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Roosevelt and Taft

U.S. History Study Quiz

Who was Theodore Roosevelt? He was the 26th president
What is Theodore Roosevelt's family background? He came from rich family; got experience as the governor of New York
Who ushered in the Progrossive Era? Roosevelt; he took on labor unions, tax reforms, and big businesses; also ushered in the 20th century
What was Roosevelt's role in the Spanish-American War? He was the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, but retired to create the first U.S. volunteer cavalry called the rough riders; was appointed the be Assist. Secretary of the Navy by Pres. McKinley, which is a cabinet level position
What was Roosevelt's Stewardship Policy? He believed that the presidency had the power to do whatever was necessary for the good of America as long as it didn't directly conflict with the Constitution
What did Roosevelt say in his inaugural address? That America has a duty from its founders to pursue democracy, that America wouldn't take over other nations but wouldn't sit passively if the country was threatened either, and emphasized America's prosperity should be put first
What did Roosevelt mean when he said, "Speak softly an with a big stick"? It means that by acting boldly and decisively in many situations, Roosevelt aims to build America’s reputation as a world power. Imperialists loved him, while critic disliked that he was breaking the tradition of not being involved in global politics
What was the Adrich-Vreeland Act? Roosevelt brought on this law after the Panic of 1907, which authorized the national banks to issue emergency money in a crisis backed by various kinds of collateral
What was the Elkins Act? Roosevelt brought on this law which ended railroad rebated toward favored customers
What was the Hepburn Act? Theodore brought on this trust-busting law to take on grants like Morgan and Hill who monopolized North West railroads
What was the Newlands Act? TR brought on this law which authorized the collecting of money from the sale of public lands
What was the Food and Drug Administration and the Meat Inspection Act of 1906? Roosevelt brought on this to prevent the adulteration and mislabeling of foods and pharmaceuticals; it was also a direct response to the work The Jungle (lead/paint were major concerns)
What is a Square Deal? TR's square deal for labor meant that in labor disputes, he would call both parties to the white house to reach a compromise
How did the Square Deal apply to the Anthracite Coal Strike? The workers wanted a 20% raise and 9-hour work day while the owners would not budge; later the owners agreed to arbitration and the workers won 10% raise and 9-hour work day
Why was there more federal control over banking/money during TR's administration? The Panic of 1907 was a huge financial crisis where many banks failed and woke America up that the government needed more control over the process to keep problems like this occurring again
What was TR's greatest achievement? TR oversaw the construction of the Panama Canal so America could more easily take care of the territories it gained after Spanish-American War; it cost $400 million to build; trade from Atlantic to Pacific oceans
What is the Monroe Doctrine? Policy created during Monroe's presidency by his secretary of State, John Quincy Adams; stated that as long as Europe doesn't interfere with American business, America wouldn't interfere with European business
What was the Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine? In response to German + British interest in Venezuela and Dominican Republic, TR claimed that U.S. would take over troublesome Europeans that threatened other countries, promoting the "Bad Neighbor" policy
How did TR's efforts of conservation translate into action during his administration? He established the Department of Interior which manages public land and national parks and the National Park Service
Why is the Teddy Bear named after Theodore Roosevelt? When out hunting, TR didn't agree to kill a bear that his buddies tied up, stating that it wasn't fair to kill the bear since it was already captured; this story became a cartoon and the teddy bear was created in his honor
What does being progressive mean? To advocate for reforms in business, democracy, and social justice
How is TR a progressive president? He did a lot of trust busting and helped lessen the abuse of workers in the 20th century
Who was William Howard Taft? He was the 27th President
Who did TR choose as his successor? William Howard Taft; his secretary of war and a mild progressive; was a trusted administrator under TR; was chosen because he was loyal to the Republican party
What was Taft's Dollar Diplomacy? It meant that the big money members of society should be instrumental in policy making and have a lot of influence in the world; planned to intimidate other countries using U.S.' economic power
What was Taft's background? Taft graduated 2nd in his class in Yale; was more suited to being a lawyer and judge
What was the Mann-Elkins Act of 1910? Taft created the International Commerce Commission (ICC); ICC was given the power to suspend railroad rates and to oversee telephone and telegraph companies; this regulate unfair trade practices and the recurring destructive competition
What is the significance of the 16th amendment? Taft passed this amendment that authorized the U.S. government to collect an income tax that only applied to the wealthy; it played a central role in making the federal gov't more powerful of the 20th century
What was the Pinchot-Ballinger Act Controversy? Taft supported firing Gifford Pinchot, a Roosevelt ally, when he criticized a Taft cabinet member for opening public lands in Alaska for development; split the Republican party
Who ran in the election of 1912? Republican party split between those who supported TR vs Taft; TR founded a new party called Bull Moose Party or Progressive Party; Democrat Woodrow Wilson also ran
Who won the election of 1912? Because the Republican vote split, Democratic party Woodrow Wilson won 41% of the popular vote and became president of U.S.
Created by: Akosssua
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