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Question | Answer |
What was the Catholic Church response to the Reformation? | The Counter-Reformation |
What invention helped publish the 95 Theses by Martin Luther? | The Printing Press created by Johannes Gutenberg |
Polygamy? | Practiced by Mormans and men were allowed to have more than one wife. |
Protestants broke from the Catholic Church and started the... | New Christian Denominations |
Who posted the "95 Theses" and what was it about? | 1: Martin Luther 2: Was about the Bible and a Priests duties, which exposed the Church |
Church of England | KING Henry V||| |
1:Lead a reform movement in Geneva, Switzerland 2: Formed Calvinism | John Calvin |
God saves these few people from sins thought by John Calvin | Elects |
Theocracy | Government led by religious leaders |
When Calvinists were attacked by Catholic mobs | St. Bartholomew's Day pf Massacre of 1572 |
Was the most important Catholic reformer and formed the religious order "Society of Jesus in 1540 | Ignatius of Loyola |
Members of The Society of Jesus | Jesuits |
Jesuits Goals | 1: Stop Protestantism 2: Educate Catholic Priests with schools 3: Convert non-Christians |
Council of Trent | Pope Paul ||| wanted to review the Catholic Church and made a series of reforms over 18 years. Catholic Church became more unified |
Heretics | Non-believers who go against the Catholic Church |
The Catholic Church banned and burned all... | "Offensive books", including the Protestant versions of the Bible |
Inquisition | Held trials and tortured the accused heretics |
Humanism | During the Renisasance, this led to the questioning of religion |
Simony | the buying or selling of ecclesiastical privileges, for example pardons or benefices. Ex: If a priest became a bishop by paying a bribe |
Nepotism | Choosing a relative, friend, or associate over others in a workplace |
Indulgences | a thing that is indulged in; a luxury. the full or partial remission of temporal punishment for sins after the sinner confesses and receives absolution |
Johann Tetzel | German friar, preacher, and Grand Commissioner for indulgences in Germany. |
Reformer | one that works for or urges reform. |
John Wycliffe | one of the medieval forerunners of the Protestant Reformation |
Jan Hus | Czech theologian and philosopher who became a Church reformer and the inspiration of Hussitism, a key predecessor to Protestantism |
Erasmus | leading activists and thinkers of the European Renaissance |
Erasmus famous document | Praise of Folly 1511 |
Protestant Reformation | Religious reform movement that swept through Europe in the 1500s. It resulted in the creation of a branch of Christianity called Protestantism |
Excommunicated | Eliminated/kicked out of church |
Anabaptist | Belief of re-baptizer/being Baptized as an adult |
Witch Hunt | Search for and subsequent persecution of a supposed witch. |
Diet of Worms | Imperial diet of the Holy Roman Empire called by Emporor Charles V, who called up Martin Luther. |