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FrenchVocab Set5

French Vocab A-Z Set 5

faire une promenade to go for a walk
rentrer to go home
faire du jogging to go jogging, to jog
partir en vacances to go on vacation
continuer to go on/keep going
sortir to go out
faire de la voile to go sailing
se coucher to go to bed
monter to go up
passer to go/come by; to spend time
entrer to go/come in
saluer to greet
grandir to grow/age
garantir to guarantee
deviner to guess
rendre (à) to hand in; to give back
remettre to hand in/over
se passer to happen
avoir to have
discuter to have a discussion, to talk
avoir mal à la tête to have a headache
faire un pique-nique to have a picnic
goûter to have a snack, to taste
avoir le goét du travail to have a strong work ethic
avoir une vision du monde to have a world view
prendre le petit-déjeuner to have breakfast
avoir un contact avec le public to have contact with the public
dîner to have dinner
s’amuser to have fun
déjeuner to have lunch
avoir des racines to have roots/origins
souper to have supper
avoir une note to have/receive a grade
entendre to hear
aider (à) to help
cacher to hide
tenir to hold
espérer to hope
souhaiter to hope, to wish
se dépêcher to hurry up
avoir mal partout to hurt all over
imaginer to imagine
améliorer to improve
inclure to include
intégrer to incorporate, integrate
augmenter to increase
indiquer to indicate
signaler to indicate, to be a sign of
renseigner to inform
insulter to insult
interpréter to interpret
interviewer to interview
se présenter to introduce oneself
présenter to introduce, présent
inviter to invite
relier to join, link together
plaisanter to joke
juger to judge
sauter to jump, to skip
s’embrasser to kiss
savoir to know (how)
connaître to know, be familiar with
rire to laugh
apprendre (à) to learn
partir to leave
quitter to leave
laisser to leave (alone)
repartir to leave again
laisser les lumières allumées to leave the lights on
prêter to lend
aimer bien to like fairly well
aimer beaucoup to like or love a lot
aimer to like, to love
vivre to live
habiter to live (in a physical sense)
chercher to look for
donner sur to look onto or lead out to
perdre son sang-froid to lose one’s composure
maigrir to lose weight
perdre to lose, to waste
baisser to lower
maintenir to maintain
dresser (une liste) to make (a list)
banaliser to make commonplace
feminization, la to make feminine
se décider to make up one’s mind
fabriquer to make, to produce
mesurer to measure
se rencontrer to meet
se retrouver to meet
retrouver (qqn) to meet up with (sb)
fondre to melt
mentionner to mention
rater to miss
manquer to miss, to be lacking
mélanger to mix
modifier to modify
nommer to name
avoir besoin de to need
ne pas faire grand-chose to not do much
nourrir to nourish
obéir à to obey
observer to observe
ouvrir to open
commander to order
surveiller to oversee
peindre to paint
garer to park
participer à to participate in
payer to pay
jouer une pièce to perform a play
permettre (à, de) to permit
persuader to persuade
téléphoner (à qqn) to phone (sb)
se téléphoner to phone one another
poser to place, put
planifier to plan
organiser to plan, to organize
jouer to play
jouer à to play (a sport)
jouer de to play (an instrument)
polluer to pollute
posséder to possess
verser to pour
préférer to prefer
préparer to prépare
préserver to preserve
empêcher to prevent
imprimer to print
promettre to promise
prononcer to pronounce
proposer to propose, to sugest
protéger to protect
sauver to protect
provoquer to provoke
punir to punish
pousser to push, encourage
installer to put in, to install
mettre to put on
se maquiller to put on makeup
chausser to put shoes on
bricoler: faire du bricolage to putter around
lever to raise
réagir to react
lire to read
recevoir to receive
réciter to recite
recommander to recommend
recycler to recycle
réduire to reduce
refléter to reflect
refuser (de) to refuse
réchauffer to reheat
rembourser to reimburse
se détendre to relax
céder to relinquish
se rappeler to remember
se souvenir de to remember
louer to rent
réparer to repair
répéter to repeat; to rehearse
remplacer to replace
replanter to replant
exiger to require, to demand
relire to reread
réserver to reserve
résoudre to resolve, to solve
se reposer to rest
retenir to retain
revenir to return
réviser to review
sonner to ring
risquer (de) to risk, run the risk of
côtoyer to rub shoulders with
courir to run
sauvegarder (un fichier) to save (a file)
dire to say
voir to see
consulter le médecin to see a doctor
voir une pièce to see a play
revoir to see again
voir une exposition to see an exhibit
avoir l’air (bon/mauvais) to seem (good/bad)
avoir l’air (d’être) + adj. to seem + adj.
vendre to sell
envoyer to send
se séparer to separate
servir to serve
desservir to serve, to stop at
se serrer la main to shake hands
partager to share
se raser to shave
tourner un film to shoot a film
montrer to show
se doucher to shower
chanter to sing
s’asseoir to sit down
situer to situate
sauter un repas to skip a meal
dormir to sleep
fumer to smoke
grignoter to snack
neiger to snow
faire du surf des neiges to snowboard
trier to sort
parler to speak
dépenser to spend
passer une soirée tranquille to spend a quiet evening
rester to stay
rester à la maison to stay home
rester en pleine forme to stay in shape
rester à la résidence to stay in the dorm
loger to stay temporarily
piquer to sting
arrêter (de) to stop
s’arrêter to stop oneself
conserver to store
lutter to struggle, fight
préparer un examen to study for an exam
faire du français to study French
soumettre to submit
s’abonner (à) to subscribe (to)
réussir (à) to succeed/pass
suggérer to suggest
convenir to suit
résumer to summarize
soutenir to support, uphold
faire du surf to surf
surfer to surf (the Internet)
surprendre to surprise
entourer to surround
faire de la natation to swim
nager to swim
suivre un cours to take a course
faire une randonnée to take a hike
prendre une douche to take a shower
se promener to take a walk
reprendre to take back
s’occuper de to take care of
se soigner to take care of oneself
se droguer to take drugs, to be on drugs
avoir lieu to take place
prendre to take; to have a meal
parler au téléphone to talk on the phone
enseigner to teach
se moquer to tease, mock
raconter to tell a story
remercier to thank
au contraire to the contrary
penser (à, de) to think
réfléchir à to think of/about
ménacer to threaten
lancer to throw
jeter to throw/throw out
faire un tour dans le quartier/au parc to tour the neighborhood/park
voyager to travel
se faire un petit plaisir to treat oneself
essayer (de) to try
tourner to turn
allumer to turn on (an appliance)
mettre la musique à fond to turn the music up loud
taper to type
comprendre to understand
défaire to undo
se déshabiller to undress
employer to use
utiliser to use
se servir de (qqch) to use (sthg)
visiter to visit a place
rendre visite à to visit someone
vomir to vomit
attendre to wait (for), to expect
se réveiller to wake up
vouloir to want, to wish
prévenir to warn someone
laver to wash
se laver la figure to wash one’s face
se laver les cheveux to wash one’s hair
se laver les mains to wash one’s hands
se laver to wash oneself
gaspiller to waste
regarder to watch
regarder un film/la télé/des photos to watch a movie/TV/look at photos
arroser to water
porter to wear; to carry
accueillir to welcome
faire de la planche à voile to windsurf
bosser (colloq.) to work
travailler dans le jardin to work in the garden/yard
travailler to work, to study
s’inquiéter to worry
se faire du souci to worry
crier to yell
pain grillé, le toast
tabac, le tobacco shop
aujourd’hui today
ensemble together
articles de toilette, les (m.) toiletries
toilettes, les (f.) toilets, restroom
W.-C., les (m.) toilets, restroom
tomate, la tomato
demain tomorrow
ce soir tonight
trop too much
dent, la tooth
brosse à dents toothbrush
dentifrice, le toothpaste
sommet, le top, summit
guide, le tour guide; guidebook
tourisme, le tourism
office du tourisme, l’ (m.) tourism office
vers toward, around
serviette (de toilette), la towel
tour, la tower
toxique toxic
trace, la trace
tradition, la tradition
traditionnel/le traditional
circulation, la traffic
tragédie, la tragedy
train, le train
gare, la train station
entraîneur, l’ (m.) trainer, coach
transfert, le transfer
traduire translate
poubelle, la trash can
ordure, l’ (f.) trash, waste
arbre, l’ (m.) tree
triangle, le triangle
trimestre, le trimester, quarter
trio, le trio
tour, le trip, outing, visit
voyage, le trip, voyage
trombone, le trombone
troupe, la troop
embarrass, l’ (m.) trouble
truite, la trout
trompette, la trumpet
mardi Tuesday
thon, le tuna
télécommande, la TV remote control
série, la TV serial; series
télévision, la TV, television (monitor)
douzième twelfth
douze twelve
vingtième twentieth
vingt twenty
vingt et un twenty-one
vingt-deux twenty-two
jumeau/-melle twin
deux two
il y a deux jours two days ago
typique typical
laid/e ugly
moche ugly
parapluie, le umbrella
insupportable unbearable
oncle, l’ (m.) uncle
sous under, below
indiscipliné/e undisciplined
chômage, le unemployment
malheureux/euse unhappy, unfortunate
uniforme, l’ (m.) uniform
uni/e united
universel/le universal
université, l’ (f.) university
sédentaire unmoving, sedentary
instable unstable
jusqu’à until
urgent urgent
utilisation, l’ (f.) use
employ, l’ (m.) use; job
utile useful
d’habitude usually
charges, les (f.) utilities
vacances, les (f.) vacation
projets de vacances, les (m.) vacation plans
vallée, la valley
divertissement, le variety show
divers/e various
vaste vast
ris de veau, les (m.) veal sweetbreads
legume, le vegetable
potager, le vegetable garden
voile, le veil
voilé/e veiled
verbe, le verb
verbal/e verbal
couplet, le verse of a poem
très very
Très bien, merci. Very well, thank you.
monument aux morts, le veterans’ memorial
magnétoscope, le videocassette recorder
vidéocassette, la videotape
Vietnam, le Vietnam
vietnamien/ne adj. Vietnamese
vue, la view
village, le village
village perché, le village perched on a hillside
vinaigre, le vinegar
violon, le violin
virus, le virus
vision, la vision
visite, la visit
voix, la voice
volley(-ball), le volleyball
voyelle, la vowel
taille, la waist; size
balade, la walk, stroll
promenade, la walk, stroll
baladeur, le Walkman
mur, le wall
portefeuille, le wallet
valse, la waltz
guerre, la war
gant de toilette, le wash mitt
déchet, le waste, refuse
usé/e waste, used
huile usée, l’ (f.) wasted or used oil
montre, la watch
eau, l’ (f.) water
aquarelle, l’ (f.) watercolor
façon, la way
manière de vivre, la way of life
chemin, le way; path
nous we; us, to us
faible weak
météo(rologie), la weather forecast
temps, le weather; time; tense
mariage, le wedding; marriage
mercredi Wednesday
semaine, la week
week-end, le weekend
hebdomadaire adj. weekly
bienvenu/e adj. welcome
reception, la welcome; reception (room)
bienvenue, la welcome; you’re welcome (Can.)
repas équilibré well-balanced meal
bien-être, le well-being
bien well, fine
ouest, l’ (m.) west
western, le western (film)
quoi what
Quelle est la date ? What is the date?
Comment tu t’appelles? What is your name?
Comment vous appelez-vous ? What is your name?
que (qu’) what, whom, which, that
qu’est-ce que/qui... ? what...?
Quelle est la date ? What’s the date?
Quel temps fait-il ? What’s the weather like?
Qu’est-ce que tu as ? What’s wrong?
Quel est ton/votre âge ? What’s your age?
lorsque when
quand when
Ouf ! Whew!
quel/le which
laquelle (f.) which one
lequel (m.) which one
lesquels, lesquelles (m.) pl./(f.) pl. which ones
pendant que while
blanc/blanche white
vin blanc, le white wine
qui who, which, whom
pourquoi why
pourquoi pas ? why not?
répandu/e widespread
femme, la wife, woman
sauvage wild, savage
faune, la wildlife, fauna
vent, le wind
fenêtre, la window
planche à voile, la windsurfing, windsurfing board
vin, le wine
cave, la wine cellar
hiver, l’ (m.) winter
sport d’hiver winter sport
sage wise; well-behaved (for children)
vœu, le wish
volonté, la wish, will
avec with
avec coin cuisine with a kitchenette
café crème with cream
café au lait with milk
avec plaisir with pleasure
Volontiers. With pleasure, gladly.
sans without
tailleur, le women’s suit
bois, le woods, wood
laine, la wool
mot, le word
traitement de texte, le word processing, editing
boulot, le (colloq.) work
travail, le work
œuvre, l’ (f.) work (esp. literary or artistic)
oeuvre d’art, l’ (f.) work of art
ouvrier/ière, l’ (m./f.) worker, laborer
monde, le world
mondial/e worldwide
abîmé/e worn, worn out
inquiet/-ète worried, uneasy, anxious
souci, le worry, concern
pire worse
pagne, le wrap, piece of (African) cloth
poignet, le wrist
an, l’ (m.) year
année, l’ (f.) year
jaune yellow
oui yes
en effet yes, indeed
si yes; if, whether
hier yesterday
yaourt, le yogurt
toi you
tu you
Il ne faut pas que... You must not...
te/t’ you, to you
vous you; to you
Il n’y a pas de quoi. You’re welcome.
jeune adj. young
jeune, le/la young person
ta (f.) your
tes pl. your
vos pl. your
votre (m./f.) your
jeunesse, la youth, young people
zéro zero
zoologie, la zoology
faux/-sse FALSE
vrai TRUE
Created by: peace and love
Popular French sets




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