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Early Presidents

George Washington First President of the United States (1789-1797). No political party.
Washington's Precedents Examples George Washington set for other presidents to follow. These include: -Only serving two terms -Creating a cabinet -2-term limit -Going by Mr. President
President's Cabinet Advises the president on the matters relevant to their executive departments
Alexander Hamilton First Secretary of the Treasury. He advocated creation of a national bank, assumption of state debts by the federal government, and a tariff system to pay off the national debt.
Tariff A tax on imported goods
National Bank A bank chartered by the federal government to hold government money, store taxes, and loan the government money if needed. Supported by Hamilton, opposed by Jefferson
Loose Interpretation of the Constitution Belief that the constitution is a set of guidelines, and things do not have to follow the exact wording of what is written there, more the big idea and spirit of it.
Strict Interpretation of the Constitution Believed people should follow exactly what was stated and allowed in the document, nothing else
Washington's Farewell Address President George Washington's final message to the nation. Gave the following advice to the nation: -Stay united -Avoid political parties -Remain neutral in foreign affairs
Political Party A group that seeks to elect candidates to public office based on common interests
Democratic-Republican Party Led by Thomas Jefferson, believed people should have political power, favored strong state governments, emphasized farming and agriculture, strict interpretation of the Constitution, opposed National Bank
Federalist Party A political party created in the 1790s and influenced by Alexander Hamilton that wanted to strengthen the federal government and promote industry and trade.
John Adams Second President of the United States (1797-1801). Member of Federalist Party.
XYZ Affair A 1797 incident in which French officials demanded a bribe from U.S. diplomats
Quasi War Undeclared war fought entirely at sea between the US and France from 1798 to 1800. The French began to seize American ships trading with their British enemies and refused to receive a new United States minister when he arrived in Paris in December 1796.
Alien and Sedition Acts Laws passed by congress in 1798 that enabled the government to imprison or deport immigrants and to prosecute critics of the government. Used by John Adams to target Democratic-Republican opponents
Thomas Jefferson Third President of the United States (1801-1809). Member of Democratic-Republican Party.
Louisiana Purchase Territory in western United States purchased from France in 1803 for $15 million. Nearly doubled size of United States
Lewis and Clark Two explorers sent on an expedition by Jefferson to gather information on the United States' new land and map a route to the Pacific. They kept very careful maps and records of this new land acquired from the Louisiana Purchase.
James Madison Fourth President of the United States (1809-1817). Member of Democratic-Republican Party.
War of 1812 A war (1812-1814) between the United States and England because England was trying to interfere with American trade with France.
Impressment British practice of taking American sailors and forcing them into British military service
James Monroe Fifth President of the United States (1817-1825). Member of Democratic-Republican Party
Monroe Doctrine American policy telling Europe to stay out of the Western Hemisphere (the Americas). United States will respond to any European interference in Western Hemisphere with military force.
Foreign Policy A government's strategy in dealing with other nations
Isolationism Foreign policy of not getting involved with other countries or in other parts of the world. Followed by the U.S. until the late 1800s.
Created by: MrsJungOMS
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