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Germ politics 1928->

SD set up 1931 ( intelligence/ security service) set up by heinreich himmler
Hindenburg is re-elected May 1932
Muller Coalition collapsed in March 1930.
Bruning 1930-32- his response to the depression was to cut expenditure and raise taxes, used the article 49. Forced to resign
Papen May-December 1932- gov based on non political parties, june 1932 ban on SA lifted, had to resign due to lack of army support
Schliecher December to January 1933- Papen went behind Schleicher back to negotiate with Hitler.
Hitler becomes chancellor January 30th, 1933, Papen and Hindenburg thought Hitler would be easy to control.
Torch light parade January 31st 1933
Reichstag fire 27th February 1933
Decree for the protection of the people and state 29th February 1933
Enabling act March 1933
Parties banned May= communists. July= the rest
Trade unions banned May 1933, german labour front replaced
Night of the long knives June 1934
Hindenburg dies August 1934- Law is passed combing the positions of President and Chancellor into one – The Fuhrer. Army swear an oath of allegiance to H not to Germany.
Concordat signed July 1933- Agreement between NAZIS and Catholic (Pope) church that neither would interfere with each other’s power.
Beginning of Reich Church September 1933
Gestapo set up April 1933
First concentration camp 1933- Dauchau for political prisoners
Election results march 1933 2/3 nazi
Ban of SA April 1932 bruning
Volksgemeinshaft Peoples community/racial community
Gleichschaltung Coordination
NSDAP starts gaining support. September 1930
Created by: jleafe
Popular History sets




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