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Unit 1 Lesson 3


What is known as the genetic bottleneck of 8 people Noah's flood
What is the approximate time of Noah's flood 3300 BC
After the time of Noah's flood, what occurred c500 years later in c2650 BC? Tower of Babel
What is date of Tower of Babel? 2650 BC
What is known as the First civilization in human history? Sumerians
The main purpose of lesson is to connect _____ age to the _____ timeline of history. Primeval Conventional
A key event ties Primeval to Conventional timeline---what connects the two? Tower of Babel event
What time period does c5500 to 2100 BC represent? Primeval
The first ____ books of the Bible talk about Primeval times? eleven
What came before the altering event Tower of Babel follow and date? Noah's flood c3300 BC
History of mankind and flood is recorded in what book in the Bible? Genesis
Non believers scrutinized/attach the Babel event as a _____event. Symbolic
We have archaeological facts, historical evidence, extrabiblicular source, and genetic evidence----though some believe myth event never happened
In the Tower of Babel Gen 11:1-9---the whole earth had one ____ and one ______ language speech
In Gen 11:1-9 while journeying to the east, they found a plain in the land of _______. Shinar
In Gen 11: 1-9 they said "let's make _______ and ______ them thoroughly". brick bake
In Gen 11: 1-9 said- come let us build ourselves a _____, and a tower whose top is the heavens, let us make a ______ for ourselves. city name
Many laughed at the story of Babel, division of language, yet the story is_______ across the globe. preserved
The Tower of Babel ______ the human community. fractured
How did the movement of people across regions and the spoken languages affect human culture? dispersion affect
Y chromosome comes from what Dad
mtDNA comes from what Mama
what is mutation rate shows that human history are only thousands of years old based off the rate of mutation
what are the two evolutions out of Africa and out of babel
issues with out of africa lucy is a fraud
what are found in ASIA and NOT IN AFRICA denisovans
the flood rose to where the people dispursed
they don't have ________ in Asia colony ginger red heads
real human skeletons have been found in strata's where older ages than Lucy
Everybody can be divided into ________ --____ three groups
Popular U.S. History sets




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