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Gov Chapters 5-7

Bicameral legislature a legislature with two chambers
Session a Congressional meeting lasting one year
Census a population headcount at the dawn of each new decade
Reapportionment the process of reassigning the amount of representation a particular area gets based on population after each census
Redistricting to set up a new voting district after reapportionment is complete
Gerrymandering to draw a district's boundaries to gain an advantage in elections
Censure a vote of formal disapproval of a Congressman or Congresswoman's actions
Incumbent an elected official who was already in office
Constituent a person whom a member of Congress has been elected to represent
Caucus a private meeting of party leaders to choose candidates for office
Succession the action of process of inheriting a title or office
Majority leader the Speaker's top assistant whose job is to help plan the majority party's legislative program and steer important bills through the House
Whip an assistant to the party floor leader in the legislature
Bill a proposed law
Calendar a schedule that lists the order in which bills will be considered in Congress
Concurrent jurisdiction authority shared by two or more committees
Quorum the minimum number of members who must be present to permit a legislative body to take official action
President pro tempore a Senate member elected by the Senate who stands in as Senate president in absence of the Vice President
Unanimous consent a motion by all members of the Senate who are present to set aside formal rules and consider a bill from the calendar
Hold a motion placed on a bill in the Senate that alerts party leaders that if unanimous consent were to be sought, they would object
Filibuster an effort made by the minority party to "talk a bill to death"
Cloture resolution a procedure that allows each Senator to speak only one hour on a bill under debate
Standing committee a permanent committee in Congress that oversees bills dealing with particular kinds of issues
Subcommittee a group within a standing committee that specializes in a subcategory of its' standing committee's expertise
Select committee a temporary committee formed to study one specific issue and report its findings to the House or Senate
Joint committee a committee consisting of members from both the House and the Senate, formed to act as a study group to report back to Congress on their findings
Conference committee a temporary committee set up when the House and Senate pass different versions of a bill to amend discrepancies between them
Seniority system a system that gives the member of the majority party with the longest uninterrupted service on a particular committee the leadership of that committee
Personal staff the people who work directly for individual Senators and Representatives
Committee staff the people who work for House and Senate committees
Administrative assistant a member of a lawmaker's personal staff who runs their office, supervises their schedule, and offers advice
Legislative assistant a member of a lawmaker's personal staff who makes certain that the lawmaker is well informed about the proposed legislation
Caseworker a member of a lawmaker's personal staff who handles requests for help from constituents
Expressed/enumerated powers powers directly stated in the Constitution
Necessary and proper clause Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution that gives Congress additional power beyond those states to make laws necessary and proper for carrying out its duties
Implied powers powers the government requires to carry out its expressed constitutional powers
Revenue bill a law for raising money that begins in the House of Representatives
Appropriations bill a proposed law to authorize spending money
Authorization bill a bill that establishes a program and states how much can be spent on said program
Interstate commerce trade between/among states
Copyright the exclusive right to publish and sell a literary, musical, or artistic work for a specified period of time
Patent the exclusive right of an inventor to manufacture, use, and sell their invention for a period of twenty years
Impeachment the formal accusation of misconduct in office
Subpoena a legal order that a person appear or produce requested documents
Perjury lying under oath
Contempt willful obstruction of justice
Immunity freedom from prosecution for witnesses who testimony ties them to illegal acts
Legislative oversight power of the legislative branch to review the policies, programs, and activities of the executive branch on an ongoing basis
Legislative veto a provision that Congress wrote into some laws that allowed it to review and cancel actions of executive agencies
Divided government when one party controls the White House and the other controls Congress
National budget the yearly financial plan for the federal government
Impoundment the president's refusal to spend money Congress has votes to fund a program
Line-item veto the power of an executive to reject one or more items in a bill without vetoing the entire bill
Private bills bills that deal with individual people or places and frequently involve claims against the government or personal immigration status
Public bills bills that involve general matters and apply to the entire nation
Joint resolution when a bill is passed in the same form by both wings of Congress
Simple resolution when a bill regarding only one wing of Congress is passed by (and only required to be passed by) that one wing
Concurrent resolution bills that cover matters requiring the action of both Congressional wings but for which a law is not needed
Rider a provision on a subject other than the one covered on the bill
Hearing a session at which a committee listens to testimony from people interested in the bill
Veto rejection of a bill by the president
Pocket veto when a president kills a bill passed during the last ten days Congress is in session by simply refusing to act on it
Taxes the money that people and businesses pay to support the activities of the government
Closed rule rule that forbids members of the House to offer amendments to a bill on the floor
Open rule rule that permits floor debate and the addition of amendments to a bill on the floor
Appropriation approval of government spending
Authorization bill a bill that sets up a federal program and specifies how much money may be set aside for said program
Continuing resolution a resolution that keeps the government open and operating under the previous level of appropriation during times when Congress cannot agree on a new appropriation
Earmarks part of a funding bill that will go toward a certain purpose
Entitlement a required government expenditure that continues from one year to the next
Interest group a group of people who share common goals and organize to influence government policy
Lobbyist a paid representative of an interest group who contacts government officials on behalf of these groups
Lobbying direct contact made by lobbyists to persuade government officials to support the policies in their favor
Casework the work a lawmaker does to help constituents with problems
Pork-barrel legislation laws that are passed by Congress to appropriate money for local federal projects
Logrolling an agreement between two or more lawmakers to support each other's bills
Popular American Government sets




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