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AMS Bailey 2010 - 2

4th 9 Weeks SG 2010

Locate area obtained with the Louisisna Purchase area between Mississippi River & Rocky Mountains
How was the Louisiana Purchase obtained? Pres. Thomas Jefferson bought it from France for $15 million; largest single purchase of land in history of US
What was the significance of the Louisiana Purchase? it more than doubled the size of the US; westward expansion exploded
What was the purpose of the Lewis & Clark expedition? explore the Missouri River area; establish peaceful relations with American Indians
What were the results/accomplishments of the Lewis & Clark expedition? learned alot about the land; created peaceful relations with Native American tribes
War of 1812 - causes freedom of trade on the "seas"; War Hawks - wanted to go to war with GB; impressment of US sailors
War of 1812 - president James Madison
War of 1812 - most influential military leader Andrew Jackson
War of 1812 - turning point Battle of Lake Erie - opened up Great Lakes region
War of 1812 - song that came out of it The Star Spangled Banner (written following battle at Ft. McHenry)
Who wrote the Star Spangled Banner? Francis Scott Key
Describe the economy of the US following the War of 1812. economic growth
What were the political objectives of the Federalist Party? stable national bank; high protective tariffs; strong central government; loose interpretation of Constitution
What was Manifest Destiny? the belief that the US should spread its borders all the way to the Pacific Ocean; Pres. Polk; westward expansion
What were the results of the Supreme Court case of Marbury v. Madison? established the power of judicial review; judicial review gave the Supreme Court the sole right to declare laws unconstitutional; the Supreme Court became an equally powerful branch of the federal government
What was the purpose of the reservations for Native Americans? to reduce the conflict between Native Americans & white settlers
Indian Removal Act act of Congress to move the Indians east of the Mississippi to "Indian Territory"; Pres. Jackson - wanted to open more land for settlers; SC ruled it unconstitutional - Jackson refused to enforce the law, removing Indians anyway, defying SC ruling
How did US attempt to reduce Native American & white settler conflicts? relocate Indians to "Indian Territory"
How did the Cherokee resist the Indian removal policy? adopted the "white man" culture
Indian Removal Act - Pres. Jackson refused to enforce the law the forced march of the Cherokee to "Indian Territory" is referred to as the "Trail of Tears"
Samuel Slater - invention/significance textile mill/changed the way goods were manufactured in the US
Eli Whitney - inventions/significance interchangable parts/contributed to the growth of mass production in US manufacturing; cotton gin/led to a greater demand for cotton growing = increased the need for slaves in the South = contributed to one cause of the CW
Robert Fulton - invention/significance steamboat/improved river transportation - could easily move up & down rivers
Samuel Morse - invention/significance telegraph/communication across country
Elias Howe - invention/significance sewing machine/improved how clothing was made; women began working at home
What effect did the design of interchangeable parts have on American manufacturing? growth of using mass production in factories
Which invention affected the textile industry? cotton gin
Which invention affected the economy of the South? cotton gin
Which invention led to the expansion of slavery? cotton gin
Congress was most concerned about what issue when a territory applied for statehood (1820 - 1860)? would the state be a free or slave state
Missouri Compromise - terms/author area in LA Purchase north of 36, 30' closed to slavery; Maine entered Union as free state & Missouri as slave state/Henry Clay
Compromise of 1850 - terms California enters Union as free state; Congress passed Fugitive Slave Act
Fugitive Slave Laws law created to discourage actions of abolitionists; fugitive slaves would be arrested in free states; illegal to assist a fugitive slave escape - would be arrested
Underground Railroad - identify - how it worked/safety a secretive network of abolitionists (secret b/c it was illegal to assist fugitive slaves); a chain of homes & farms where fugitive slaves could hide
Underground Railroad - leaders Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth
Underground Railroad - publications North Star (F. Douglass); The Liberator (W.L. Garrison); Uncle Tom's Cabin (H.B. Stowe)
Kansas-Nebraska Act - Why did fighting break out? What did it become known as? slavery; Bleeding Kansas
Dred Scott case Supreme Court ruling that declared slaves were not a citizen, living on free soil for a time did not make him free; & ban on slavery in parts of LA Territory was not constitutional
Tariff of Abominations tax on imported goods to encourage purchase of American-made products; South felt they were paying extra money so the North would make a profit
general causes of Civil War states' rights/sectionalism/slavery/Republican Party
economy of South agriculture/based on slave labor
economy of North industry/based on factory workers (low wages, poor conditions)
1st shots fired in Civil War Ft. Sumter
What event directly contributed to the South seceding from the Union? election of A. Lincoln as president (1st Republican pres.)
Put the following events in chronological order: passage of the 13th Amendment, Emancipation Proclamation, Election of A. Lincoln, Missouri Compromise, Dred Scott Decision Missouri Compromise, Dred Scott Decision, Election of Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, 13th Amendment
Put the following events in chronological order: South Carolina secedes from Union, Virginia secedes from Union, Ft. Sumter lost to CSA, Jefferson Davis chosen as president of the CSA, Lincoln elected president of USA Lincoln elected president of USA, South Carolina secedes, J. Davis chosen president of CSA, Ft. Sumter lost to CSA, Virginia secedes from Union
states of the Confederacy 11 - SC, MS, FL, AL, GA, LA, TX, VA, NC, AR, TN
states of the Union all US states which did NOT secede & join the Confederacy ... including the slave states of DE, MD, KY, MO (border states)
border states slave states that did not secede from the Union - DE, MD, KY, MO
top military leader of South Gen. Robert E. Lee
top military leader of North Gen. Ulysses S. Grant
president of Confederacy (CSA) Pres. Jefferson Davis
president of Union (USA) Pres. Abraham Lincoln
advantages of South excellent military leaders; defense of homeland until North grew tired
advantages of North strong navy; factories; large population; healthy economy; railroads
Who was most affected by the Emancipation Proclamation? slaves in areas that rebelled against the Union (those in Confederacy)
Why was the Union successful in western campaigns of CW after 1863? they controlled the Mississippi River
William T. Sherman - primary goal of his march to Atlanta destroying the Southern economy & ending the war
What military strategy did Grant use to defeat the CSA? total war - destroying everything enemy needs to keep fighting
Battle of Vicksburg - What did it do the Confederacy? significance to Union forces? divided the Confederacy into 2 parts/turning point in war - vital to Union victory
Battle of Gettysburg - significance last attempt of CSA army to invade North
Appomattox Court House - significance Gen. Lee (CSA) surrendered to Gen. Grant (USA)
What happened to Pres. Lincoln? assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater - watching My American Cousin
What was the mood of the country following the Civil War? hostility, hard-feelings, ill will - remained for many years
Reconstruction - purpose (goals)/whose responsibility years between 1865-1877; federal government worked to rebuild the South/responsibility of Pres. Johnson (became pres. when Lincoln was assassinated)
What group disagreed with Lincoln/Johnson's goals for Reconstruction? radaical Republicans - demanded most dramatic changes in South, want South punished
13th Amendment abolished slavery
14th Amendment citizenship for blacks (males)
15th Amendment voting rights to blacks (males)
freedmen - who they were/jobs they held ex-slaves/sharecroppers
Freedmen's Bureau - purpose created to help former slaves in South; educated ex-slaves/poor whites
Black Codes - purpose re-establish conditions of pre-Civil War times for ex-slaves; laws that denied black Americans their civil rights
carpetbaggers Northerners (Republicans) who came to South after CW - did not want the "best" for the Southern people
scalawags white Southerners (Republicans)- believed to have betrayed the South (their own people)
Jim Crow laws - purpose/results laws that enforced segregation in the South/black Americans continued to experience economic & political oppression (domination, cruelty), despite 13th, 14th, & 15th Amendments
Created by: scb4msu
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