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Social Studies


abolish end forever
agriculture farming
Articles of Confederation first governing document of the United States that gave most power to the states
atomic bomb powerful military weapon using nuclear technology
bias personal opinion that shapes how someone views a topic
boycott refuse to buy
Byzantine Empire empire based at Constantinople that was once part of the Roman Empire
caravel light, mobile Portuguese ship
cash crop crop grown to sell for profit
city-state independent city with it's own government and citizenship
Civil Rights Movement period of people working together to end legalized racial discrimination
Cold War competition between the United States and Soviet union for global power
Compromise of 1850 agreement that admitted California and made new rules about the possible expansion of slavery westward
conquistadors Spanish adventures and conquerors during the Age of Exploration
constitution plan for government
Continental Congress meeting of colonial leaders
cuneiform ancient writing cut into clay tablets
Dark Ages time period from about 500-1000 with little surviving recorded history
Declaration of Independence document announcing American independence from Great Britain
democracy political system in which citizens vote directly on leaders and laws
dynasty ruling families in which the kingship passes from generation to generation
Equal Rights Amendment proposed constitutional amendment guaranteeing gender equality
fact statement that can be proven true
feminism women's rights
Fugitive Slave Law controversial law that required all U.U. citizens to help capture and return runaway slaves to their owners
Great Depression period of worldwide economic downturn in the 1930's
hieroglyphics writing that uses pictures to show ideas or syllables
Homestead Act law of 1862 giving people land in the West under certain conditions
hunter-gatherer people who survive by collecting wild plants and hunting
imperialism use of power by one country to rule another
industrialization making of goods in factories
irrigation systems to move water for farming
isolationism policy of staying out of global conflicts
Kansas-Nebraska Act law overturning the Missouri Compromise and allowing people in Kansas and Nebraska to vote on whether to allow slavery
labor specialization division of labor in which people do different jobs
Manifest Destiny idea that the Unites States has a duty to expand to the Pacific Ocean
mercantilism theory stating that colonies existed to provide raw materials and markers for their ruling country
Mesoamerica region of Mexico, Central America settled by people long ago
Middle Passage long, difficult Atlantic crossing that was part of the slave trade
militarism national focus on building military power
Missouri Compromise agreement of 1820 that admitted Missouri and Maine, and tried to end the debate over slavery
muckraker journalists who wrote about social problems
nationalism support for one's own nation above others
Native Americans native group of what is now the United States
New Deal series of federal programs that provided economic help during the Great Depression
opinion statement that gives a person's idea about a topic
Persian Gulf War war fought in and around Iraq in 1990 and 1991
popular sovereignty voting by the people
primary source source created by someone who witnessed an event
Proclamation of 1763 British policy setting a western limit for colonial settlement
Progressive Era period of social, political, and economic reform lasting between about 1900 and 1915
Reformation European religious reform movement
Renaissance period of cultural flowering and rebirth in Europe
republic political system in which citizens vote for leaders who then make laws on their behalf
secede formally leave a country
secondary source source created by someone about an event that they did not witness
sectionalism support for one's own region rather than the whole nation
segregation leagal separation of people by race
self-government overseeing of a community's political affairs by it's own rep
speculation buying something with the intention pf selling it later at a profit
Transcontinental Railroad ling-distance railroad linking the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans
Treaty of Versailles agreement ending World War 1 (WWI) that punished Germany for the war
triangular trade set of routes connecting the Americas, Europe, and West Africa over which raw materials, finished goods, and enslaved humans traveled
urbanization growth of cities
War on Terror U.S. strategy to destroy terrorist networks around the world
Created by: cmseymour
Popular History sets




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