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History Exam 1

Lincoln Lincoln, while he was alive, was an important figure during Reconstruction in America. Lincoln helped to get the 13th amendment passed in 1864. Lincoln also wanted to allow southern states back into the union in a smooth fashion, with " malice
13th amendment The 13th amendment dealt with the issue of slavery. This amendment forever abolished slavery in the United States. It was ratified by Congress in 1864 and added to the Constitution in 1865. This amendment is important to US history because of the aboli
reconstruction immediately following Civil War. Wanted to rebuild US politically, economically, and socially. Bring southern states back into the Union. Started by Lincoln, then Johnson, then the Republicans in Congress.
10% plan Lincoln's plan for reconstruction. 10% of southern voters take a loyalty oath to be readmitted to the Union as a state. States must pass the 13th amendment and provide for black education. States would then be allowed to retake their seats in congress.
Andrew Johnson Lincoln's VP. Democrat chose by Lincoln to gain border states. Spoke out against Civil war, agreed with abolishing slavery but didn't do anything to help Blacks. Clashed with republicans in congress, vetoed 29 bills. Only wanted southern to pass 13th
Radical republicans Wanted complete social, political equality for former slaves. Did not recognize any new southern politicians that Johnson had allowed into congress, clashed with Johnson. Took over reconstruction and did it their own way. Overturned 15 of Johnson vetoes
Black codes Southern laws set on prohibiting the betterment of Blacks. Included poll tax, literacy test, curfews, no alcohol, no firearms, must live in segregated areas. allowed to stand because they did not "technically" go against the 13th amendment.
freedmen's Bureau Federal agency set up during the last year of the civil war. purpose was to help freed slaves. Provide land, reconnect families, help freed slaves find employment, get an education. Part of the War department
14th amendment Grant African-Americans citizenship. “All people born in the united states are citizens.” “States cannot deprive any citizen of life liberty or pursuit of happiness without due process.”
reconstruction acts of 1867 Republicans took over reconstruction from Johnson. Divided south into 5 military districts. Held new elections in southern states, southern states expected to draw up knew constitutions. retake seats in congress once passed 14th amendment and what's above
Ulysses S Grant Commander of the union forces during the war. republican who won election in 1868 and 1872. Grant tried hard to go after the Klan. Authorized the military to go after the Klan in the south
15th amendment Congress proposed in 1869. Designed to make sure black people could vote in the south and north. “No state can deny anyone the right to vote based on race, color, or previous condition of servitude.”
Share cropping Plantation owner divides up his land into smaller plots of land. Would allow blacks and poor whites to live on this land. Owner provided seeds, plow animals, supplies, tools. People living on land will grow the crop and share the crop 50/50
Crop Lien System Eventually used to control progression and movement of Blacks. Store owner run a tab for plantation owner, would charge them interest. Pay back in crops or money. Often times the store owner was a plantation owner as well.
Ku Klux Klan Started very political, ex-confederate soldiers trying to stop Blacks from voting. Tried to drive reconstruction governments out of the south. Attacked Black churches as well that were used as school houses during the week.
Compromise of 1877 Democrats concede the 1876 election on 2 conditions. Hayes appoint a southern democrat into his cabinet. Remove all troops occupying the south. Officially ended reconstruction. Democrats regained complete power in the south.
Rutherford B Hayes From ohio. Nominated by republicans. Ran against Samuel Tilden of NY.
The gilded age Many new technologies and scientific advancements. Robber barons. Poor did not benefit from all the wealth. People questioned laissez-faire capitalism. Lage wage gap between rich and poor.
charles Darwin English Naturalist. Did not come up with evolution, but wanted to explain it. Came up with natural selection. Wrote the origin of species in 1859
the origin of species 1859 Book by Darwin Laid out his idea for explaining how evolution would take place Natural selection is first mentioned
Herbert Spencer 1820-1903 Considered father of sociology. Evolutionary believe before Darwin. Coined the phrase, "survival of the fittest." Dominant nations should conquer weaker ones. Big social Darwinist.
William Graham Sumner 1840-1910 Important early sociologist. Helped to invent the idea of Social Darwinism. Big advocate of laissez-faire capitalism Should not have government interfere with economic endeavors
Social Darwinism Strong survive and weak die. Applying Darwin's theories to human society. Used to justify imperialism from big countries.
Plessy V Ferguson Made Segregation legal. Legalized Jim crow laws. "Separate but equal." Homer Plessy intentionally broke a railroad law. Case made it to the supreme court where they ruled against him 7-1. "14th and 15th amendments were not violated."
Booker T Washington Leading spokesperson for Blacks. Born a slave, gained freedom after civil war. Well educated. Opened Tuskegee institute in 1881. Believed that economic opportunity would eventually lead to social and political equality for African americans.
Atlanta Compromise 1895 Booker T Washington argued Blacks should first strive for economic opportunity. Lets not demand immediate social and political equality. Very well received, not much social and political equality followed in the coming years.
Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 Put native americans on reservations. Lots of poverty and alcoholism on reservations. Told to give up ancient ways. "Live like we do." Natives would be given citizenship if they went onto the reservation and farmed the land like Americans.
J.P (John Pierpoint) Morgan (1837-1913) Banking. Owned some railroad companies. Bought out Carnegie. Created US steel after buying out Carnegie. Owned General electric.
Cornelius Vanderbilt (1794-1877) Railroads. Made his first fortune in shipping. Invested early in railroads and knew they were the future. Ruthless. Owned pretty much all the railroads.
Andrew Carnegie (1835-1919) Steel. Scottish Immigrant. Seen as Ruthless. Eventually sold all his steel companies in 1901 to become a philanthropist. Wrote the Gospel of wealth. Founded thousands of libraries and schools in the US. Apart of the Homestead strike of 1892.
Vertical Integration One way to lower cost and take out competition is to own what is needed to make your finished product Own everything needed, and not have to buy from a separate source
Gospel of Wealth Its okay for people to amass a lot of money, if they use the money at the end of their life to use it for good. Written by Carnegie.
John D. Rockefeller Oil, gas, diesel, petroleum. Founded standard oil in 1863. Found ways to avoid monopoly laws by forming a "trust."
Trust Synonym for monopoly. Originally lawyers came up with a way for Rockefeller to hide his monopoly. Led to anti-trust laws to combat it.
Edward Bellamy 1850-1898 Early advocate for socialism, spoke out against capitalism. Wanted socialism to evolve peacefully. Wrote a bestselling book titled Looking Backward. An American Journalist.
National Grange of the Patrons of Husbandry (the grange) Organization of American farmers in 1869. Got state regulations on railroads, got their people into state offices. Tried to get railroad regulations in congress.
Interstate commerce act First time Congress put a regulation on business. "All rates charged by railroads must be reasonable and just." They cannot change rates without due public notice. Enforced by the Interstate Commerce Commission.
Interstate commerce commission (ICC) Federal agency designed to enforce the Interstate commerce act. Could slap penalties on railroads if they violated the act. Could only investigate and couldn't subpoena books and records originally. Expanded to all interstate commerce.
Sherman Antitrust Act 1890 First anti-monopoly law issued passed by congress. Combination or conspiracy to stop free trade was illegal. However, this was rarely enforced by courts in the early years.
Knights of Labor 1869 One of the first labor unions, had radical ideas. Allowed immigrants, women, and African Americans to join. Open to everyone except gamblers, Prostitutes, and lawyers. Favored socialism, Helped organize railroad strike of 1887. 1886 - 750,000 members.
Haymarket Square Riot 1886 Happened in Chicago, gave the Knights of Labor some bad publicity.
American Federation of Labor (AFL) 1886 Labor union that knew they needed to be more moderate than the KOL. Liked capitalism. Wanted safety regulations, liability laws against corporations. Selective on who could join, only skilled workers. By 1900, had 1 million members.
Homestead strike 1892 Factory with over 4000 workers. Carnegie blamed union for lack of production within the factory. Called in Henry Frick to destroy the Union. Union went on strike. Non-union members were hired. Union was crushed and eradicated by Frick's security
Nativism 1866-1914 25 million immigrants Used to describe a feeling of hostility towards immigrants Wanted to keep immigrants out Big rise in nativism because of social Darwinism
Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 Designed to keep Chinese immigrants out of the country Put a 10 year freeze on Chinese immigration
American Protective Association Designed to further nativist beliefs Their goal was to promote native born americans Hostile towards immigrants Pushed congress to promote quotas on immigration Got creative and began favoring things like literacy tests for immigrants
Social Gospel Early group of social reformers to support many issues. Advocated for helping make societies better. Apply Christian principles to solve many of the issues throughout the time. Wanted child labor laws. Wanted to regulate big corporations. incometax rich
Washington Gladden 1836-1918 Advocate for social gospel. Child labor laws, regulate big corporations, minimum wage laws, make factories and coal mines safer, income tax wealthy, supported unions, denounced nativism, against socialism
Settlement Houses Places where someone could get a meal and possibly a way to sleep. Could get help finding a job. Place run by volunteers to help inner city people. Typically run by upper middle class women who did not have very many opportunities
Jane Addams 1860-1935 Traveled to London and visited the most famous settlement house, Toynbee Hall. Founded Hull House. Inner city chicago, helped poor and immigrants. Founded immigrant protective league. Playgrounds. Juvenile Court system.
Hull House 1889 Jane Addams created in Chicago. Free education, art and music as well. Vocational classes. Hygiene classes. Some of the first day care centers. Most famous settlement house in the US.
Alliance Movement Farmers who wanted political change. Big in the south and west. Demanded regulating railroads, protect farmers from banks with lower interest rates. Mostly focused on grabbing control of state legislatures. Began running candidates for office.
Populist Party (Populism) 1890-1905 People's party. Advocated for radical laws that would eventually be accepted by Rep and Dem years after the party dismantled. Wanted to join industrial workers and farmers. Tried to appeal to southern Blacks. Nationalize railroads and communication.
Initiative Populist party called for New idea The people of the state can propose legislation and come up with laws
Referendum If a law was passed by state legislator, it would not go into effect until the people vote for the law
Tom Watson Populist. Overturn democratic rule in the South. Wanted to unite for black and white farmers. Not popular with Democratic elite. Was the vice president nomination for the populist party in 1896
William Jennings Bryan 1860-1925 Democrat who was sympathetic to the populist movement. Take away from big business. Natural public speaker. Said things that everyone in the populist party agreed with. Lost to Mckinley in the election on 1896.
Election of 1896 Mckinley vs Bryan Populist had to also nominate Bryan to try to keep Mckinley from winning Popular vote was very close
William McKinley 1897-1901 Nominated by the republican party.Under a lot of pressure about the conflict in Cuba.Tried to contact Spain and get them to relax. Got told to stay out of it.Sent the USS Maine to Cuba.This ship would help to evacuate Americans if they needed to leave
Imperialism Power relationship between strong countries and weaker countries.Strong countries exert influence over a weak, smaller country.European nations were taking up large portions of Africa Britain was the largest of all European Nations.US imperialism
New Manifest Destiny United states should look for new places to conquer, look outwards for expansion
John Fiske 1842-1901 Early American historian Big advocate for social darwinism Used these ideas to push the new manifest destiny Graduate from Harvard Wrote quite a bit about American expansion and history
Frederick Jackson Turner 1861-1932 A social Darwinist Published the significant of the frontier (frontier thesis). America needs a frontier to conquer. Important historian
Frontier Thesis Written by Turner.Argued that all the things you need to survive on the frontier described and defined the American population.This frontier has created a social evolutionary process.Argued the frontier has made americans who they are.Made America
Alfred Thayer Mahan 1840-1914 Captain in the US navy He was embarrassed for the US navy Pushed for modernizing the navy quickly Knew that a great navy would lead to economic and military power. Big advocate for Panama canal and Hawaiian islands.
The Influence of Sea Power Upon History: 1680-1793 (1890) Mahan looked at recent world history, and knew all the great powers of the world were naval powers during this period Tried to convince the American people that the US navy needed steel battleships that ran on steam. America needed coaling stations
General Valeriano Weyler General in the Spanish Army Sent to Cuba with 100,000 troops to crush the second uprising in Cuba Nicknamed “Butcher Weyler” by the American press
The USS Maine Sent to Havana, Cuba in January of 1898 by Mckinley Was only there for about a month before it explodes Killed 266 American Sailors and Suspected that the Spanish were the cause Believe this was an accident now
The Spanish-American War 1898 Started over Cuba.Mckinley asked congress to declare war, they did.The purpose was said to defend Cuba and help Cuba gain their independence.A lot of Americans were against this war (ANTI-IMPERIALIST).Fighting began in the Philippines (Spanish colony
The Teller Amendment Declared by Congress Not imbedded into the constitution US promised that it will not take any part of Cuba to add to the US
Emilio Aguinaldo Leader of the Filipino rebels He linked up with the Americans who arrived there to destroy the Spanish ships Fought against the Americans after the Treaty of Paris
Treaty of Paris 1898 Ended the Spanish American war Voted on by the US senate, very close America took the Philippines Gave the Spanish government $20 million for the Philippines
Philippine Insurrection / Philippine-American War 1899-1902 Filipino people were upset about the Treaty of Paris, wanted their own independence Americans lost about 4000 troops Spent like $160 million on this fighting. America gained control of the Philippines.
William H. Taft First governor of the Philippines Did an excellent job of winning over the Filipino elite Said America wanted to help build up the Philippines as a nation so that they could eventually be strong enough to become independent
Platt Amendment US said that Cuba must draw up their own constitution. Cubans will not be allowed to sign treaties with any countries besides the US. Cubans have to allow the US to intervene their economic and political endeavors (US will help maintain “order and stabili
Open Door Policy No mercantilism Open trade in colonies Ex. British and their Hong Kong colony US wanted to maintain free trade all over the world
John Hay Wanted to send a message to other European powers to maintain an Open door policy within China.Sent telegrams to many big countries to maintain free trade in China, “we can all make money”.European powers initially just ignored his message.
Boxer Rebellion 1900 Chinese nationalists were angry at all the Europeans who had taken control over many parts of China Attacked all kinds of European companies and people Thousands of European troops were sent to crush this rebellion Americans also sent about 5000 troops
Theodore Roosevelt 1901-1909 First modern president. Social darwinist, American imperialism. Mckinley's VP before becoming president. Negotiated peace treaty between Japan and Russia in 1905. Maintain peace and stability in the Western Hemisphere
Big Stick Diplomacy Use peaceful words to work things out with other nations, but if that does not work, use force “speak softly, but carry a big stick” Using military force to accomplish objectives
Roosevelt Corollary .Statement of American foreign policy. Roosevelt argued that if there are conflicts between European and Latin American countries, then America will intervene in these political and economic conflicts,
Panama Canal Excellent example of big stick diplomacy Treaty was negotiated by Roosevelt to build the canal in 1903 Columbia declined the treaty Helped Panama gain their independence so we could build the canal
Civil Rights Act of 1866 Give citizenship to former slaves. Passed in Congress, vetoed by Johnson, super majority in congress overrules Johnson.
Created by: ericowen45
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