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Reign of Terror/Napo

Reign of Terror a period of the French Revolution when,a series of massacres and public executions took place in response to accusations of treason by the Committee of Public Safety.
Committee of Public Safety committee of the National Convention which formed the government and war cabinet during the Reign of Terror. It had very broad powers over government.
Maximillian Robespierre the most influential and controversial figure of the French Revolution. He believed in a unified France, establishing equality under the law and eradicating privileges. He sent many foes to the guillotine and was the final victim of the Reign of Terror.
Jean-Paul Marat A journalist and politician during the French Revolution, he was a vigorous defender of the sans-culottes, a radical voice, and published his views in pamphlets, placards and newspapers. Murdered by moderate Gerondin Charlotte Corday.
Charlotte Corday a Gerondin figure of the French Revolution who assassinated revolutionary and Jacobin leader Jean-Paul Marat ironically because she was disgusted by the violence of the French Revolution.
Jacobins a powerful political party during the Reign of Terror, during which well over 10,000 people were put on trial and executed in France, many for political crimes. Marat and Robespierre were members.
Girondins Broke away from the Jacobins who they saw as dangerous radicals.
Olympe De Gouges Olympe de Gouge is known for her Declaration of the Rights of Woman and of the Female Citizen and other writings on women's rights. She was a moderate Girondin and opposed the execution of the king and queen. She was executed by guillotine.
guillotine apparatus designed for effectively carrying out executions by beheading. Called the "national razor" in France, it was meant to make everyone equal in death. 17,000 people were guillotined during the French Revoution.
Napoleon Bonaparte French emperor and military commander who rose to prominence during the chaotic French Revolution and led successful campaigns during the Revolutionary Wars. Ended the French Revolution by overthrowing the Directory. He was exiled from France twice.
Napoleonic Code A civil Code of law. It was geared to men, NOT women. It made men equal under the law, abolished serfdom, protected property rights, and tolerated religions.
Did the French Revolution achieve its ideals? No. It destroyed liberty. Newspapers were censored by the government. Napoleon declared himself emperor and was an autocratic ruler.
What led to the downfall of Napoleon? France's invasion of Russia was a disaster. The Russians refused to fight and burned their own villages to prevent the French army from looting.
The Great Retreat lacking food, Napoleon retreated with his army back to France. Many troops died in the retreat. European armies attacked the French. Paris was sacked and Napoleon was exiled to Elba.
The Final Retreat Napoleon slips back into France, raises an army and attacks Warerloo, Belgium. Napoleon is exiled to the remote island of St. Helena where he dies.
The Duke of Wellington British general who defeats Napoleon at Waterloo
Created by: AmyHoganHorton
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