started by attacking parts of Africa
Joseph Stalin (1924-1953) Communist dictator of Russia (Soviet Union) Invaded eastern poland in sep 1939 Invaded finland in end of 1940 Invaded the Baltic countries in 1940 Wanted the land back they lost in WW1
Munich Conference (Sept. 1938) European powers met in Germany (France, England, Italy, Germany) Agree to give Hitler the outermost part of Czechoslovakia Hitler got these powers to appease him and gain the outermost part of Czechoslovakia
Appeasement Giving in to what someone wants League of Nations gave into Germany and Japan, in hopes to avoid conflict
cash-and-carry Neutrality acts were tweaked so that we could sell some military items to other countries They must pay cash, and bring it back to their own country on their own ships
World War II (1939-1945) Official start was Germany invading Poland sep 1, 1939 Civilians were legitimate targets during this war Much different than WWI Officially ended May 8, 1945 Known as VE day
Axis Powers (Germany, Italy, Japan) Germans adapted their military strategies from WWI Blitzkrieg, lightning warfare Germans conquered France in 6 weeks, May 1940 Germans conquered Belgium the Netherlands Invaded Norway and Denmark
Allies (US, England, Russia, France, China) England and France declare war on Germany for invading Poland, but not Russia Anticipated that this was going to be a repeat of WWI with lots of trench warfare, stalemate and defense war
Winston Churchill New prime minister of England in 1940 Friendly towards the US Realized England needed US help if they were going to survive Tried to strengthen ties with FDR Asked the US for destroyers
destroyers-for-bases Came up by FDR Way to help the British without violating the Neutrality Acts Going to make an even trade with England Give the British 50 old destroyers Receive 6 naval bases in the Caribbean Greatly helped the British
Lend-Lease Another program by FDR to help Britain Congress would set aside money (initially $7 billion) in war materials that the US could then sell, lend, or lease to any country whose defense was vital to our national security Congress took 2 months to pass bill
Hideki Tojo Leader of Japan during and before WW2 General in the Army Ran the military dictatory ship of Japan Captured and executed as a war criminal
Pearl Harbor – Dec. 7, 1941 Home of the bulk of america’s shipping fleet 3 aircraft carriers were supposed to be there when the Japanese attacked, but they were not Not expected, troops were not on high alert Japan wanted 3 waves Japan declared war on England and US after this
Operation Torch (Nov. 1942) British and American invasion of north Africa Landed in morroco and algeria Engaged the germans and Italians in Libya and Egypt A & B successfully liberated North Africa
Operation Husky (July 1943) US and British attacked Sicily and Italy Forced Italians to surrender
Operation Overlord - D-Day – June 6, 1944 Difficult Americans finally invaded France 150,000 troops came over on 5000 ships Land of the coast of Normandy There were 10,000 casualties on the first day of the Normandy landings 1,000,000 troops were landed in the first month of being in France
General Dwight D. Eisenhower Supreme ally commander Controlled all British and American troops in Europe FDR picked him because he was a good people person who could work with americna and British officers FDR thought he had a great political mind
Joseph Stalin (1924-1953) Wanted “friendly” governments on his border Expected to get some land from the Japanese in return for help
Yalta Conference (February 1945) Discuss borders for Europe Divide Germany and Berlin into 4 zones Stalin wanted land in Poland, proposed shifting Poland's borders westward. Stalin agreed to help fight Japan
Douglas MacArthur Commander in the Philippines FDR had him evacuated Promised to liberate the Philippines Agreed to go through the south to liberate the Philippines Liberated New Guinea and the Philippines
Battle of Midway (June 3-6, 1942) First real engagement between the 2 sides after Pearl Harbor Major victory for America, LOSS for Japan Naval battle and air battle US sunk 4 out of 6 Japanese aircraft carriers Japanese also lost like 300 plane Japan was on the defense NOW
Battle of Guadalcanal (Aug. 1942 – Feb. 1943) Guadalcanal(in Japan control) US wanted to get control of naval base and air field that was being built by Japan Land, Naval, and air forces between Japan and US were at battle US is victorious The first time Japanese army was beaten on land
Manhattan Project Top secret program between the US and England Trying to build an atomic bomb Einstein convinced FDR to begin researching about an atomic bomb US spent $2.5 billions dollars
J. Robert Oppenheimer Lead American scientist Began to have doubts about using the Atomic bomb Tried developing the bomb
Harry S. Truman (1945-1953) Argued that by using the bomb, he is saving the lives of Americans and Japan lives as well VP of FDR
Potsdam Conference (July 1945) Last meeting between big 3 Put Axis leaders on trial as war criminal Agreed on borders in Europe/Germany Truman found out about atomic bomb; told Japan to surrender or face prompt and utter destruction Germans deported back to Germany
atomic bomb Main focus of the Manhattan Project Once dropped on Japan, caused the end of WW2 in the pacific theater
Enola Gay The name of the plane that dropped the first atomic bomb
Hiroshima US dropped first on 8/6/1945 Killed about 70,000 people instantly About 65,000 more died from radiation poisoning wounds within a year
Nagasaki Dropped another atomic bomb on 8/9/1945 Only 35k died on impact Another 35k within the next year These bombs caused Japanese to surrender
Kellog-Briand pact 1928 Good example of feelings of passivism and avoiding war US and France promised that they will never go to war with each other Initially signed by 15 countries (never go to war with each other) Eventually 62 nations signed this agreement
Created by: ericowen45
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