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RWD - set 3

Regents word of the day review

Total War A conflict in which participating countries devote all of their resources towards the war effort.
Militarism The glorification of the military and preparation for war.
Allied Powers: Previously known as the Triple Entente it was a World War I alliance of Great Britain, France and Russia. - Later joined by Italy, the United States and others.
Central Powers Previously known as the Triple Alliance, it was a World War I alliance of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire. -Later, Bulgaria joined
Propaganda: The spreading of ideas through media to promote a certain cause or to damage an opposing cause.
War of Attrition A military strategy in which each side of a conflict attempts to wear down the opposing side to the point of defeat.
Neutrality: The foreign policy of a nation to not participate in a war between other nations.
Atrocity: A brutal violent act committed against innocent people.
Conscription: The draft; required men 18 and over to be ready for military service.
Armistice: An agreement to end fighting.
Self Determination: The right of citizens to choose their own system of government. ** Woodrow Wilson
Reparations: Payment for the damages of war.
Collective Security: A system in which a group of nations act as one to preserve the peace of all. **League of Nations & United Nations
Zionism: A movement dedicated to building a Jewish state in Palestine/Israel
Dissident: A person who disagrees with the general opinions or actions of a group.
Bolshevik: A revolutionary Communist political party led by Vladimir Lenin and Leon Trotsky in Russia. They adapted the ideas of Karl Marx.
Censorship: The suppression or prohibition of books, films, news, etc. that are considered by a government to be politically unacceptable or a threat to security.
Collectivization: A policy in the USSR under Joseph Stalin that required peasants to give up their independent farms and move onto massive farms with other peasants. Many peasants refused collectivization, especially in Ukraine.
Inflation: Occurs when the value of currency is decreasing but the price of goods and services is increasing.
Third Reich Third Reich: The official name given by the Nazi party for its regime in Germany from 1933 - 1945.
Fascism A system of government in which a dictator has complete power and the state is seen as more important than the individuals within it.
NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization; a multinational military alliance to which the U.S belongs, formed at the end of WWII as a response to Communism during the Cold War.
Warsaw Pact a military alliance between the soviet union and its satellite states formed as a response to nato in 1955.
Iron Curtain A term popularized by Winston Churchill - the “Iron Curtain” isolated Eastern European Communist nations from Democratic nations in Western Europe.
Satellite A country that is economically and politically dependent on a more powerful country. During the Cold War the USSR had 7 satellite states.
Domino Theory A Cold War policy of the United States that suggested that a communist government in one nation would quickly lead to communist takeovers in neighboring countries.
Civil Disobedience The refusal to obey unjust laws but NOT through violent means. Also called passive resistance and nonviolence . *Gandhi - “Soul Force”
Boycott To abstain from buying or using goods produced by a certain country or group to show protest.
Homespun Movement An act of civil disobedience encouraged by Gandhi; he urged Indians to spin their own cotton instead of purchasing it from the British.
Salt March An act of civil disobedience led by Gandhi where thousands of Indians protested the British tax on salt by walking 240 miles to the ocean to make their own salt.
Partition The action of dividing a country into parts. Ex.) Partition of India
Guomintang (Kuomintang) The nationalist political party of China - they engaged in a Civil War with the Chinese Communist Party from 1912 - 1949.
The Long March During the Chinese Civil War; the march was led by Mao Zedong, he and 100,000 followers marched 6,000 miles to avoid capture by the Nationalist party.
Created by: user-1746037
Popular History sets




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