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Road to Revolution

Vocabulary review

French Indian War: 1754-1760 France/Native Americans vs British/Colonists fought over the Ohio • River Valley which was very rich in farmland and fur trade. British were victorious but Colonist became extremely angry after they were taxed to pay for the war’s debt.
Ohio River Valley: rich in fertile land and fur trade. This is the land the French Indian War was fought over.
Albany Plan of Union: First attempt at establishing a central • government in the colonies. It was put forth by Benjamin Franklin but never adopted.
Mercantilism: Economic theory that says the colonists • exist for the benefit of the mother country (England) by expanding trade.
Salutary Neglect: British policy that relaxed regulations on the colonies. It allowed the colonists to ignore British laws befor the French Indian war.
National Debt The debt or money that a country owes to others for ‣ borrowing money.
Tax Money paid to a government on workers income, purchases ‣ made, profits, and cost of goods or services.
Proclamation of 1763 An imaginary line drawn along the ‣ Appalachian Mountains. It forbid colonists from settling west of the Appalachian Mountains. This infuriated colonists who were promised the land if they fought in the French Indian War.
Sugar Act Passed in 1764 by Parliament. It placed a tax on Molasses, a ‣ valuable commodity in the triangular trade used to make sugar.
Stamp Act Passed in 1765 it Placed a tax on all paper goods such as wills, diplomas, marriage licenses, almanacs, playing cards and dice.
Writs of Assistance Legal document that gave British officers and customs officials the right to inspect a ships cargo without reason.
Quartering Act One of the four Intolerable Acts, it said that British Soldiers were to be housed by Colonists in their homes.
“No taxation without representation” Colonists believe that since they did not elect representatives to Parliament and as a result Parliament had no right to tax them.
Boston Massacre: March 5, 1770 an angry crowd gathered outside a Boston customs house and threw snowballs, oyster shells, and chunks of ice at British soldiers. The soldiers panicked and shot at the crowd killing five people.
Tea Act: Allowed the East India Company to bypass other tea merchants and sell directly to Colonists. It made tea cheaper, but upset colonists because it cut tea merchants out of the trade.
Boston Tea Party (1773). The Sons of Liberty, disguised as Indians, boarded 3 English tea ships, and dumped their cargo into Boston Harbor.
Sons of Liberty To protest British policies, some angry colonists formed the group "Sons of Liberty". They staged mock hangings with scarecrows dressed up as British officials.
Intolerable Acts In an attempt to punish Massachusetts, Parliament passed 4 harsh laws. 1) shut down port of Boston, 2)one town meeting per year. 3) customs officials were to be tried in a England instead of Mass. 4). Quartering Act
Olive Branch Petition Colonists last attempt to avoid war with Britain. The Petition asked King George to repeal (get rid of) the Intolerable Acts, but he rejected the petition and vowed to bring the rebels to justice
Reason the French and Indian War was fought, and what Britain got for winning. The French Indian War was fought over control of the Ohio River Valley. The French had control of the valley and its lucrative ($$$) fur trade.
Effect of the French and Indian War on Britain’s finances The French Indian War drained England's finances and as a result they started taxing the colonists. This infuriated colonists who fought in the war and were refused access to the Ohio River Valley after defeating the France in the French Indian War
The end of salutary neglect in the 13 Colonies Britain's unofficial policy to relax the enforcement of strict regulations, particularly trade laws, imposed on the American colonies. Colonists became infuriated when this policy ended and England began demanding taxes from the colonies.
New taxes and laws created in the 13 Colonies that angered the colonists New laws and Taxes that angered the colonists were: Stamp Act - Intolerable Acts Sugar Act - Townshend Acts Quartering Act - Writs of Assistance
The meaning of “No taxation without representation” Colonists had no representation in the English Parliament, as a result there was no one arguing on their behalf. Colonists felt that they had never agreed to be taxed and should not have to pay them without equal representation in Parliament.
What the Boston Massacre was and how colonists used to to turn more people against the British The colonists used the Boston Massacre as a Propaganda tool. Committees of Correspondence wrote to other colonies describing the awful "massacre" turning loyal colonists against England.
Ways the colonists protested Colonists tarred and feathered English tax collectors, protested in the street and even threw millions of dollars of tea into Boston Harbor (boston Tea Party). They also petitioned the King to have these taxes repealed.
Ways both Britain and the colonists attempted to avoid war Colonists sent petitions to England requesting they repeal taxes. They boycotted English goods and services. Also issued the Olive Branch Petition in a last attempt to avoid war. England repealed the Stamp Act and Townshend Acts
Created by: evaneron
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