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Dual Gov

Article 1 Legislative branch: creates the laws
Article 2 Executive Branch: enforces the law
Article 3 Judicial Branch: whether or not the law should be passed
Article 4 Relationship between the states
Article 4 part A full faith and credit clauses
Article 4 part B extradition
Article 4 part C only congress can admit a new state
Article 4 part D government will protect each state from invasion
Article 5 amending the constitution
Article 5 part A proposal process
Article 5 part B ratification process
Article 6 establishes constitution and treaties as supreme law.
Article 7 the process to ratify the constitution: 9/13 vote
Two powers denied from congress in the constitution -no ex post facto laws no slave trade laws until 1808
two powers the constitution prohibits from the states -create treaties -coin money
requirements for members of the house (article 2 section 2) -at least 25 years old -a U.S citizen for at lease seven years -in habitant of the state they represent
requirements for members of the senate at least 30 years old - U.S citizen for at least 9 years - and a resident in correspoding state
requirements for the president -natural born citizen of the united states -be at least 35 years old - have been a resident of U.S for 14 years
requirements for supreme court justices -no specific requirements
two express powers of the president - power to make treaties - power to grant pardons
express powers of the vice president - break a tie vote in the Senate - designated successor of president if president is unable to perform the duties required in office
two express powers of congress - declare war -impeach and try officials
a power the executive branch holds over the judicial branch -appoint federal judges. (Article 2 Section 2)
a power the legislative branch hold over the executive branch - appropriate money ( Article 1 Section 9)
a power the legislative branch holds over the judicial branch - can remove and impeach officials and judges.
what court cases have the original jurisdiction in the supreme court? - cases between 2 or more states - cases between a state and a citizen of another state
what power does the constitution give the president in the area of war? - commander in chief of armed forces
where is the commerce clause and what does it say? -Article 1, Section 8- Congress has the power to control commerce with foreign nations, states, and Indian tribes.
where is the necessary and proper clause and what does it say? - Article 1 Section 8 Clause 18- Congress can make all laws that are necessary for carrying out the power of the Constitution.
where is the full faith and credit clause and what does it say? - Article 4, Section 1- Each state must respect the laws, records, and court decisions of other states.
explain the premise of the due process clause and indicate the two places it is located in the constitution. - The clause ensures the people are being treated fairly by the gov and legal rights are respected. Protects " deprivation of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. 14th and 5th amendment
What are the two ways that amendments to the constitution can be proposed? - 2/3 of congress vote to propose amendment - 2/3 of state legislature call for convention.
What are two ways that amendments to the Constitution can be ratified? - Ratified by 3/4th of state legislatures - Ratified by convention in 3/4 of the states.
What language is used to describe the role of senate in supreme court nomination? advise and consent clause
If no candidate for the presidency wins a simple majority of the total number of electoral votes, what body has the power to choose the president? House of Representatives
Where in the Constitution is the Electoral College described? Article 2, Section 1
What body has the sole power to impeach the President? House of Reps
What is the standard for impeachment? Treason, bribery, high crimes and misdemeanors.
What body has the power to convict the president of charges brough against him in the impeachment process and thereby remove him from the presidency? The Senate
What vote is required to convict and remove the president? 2/3 of the Senate
What margin is required to elevate a president's Supreme Court nominee to a seat on the Court? Majority vote in the Senate
What margin is required to ratify treaties? 2/3 of Senate
Which amendment of the constitution protects the rights of women? 19th amendment
What amendments of the constitution protect the right of African Americans? 13, 14, 15th amendments
How were U.S Senators chosen before the Seventeenth Amendment? U.S Senators were chosen by state legislatures; each elected 2 senators to 6 year terms
What was the 3/5th compromise? Every 5 slaves would be counted as 3 people for taxation and representation purposes.
What was the Great Connecticut Compromise? Provided a two-part legislation: Senate and House of Reps.
Principles of Constitution- A federalism- the balance of power between the state and federal government
Principles of Constitution- B Republicanism- election of representatives
Principles of Constitution- C Sep of Powers- Legislative, Executive, and Judicial powers are divided.
Principles of Constitution- D Checks and Balances- prevents any one branch from becoming too powerful
Principles of Constitution- E Limited Government- The U.S government has no powers beyond those in the constitution.
Principles of Constitution- G Popular Sovereignty- the people have power in the government
Amendment 1 -freedom of religion -speech -press -assembly -petition
Amendment 2 right to bear arms
Amendment 3 no quartering of soldiers
Amendment 4 No unreasonable searches or seizures
Amendment 5 -right to grand jury - Double Jeopardy Clause - self incrimination clause - right to due process -right to eminent domain
Amendment 6 -right to speedy trial -right to fair trial -right to be informed of charges -right to confront witness -right to compulsory process -right to counsel.
Amendment 7 -trial by jury in civil cases where controversy exceeds 20$
Amendment 8 prohibits cruel and unusual punishment and excessive bail.
Amendment 9 powers reserved to the people
Amendment 10 rights not given to the federal government in Constitution are reserved for the states
Amendment 11 no lawsuits against states
Amendment 12 separate election of president and vice president by electoral college.
Amendment 13 abolition of slavery
Amendment 14 -citizenship right/clause -privileges and immunities clause - due process clause - equal protection clause.
Amendment 15 -voting rights for African American men
Amendment 16 - congress can tax income
Amendment 17 -popular election of senators
Amendment 18 - no alcohol
Amendment 19 - women can vote
Amendment 20 lame duck; inauguration moved from march to Jan
Amendment 21 repeal of 18th amendment
Amendment 22 Presidential term limits- 2 four year terms or 10 years total
Amendment 23 People in district of Columbia can vote for presidents
Amendment 24 no poll taxes in federal election
Amendment 25 -presidential vacancy - vice president vacancy -presidential declaration of inability -presidential disability
Amendment 26 -voting age to 18
Amendment 27 congressional pay raises are limited to next term
How many times is the word privacy mentioned in the constitution( articles' and amendment's) None
Created by: DylanGomez
Popular American Government sets




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