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vocabulary and terms relating to the Constitution

veto to reject a bill
ratify to approve
checks and balances each branch has ways to limit the power of the other two branches
impeach to formally accuse a federal official of serious wrongdoing
pardon to set free from punishment
override to overrule a president's veto
confirm to approve
appropriate to decide who gets money and how much they receive
execute to carry out
legislation laws
propose to suggest
majority more than half
adjourn to end a meeting
bill a proposal for a law
appoint to choose or select
interprets to decide the meaning of
jurisdiction the authority
electoral college the group of people who officially choose the president
NJ Plan plan for one house legislature with equal representation
VA Plan plan for two house legislature with representation based on population
Anti-Federalist someone who did not like the new Constitution; wanted a bill of rights
Federalist someone who did like the new constitution; wanted strong federal govt.
Great Compromise solved the dispute between large and small states
Three-fifths Compromise solved the dispute between the north and south over counting slaves in the population
House of Representatives one part of Congress; based on population
Senate one part of Congress with 2 senators per state; equal representation
Preamble the introduction to the Constitution
James Madison "Father of the Constitution"
ratification approval
executive branch the branch that carries out or enforces the law
legislative branch the branch that makes the law
judicial branch the branch that interprets the law
separation of power the government is divided into three branches (legislative, executive, and judicial)
Supreme Court the people in the judicial branch
federalism power is divided between the federal and state governments; federal is more powerful
1787 the year the Constitution was written
limited government the government must obey the law and follow the rules of the Constitution
popular sovereignty the people rule; the government gets its power from the people
republicanism citizens vote for representatives to carry out their wishes
Federalist Papers the newspaper articles explaining and supporting the new constitution
Montesquieu Frenchman created separation of powers to keep any one group from becoming too powerful
individual rights individual freedoms and liberties guaranteed by the Constitution
Bill of Rights the first ten amendments to the Constitution; they protect citizens from the federal govt.
Created by: cwright2404
Popular American Government sets




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