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Unité 3A

Ma Routine Saine

Les Habitudes Saines The Healthy Habits
boire de l'eau to drink water
courir to run
s'étirer to stretch *
être en forme to be in shape
faire des exercices to exercise
faire du jogging to jog
faire de la musculation to lift weights
faire du yoga to do yoga
manger bien to eat well
manger mal to eat poorly
marcher / se promener to walk
méditer to meditate
prendre soin de toi to care for yourself
le tapis de course the treadmill
la tête the head
les cheveux the hair
les oreilles the ears
le front the forehead
les sourcils the eyebrows
les cils the eyelashes
l'œil / les yeux the eye / eyes
le nez the nose
les joux the cheeks
la bouche the mouth
les lèvres the lips
les dents the teeth
la langue the tongue
le menton the chin
la barbe the beard
la moustache the mustache
le visage the face
les cinq sens the five senses
dire to say / tell
entendre to hear
goûter to taste
sentir to smell
toucher to touch
voir to see
le corps the body
la tête the head
le cou the neck
la gorge the throat
l'épaule the shoulder
le bras the arm
le coude the elbow
le poignet the wrist
la main the hand
le doigt the finger
le pouce the thumb
les ongles the nails
la poitrine the chest
le ventre the stomach
le dos the back
la taille the waist
la hanche the hip
la jambe the leg
le genou the knee
la cheville the ankle
le pied the foot
les doigts de pied the toes
Created by: jkaleta
Popular French sets




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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

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