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Civics/Eco Review

Civics & Economics SOL Review

What is Consent of the Governed? People are the source of any and all government power
What is Limited Government? Government is not all powerful and may only do what the people have given it the power to do
What is Rule of Law? Everyone, including those who govern, are bound by the law
What is a Democracy? A form of government where the people rule
What is a Representative Government (Democracy)? A form of government where the people elect representatives to govern on their behalf
What are the 5 founding principles (concepts)? Consent of the governed, limited government, rule of law, democracy, and representative government
"We the People" illustrates which founding concepts? Consent of the governed
What is Consent of the Governed? People are the source of any and all government power
What is Limited Government? Government is not all powerful and may only do what the people have given it the power to do
What is Rule of Law? Everyone, including those who govern, are bound by the law
What is a Democracy? A form of government where the people rule
What is a Representative Government (Democracy)? A form of government where the people elect representatives to govern on their behalf
What are the 5 founding principles (concepts)? Consent of the governed, limited government, rule of law, democracy, and representative government
"We the People" illustrates which founding concepts? Consent of the governed
Separation of Powers and Federalism illustrate which founding concept? Limited Government
Which founding document gave colonists the same rights as Englishmen? Charters of the VA Company of London
Who wrote the Charters of the VA Company of London? King James I
Which document served as the model for the Bill of Rights? VA Declaration of Rights
Who wrote the VA Declaration of Rights? George Mason
Which document stated grievances against King George III and declared the colonies independent? Declaration of Independence
Which founding document gave us unalienable rights and equality under the law? Declaration of Independence
What are unalienable rights? List them. Rights everyone is born with; life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness
Who wrote the Declaration of Independence? Thomas Jefferson
Which founding document created the first form of government for the independent states? Articles of Confederation
Who wrote the Articles of Confederation? Continental Congress
Who held the most power under the Articles of Confederation? The states
The failure of the Articles of Confederation led to the writing of what document? The US Constitution
Which founding document created freedom of religious belief and opinion and the idea of separation of church and state? VA Statute of Religious Freedom
Who wrote the VA Statute of Religious Freedom? Thomas Jefferson
Which document establishes our current structure of government and affirms the individual worth and dignity of all people? US Constitution
Which document was added to the US Constitution to please the Anti-Federalists and help get the Constitution ratified? The Bill of Rights
The Bill of Rights consists of how many amendments? The first 10 amendments
What is the Preamble and what does it do? The first paragraph of the US Constitution; lists the purposes of the government
What are the purposes of government as stated in the Preamble? Form a more perfect union, establish justice, provide for the common defense, ensure domestic tranquility, promote the general welfare, and preserve the blessings of liberty
What does domestic tranquility mean? Peace at home
The amendment process is what? Complex
How many times has the US Constitution been amended? 27
What are the two steps in the Federal amendment process? Action by Congress/convention, ratification by the states
What are the two steps in the Virginia amendment process? Action by General Assembly/convention, ratification by the voters of VA
What is a legal member of a country? Citizen
Which amendment defines citizenship? 14th Amendment
Besides defining citizenship, what else does the 14th Amendment do? Extends due process to actions of the state and local governments
What are the 2 ways to obtain US citizenship? Birth and Naturalization
What is the legal process by which an alien becomes a US citizen? Naturalization
What are the 2 steps in the Naturalization process? Demonstrate knowledge of US history, demonstrate ability to read, write, and speak English
Immigration and naturalization, particularly in the 20th century, have led to what type of society? Diverse
What are the 5 freedoms guaranteed by the 1st Amendment (hint: RAPPS) Religion, Assembly, Press, Petition, and Speech
What is Freedom of Religion? The freedom to practice or not practice any religion of your choice
What is Freedom of Assembly? The freedom to gather peacefully
What is Freedom of Press? The freedom to gather and publish information, even if it criticizes the government
What is Freedom of Petition? The freedom to make your views known to government officials
What is Freedom of Speech? The freedom to express your feelings and opinions
For our government to be effective, what must citizens fulfill? Civic Duties
Civic duties are ________, meaning you must do them. Mandatory
What are the 5 Civic Duties (hint: POSSE)? Pay taxes, obey laws, serve in the military, serve on a jury, education
If a citizen fails to fulfill their civic duties, what will they face? Legal consequences
What is the most important civic responsibility? Contribute to the common good
What are 5 Civic Responsibilities? Register and vote, keep informed, participate in political campaigns, hold elected office, communicate with government officials
What are 3 ways citizens can participate in community service? Volunteer to help the community, support democratic institutions, and express concern about the community's welfare
Which character trait of a good citizen means that people can rely on you? Trustworthiness
Which character trait of a good citizen means always telling the truth? Honesty
Which character trait of a good citizen means showing polite behavior in public? Courtesy
Which character trait of a good citizen means treating others how you would like to be treated? Respect for others
Which character trait of a good citizen means always doing what you should (i.e. homework, chores)? Responsibility
Which character trait of a good citizen means taking responsibility for your actions? Accountability
Which character trait of a good citizen means being able to count on yourself and do things for yourself? Self-reliance
Which character trait of a good citizen means following the rules and laws? Respect for the law
Which character trait of a good citizen means showing respect for your country? Patriotism
What are the 4 functions of political parties (hint: REHM)? Recruit and nominate candidates, educate the electorate, help candidates win elections, monitor officeholders
What are the two man political parties here in the US? Democrats and Republicans
What type of political system do we have here in the US? Two-party system
What is a minor party in a two-party system? Third party
What are 4 similarities between political parties? Organize to win elections, influence public policy, reflect both liberal and conservative views, appeal to the political center
Where are the main differences between political parties stated? Party's Platform
What do third parties often revolve around? A person or issue
What are 4 types of mass media? Internet, newspapers, TV, radio
What are 4 strategies for evaluating campaign media for accuracy? Separating fact from opinion, detecting bias, evaluating sources, identifying propaganda
Who identify candidates, emphasize issues, broadcast different viewpoints, and create editorials, op-eds, and political cartoons? Mass Media
Running for political office is very _______. Expensive
Rising campaign costs have forced candidates to do a lot of what? Fund-raising
Rising campaign costs have led to the development of PACs. What is a PAC? Political Action Committee
Rising campaign costs have given which groups increase influence? Interest groups
Rising campaign costs limit the opportunities to run for office. They also give an unfair advantage to what types of people? Wealthy people
Voting is a basic __________ of citizenship. Responsibility
The importance of election issues helps determine what? Voter turnout
What are the 3 requirements for voter registration in VA? At least 18 years old, US citizen, VA resident
Where can you register to vote in VA? DMV, Registrar's Office, through mail
How many days before an election does voter registration close? 29 days
What are 3 factors that determine voter turnout? Age, Income, Education
What are 2 reasons citizens fail to vote? Lack of interest, failure to register
In what type of election is voter turnout generally the highest? Federal
True or False: Every vote is important True
What is a local voting district in a county, city, or ward? Precinct
This is the place within a precinct where registered voters cast their ballots - Polling place
Who are the everyday people who vote in general elections? Electorate
Who are the voting members of the Electoral College? Electors
What is the process by which the President and Vice President are selected? Electoral College
How many total votes are in the Electoral College? How many does a candidate need to win? 538; 270
How are the slate of electors for each state chosen? Popular vote
The winner take all system in the Electoral College has led to the targeting of which states? Large (population)
How is it determined how many electoral votes each state gets? Congressional Representation
Which two officials are elected by the Electoral College? President and Vice President
What are the 3 branches of government? Legislative, Executive, Judicial
Which article of the US Constitution sets up the Legislative Branch? Article I
Which article of the US Constitution sets up the Executive Branch? Article II
Which article of the US Constitution sets up the Judicial Branch? Article III
Which compromise established our bicameral legislature? Great Compromise
Who is the presiding officer of the US Senate? Vice President/President Pro Tempore
What do we call the state level legislative branch? General Assembly
How many members are in the VA Senate? 40
How long is a VA Senator's term in office? 4 years
Who is the presiding officer of the VA Senate? Lt. Governor/President Pro Tempore
How many members are in the House of Delegates? 100
How long is a term in office for a member of the House of Delegates? 2 years
Who is the presiding officer of the House of Delegates? Speaker of the House
Who is the presiding officer of the House of Representatives? Speaker of the House
How long is a term in office for a US Senator? 6 years
How are states represented in the US Senate? Equally - 2 Senators each
How are states represented in the House of Representatives? Based on population
How long does a member of the House of Representatives serve in office? 2 years
The Federal Legislative Branch is collectively called what? Congress
Congress is made up of which two houses? US Senate and House of Representatives
The State Legislative Branch is collectively called what? General Assembly
The General Assembly is made up of which two houses? VA Senate and House of Delegates
How many members are in the House of Representatives? 435
How many members are in the US Senate? 100
What are 4 functions carried out by the US Congress? Making laws, approving annual budget, regulate trade, declare war
Which branch of government carries out laws, prepares the budget, appoints officials, and administers the federal bureaucracy? Executive Branch
What is the division of government into 3 branches? Separation of Powers
What is the division of government into different levels? Federalism
What are the 3 levels of government? Federal, State, and Local
What is the system in which each branch of government has powers to limit the other branches? Checks and Balances
What are two legislative powers over the executive branch? Override presidential veto, impeach the president
What are the legislative powers over the judicial branch? Approving/rejecting appointments, impeach justices
What are executive powers over the legislative branch? Veto legislation, call special session
What are the executive powers over the judicial branch? Nominate justices
What are the judicial powers over the other branches? Declare laws/actions unconstitutional (judicial review)
What are expressed or enumerated powers? Powers of Congress specifically listed in the Constitution
What are implied powers? Powers of Congress NOT specifically listed in the Constitution
What are 3 expressed powers of Congress? Declare war, coin and print money, maintain a military
What are 3 implied powers of Congress? Creating a national bank, regulating airlines, NASA
Where in the Constitution are the expressed and implied powers of Congress? Article I: Section 8
What are 2 other terms for the implied powers clause? Elastic Clause, Necessary and Proper Clause
What are the 5 steps in the Federal lawmaking process? Introduce bill, working in committee, debating on the floor, voting by both houses, signed by the President
What are the 5 steps in the State lawmaking process? Introduce bill, working in committee, debating on the floor, voting by both houses, signed by the Governor
What are 4 ways the President can influence policy making? Propose legislation, appeal to the public, approve/veto legislation, appoint officials
What is the main function of the Executive Branch? Carry out/Enforce laws
In which annual address does the President give Congress information on the condition of the country? State of the Union Address
What is one function the President serves as Chief of State? Speeches, ceremonies, awards
What is one function the President serves as Chief Executive? Carries out laws, appoints officials
What is one function the President serves as Commander-in-Chief? Deploy troops, inspects troops
What is one function the President serves as Chief Diplomat? Meeting with foreign leaders, deciding foreign policy, treaties
What is one function the President serves as Chief of Party? Supporting candidates, head of party
What is one function the President serves as Chief Citizen? Meets with sports teams
According to the Constitution, which level of government is supreme? Federal
What are the primary functions of the Federal Government? Foreign policy, defense, trade
What are the primary functions of the State Government? Public health, safety, and welfare
What are the powers given only to the State Government called (hint: Richmond)? Reserved (10th Amendment)
What are the powers given only to the Federal Government called (hint: DC)? Delegated
What are the power shared by the Federal and State Government are called? Concurrent
What is an example of a reserved power? Marriage/drivers licenses
What is an example of a delegated power? Declare war, coin/print money
What is an example of a concurrent power? Make laws, collect taxes
What are some of the primary issues discussed in the state level legislature? Education, public health, environment, state budget
The government of VA draws its powers from which document? State Constitution
What are some of the roles fulfilled by the VA Governor? Chief of State, Chief Legislator, Chief Administrator, Chief of Party, Commander-in-Chief
List 4 people/groups that assist the governor in carrying out laws, regulating the economy and providing services. Lt. Governor, Attorney General, Cabinet, Government agencies
Why do government officials usually use the media? Communicate with the public
What are 3 ways the media can play a role in setting the public agenda? Focusing on important issues, broadcasting different viewpoints, holding officials accountable
What is it when you seek to influence legislators to vote for or against a bill? Lobbying
How can individuals influence public policy? Voting, express ideas by demonstrating or writing letters, join interest groups
How can interest groups influence public policy? Identify issues, make political contributions, lobbying government officials
What is the inability to satisfy all wants at the same time? Scarcity
What are the factors of production called? Resources
What are the 4 types of resources? Human, natural, capital, and entrepreneurial
What is selecting an item from a list of possible alternatives? Choice
What is given up when a choice is made? Opportunity cost
What is the amount of money exchanged for a good or service? Price
What are things that incite or motivate and are used to change economic behavior? Incentives
What is the amount of a good or service that consumers are willing and able to buy at a certain price? Demand
What is the amount of a good or service that producers are willing and able to sell at a certain price? Supply
What is the combining of resources to make goods or services? Production
What is the using of goods and services? Consumption
What determines the type of economy a country has? Level of government involvement
What are the 3 types of economic systems? Free Market, Command, Mixed
Which type of economy has minimal government involvement, private ownership, competition, and lots of individual choice? Free Market Economy
Which type of economy has a lot of government control, central planning, and a lack of consumer choice? Command Economy
Which type of economy has individual control of the private sector and government control of the public sector? Mixed Economy
What type of economy does the US have? Mixed Economy
What is a form of business organization with one owner who takes all the risks and profits? Sole Proprietorship
What is a form of business organization that is authorized by law to act as a legal person regardless of the number of owners? Corporation
What is a form of business organization with two or more owners who share the risks and the profits? Partnership
What is a person who takes a risk to produce goods and services in search of profit? Entrepreneur
What are the characteristics of the US Economy (hint: FPPCC)? Free markets, private property, profit, competition, consumer sovereignty
What are free markets? Markets that operate with very little government involvement
What is profit? Earnings minus expenses
What is competition? Rivalry between producers/sellers
What is consumer sovereignty? Consumers determine through their purchases what is produced
What are 3 examples of Private Financial Institutions? Banks, credit unions, savings and loan associations
How do private financial institutions encourage saving and investing? Paying interest on deposits
What is the Global Economy? Worldwide markets in which the buying and selling of goods and services by all nations takes place
Why do nations engage in global trade? To get goods they cannot produce, to get goods at a lower cost, to sell goods, and create jobs
What is the FCC? Government agency that regulates business - Federal Communications Commission
What is the EPA? Government agency that regulates business - Environmental Protection Agency
What is the FTC? Government agency that regulates business - Federal Trade Commission
What are public goods and services? Goods/services provided by the government that provide benefits to many simultaneously and would not be available if individuals had to produce them
What are some examples of public goods and services? Interstate highways, postal service, national defense
How does the government pay for public goods and services? Tax revenue, borrowed funds, fees
Which amendment authorizes Congress to tax incomes? 16th Amendment
What is the central bank of the US? Federal Reserve System
How can the FED slow down the economy? Restrict the money supply, increase the reserve requirement, raise the discount rate, sell government securities
How can the FED speed up the economy? Increase the money supply, lower the reserve requirement, lower the discount rate, buy government securities
What protects individuals' rights to to private property? Negotiated contracts
Why does the government establish guidelines that protect public health and safety? To protect consumer rights
What can consumers do if their rights are violated? Take legal action
What happens when the government increases taxes? Reduces the funds available for private and business spending
What happens when the government decreases taxes? Increases the funds for private and business spending
What happens when the government increases borrowing? Reduces the funds available for borrowing by individuals and businesses
What happens when the government decreases borrowing? Increases funds available for borrowing by individuals and businesses
What happens when the government increases spending? Increases demand, may increase employment and production, higher taxes
What happens when the government decreases spending? Slows the economy, lower taxes
What is Civics? The study of the rights and responsibilities of a US citizen
What is citizenship? Anyone who by birth or by choice owes allegiance to a certain nation
What is government? The organizations, institutions, and individuals who hold power over a group of people
What does diverse mean? Made up of many different parts
What is a multi-party system? A political system with many political parties
What is one party system? A political system with only one main political parties
What does it mean to nominate someone? To select to run for political office
Who is a candidate? Someone who runs for political office
Who are the electorate? The everyday citizens who vote in the popular elections
What is bias? When your personal feelings influence a choice
What is propaganda? Any form of media that tries to sway public opinion
What is an editorial? The official stance or opinion of a newspaper
What is an op-ed? A newspaper article stating the opposite opinion of the newspapers' official stance
What is foreign policy? A country's stance on issues with other nations
What is the bureaucracy? The everyday workers who help carry out the day to day business of government
What is an ordinance? Local law
What does ratify mean? Formally approve
What does bicameral mean? Consisting of two houses
Policy making is another word for what? Lawmaking
What are regulatory agencies? Government agencies that promote public health and safety
Who are magistrates? Court officials who set bail, issue search and arrest warrants, summons, and subpoenas
Created by: Jrafter
Popular History sets



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