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Unit 1-3 Exam

Chapters 3-4: Biology and Behavior + Consciousness

Define consciousness; in what ways can we control consciousness (or not) a moment-to moment subjective experience of the world (individualistic) - ways to control it through meditation+flow+priming - cannot control consciousness through sleep+automatic processing+exogenous attention+hypnosis
Mirror test/rouge test a study where it demonstrates when we fully gain self-awareness in consciousness
Priming occurs when a response to a stimulus is influenced by recent experiences w/ that stimulus --> ex. the rearrangement of words class experiment
Sleep stages and cycles 1. Light Sleep 2. Deepening but not consistent 3+4. Deep Sleep REM Sleep
Light Sleep alpha waves; easily awaken
Deepening but consistent sleep spindles+K-complexes ; less sensitive to external stimuli
Deep Sleep slow wave sleep; delta waves; mind still evaluates info on danger
REM Sleep paradoxial sleep: paralyzed body w/ active brain; occurs after 90 minutes; cycle repeats
Purposes of sleep restoration, avoiding danger at certain times of the day, facilitation of learning
Flow a state of mind where a person find themselves fully immersed in an activity that increase their mood+health; makes them lose track of time
Sympathetic nervous system a division of the autonomic nervous system that prepares the body for action (fight or flight)
Parasympathetic nervous system a division of the autonomic nervous system that returns organs to resting state
Main ability/function associated with hippocampus - a subcortical structure that associates with memory
Main ability/function associated with Broca's - a small portion of the left frontal region of the brain that is associated with language production --> Broca’s aphasia: speech impaired in some way; Broken sentences but comprehendible
Main ability/function associated with Wernicke's - region of the brain that contains motor neurons involved in the comprehension of speech -->Wernicke’s aphasia: Sentences but not coherent
Patient H.M Hippocampus (associated with memory: storing long term memories) removed→ could not remember anything - Still had abilities in skill learning - Mirror tracing
Split Brain Surgery Results corpus callosum is cut; two hemispheres cannot communicate each other - left: language - right: spatial relationship
Neural Brain Plasticity the brain's ability to change in response to experience/injury + activates neurogenesis
Action Potential neural firing along the axon
Names and functions of 4 lobes of cortex and cerebellum Frontal: social behavior, planning, personality memory Temporal: auditory information, memory Parietal: spatial relationships Occipital: visual information cerebellum: motor skills
Names and functions of parts of neuron Dendrites, Cell Body, Axons, Myelin Sheath, Nodes of Ranvier, Terminal Buttons, Synapse
Dendrites detect chemicals
Cell Body info received via dendrites
Axons info (neurotransmitters) travels along this
Myelin Sheath glial cells that grow along the axon in short segments
Nodes of Ranvier short exposed fragments of axon
Terminal Buttons chemical communication occurs
Synapse presynaptic sends neurotransmitters to postsynaptic
insula part of the cerebral cortex - known for taste, pain+empathy, perception of bodily states
Created by: jane.s_27
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