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Ancient India

What happened in 3000 BC? Indus river valley Harapen civilization starts.
What happened in 2000 BC? Harpan civilization declines.
What happened in 1500 BC? Aryans invade the Indus Valley and take control of the North region.
What happened in 1500 BC? Caste system introduced.
What happened in 560 BC? Siddhartha Gautama is born.
What happened in 520 BC? Indus Valley controlled by Russians.
What happened in 500 BC? Reading devotion.
What happened in 480 BC? Gautama dies.
What were monsoons? seasonal winds that impact the Indus Valley civilization. Monsoons blew warm, moist air from the South West during Summer and cold in the Northeast in the winter.
What is a subcontinent? A large landmass that's smaller than an continent.
What is a Sanskrit? The most important language of Ancient India.
What is Hinduism? Oldest and largest region in India. A complex of belief and values are accomplishments worshiping many gods rearmament and karma.
What is a caste system? Social structure determine by a person's birth wealth or compilation.
What is a Vedas? Hindus sacred texts gathered into four convolutions.
What is Reincarnation? The process of rebirth.
What is karma? The effects that good or bad actions have a persons soul.
What is Ahisma? The practice of non violence.
What is Buddism? A religion based on the technicians of Buddha.
What is the four noble truths? Four principals that are the heart of Buddas teachings no one can escape from.
What is Nirvana? A state of perfect peace,
What is Mauryan Empire? A dynasty the ruled from 321 to 185 BCE from Northeast to most of North and central India.
What is the Gupta dynasty? An ancient India empire from 323 to 550 CC and covered much of Northwest.
What were mud bricks used for? Were used to construct buildings in the Harappan period.
What was the time period of Ancient India is known as? The Harrapan period or Indus Valley civilization.
What is a monsoon? Describe a monsoon. A monsoon is when water floods crops get destroyed.
How did monsoons affect farming? Too little? Too heavy? Too late? It destroyed crops.
What was made in 1500 BC? Iron plows, iron and weapons.
What is Sanskrit? In 1000 BC? In 1000 BC they created a writing system called Sanskrit.
What is at the top of the caste system? Brahmin/ priests and teachers . In charge of religious ceremonies.
What is second at the top of the caste system? Khatriyas/ warriors and rulers. Military elite sometimes families from other varens were allowed into this class.
What s third at the caste system? Vaisyas/ farmers, traders, farmers were landowners and traders were commoners and bankers.
What is fourth in the caste system? Sudras/ labors, servants farmers (who worked the land). Largest proportion limited rights manual labor.
What is fifth on the caste system? Untouchables/ . "the outcast" lowest of the low treated inhumanly. given degraded tasks and labor collected trash and bodies.
What is a Jati? "Brought into existence"- caste is determined by birth.
What is Varnas? The four major social categories in Aryan society.
Who was Brahma? Creator of the universe.
Who was Siva? of the universe.
Who was Vishna? Destroyer of the universe.
What is one of the four goals? Dharma.
What is one of the four goals? Striving for well being, or earning a life with dignity.
What is one of the four goals? Goal is pleasure.
What is one of the four goals? Reach Moshka.
What is another name for Buddhist religious community is? Monastaries.
How did Buddism spread? Word of mouth from .
What is one of the five precepts? Do not harm any living things.
What is one of the five precepts? Don't steal take only whats given.
What is one of the five precepts? Avoid over-stimulation.
What is one of the five precepts? Do not say unkind things.
What is one of the five precepts? Do not take drugs or alcohol.
What are the four noble truths? 1 suffering is a part of life. 2 Suffering is caused by desires. 3 Suffering will stop if you give up your desires. 4 The eight fold path will stop the suffering.
What are the eight fold path steps? 1 Right belifes , 2 Right purpose, 3 Right speech, 4 Right conduct, 5 Right livelihood, 6 Right effort, 7 Right mind fullness.
What is the eighth step to the eight fold path? 8 is Right mediation.
What is the eight fold path? Control your thoughts, resist evil, free your ins of evil, work for the good of others, respect life, practice meditation, say nothing to hurt others and know the truth.
What are the accomplishments? The number 0, temple, metal workings, astronomy, Sanskrit and inoculation.
Who was Buddha? Buddha was Siddhartha Gutama.
Who was Ashoka? Ashoka lived 304 BC to 232 BC. Ashoka was the third emporer of Maurya. He ruled 268 BC until his death.
What is all on the India map? Arabian Sea.
What is all on the India map? Bay of Bengal.
What is all on the India map? Indian Ocean.
What is all on the India map? Indus River.
What is all on the India map? Ganges River.
What is all on the India map? Himalayas Mountains/ mts.
What is all on the India map? Deccan Plateau.
What is all on the India map? Western and Eastern Ghats.
What is all on the India map? Hindu Kush.
What is all on the India map? Thar Desert.
What is all on the India map? Dry monsoon (air flow)
What is all on the India map? Wet monsoon (air flow)
What is all on the India map? City of Mohenjo.
What is all on the India map? City of Harappa.
What direction does the dry monsoons air flow go? Down to the Arabian Sea. So down arrows.
What direction does the wet monsoons air flow go? Up to the Himalayas mts. So up arrows.
Where is the Thar desert? Next to a wet monsoons arrow the smaller one.
Where is the Hindu kush? The Hindu Kush is above Monhenjo and the Indus River next to Harappa.
s Is the Western Ghats near the Eastern ghats? Yes but the Eastern ghat's are on the right side and the Western ones are on the left side.
Where is the Thar Desert? Underneath the Indus River.
Created by: user-1778156
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