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Normative Ethics

Normative ethics Deals with the content of moral theories themselves; a debate about how to use moral terms correctly in a sentence.
Psychological Hedonism The view that all human choice comes from a natural desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain.
Ethical hedonism You ought to do what brings you pleasure
Cyrenaic Hedonism From Aristippus, says that all pleasure is good, especially physical pleasure
Ataraxia Tranquility
Epicurean Hedonism Pleasure is first and foremost freedom from pain in the body and from trouble in the mind; maximize this by living simply
Greatest Happiness Principle The most moral action = the one that brings about the most good for the most people
Mill's response to "Doctrine of Swine" Pleasure comes not just with different quantities, but with different qualities, e.g. higher and lower pleasures.
Deontology Morality is primarily about intentionally doing one’s duty according to some rational criterion
Kant's key to morality Good will
Categorical Imperative Act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that is should become a universal law
Realm of ends Act so that you treat humanity, whether in your own person or in that of another, always as an end and never as a means only
Dichotomy of Control There are things that are in our control and things we aren't in control of
Stoics on determining duty Be in accordance with nature/logos, your relations, and the proper price
Stoic Cosmopolitanism We are all part of a “universal city” that is directed by the universal Reason – we have to look beyond our own particular circumstances to see how the Logos is at work in the whole
Spermatikos logos Seeds of reason that it's natural we follow
Created by: m24g
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