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Stufflet Unit 20

Unit 20 APUSH

Lyndon Johnson took over Presidency upon JFK's assassination (1963-68)
“war on poverty” phrase used by LBJ to describe his attempt to eliminate poverty in US
Civil Rights Act of 1964 Outlawed discrimination in public transport and facilities (hotels, restaurants)
Medicare nationally funded medical coverage for elderly created by LBJ
Medicaid nationally funded medical care for low-income citizens created by LBJ
Voting Rights Act of 1965 mandated federal oversight of elections in South
Head Start early school start for 3 year olds in low income families
Gulf of Tonkin Incident 8/64: US destroyer Maddox exchanged fire with North Vietnamese; resulted in LBJ expanding the war in Vietnam
Vietcong (VC—aka “Charlie”) Communist guerrillas in South Vietnam
North Vietnamese Army (NVA) Regular North Vietnamese Army that fought along border (DMZ: demilitarized zone) between North and South Vietnam
Ho Chi Minh Trail communist supply trail that ran through Laos and Cambodia into South Vietnam
“search and destroy” US strategy of establishing enclaves and searching South Vietnamese countryside for VC
Operation Rolling Thunder code name for saturation bombing of Vietnam by US Air Force
“New” Left Young liberals who tried to distance themselves from traditional Democrats who weren’t fulfilling American ideals
Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) student group that wrote Port Huron Statement; believed in greater democracy, more civil rights, and more equitable distribution of wealth
The Counterculture Nickname for group that rebelled against social mainstream; most represented by "hippie" movement
Haight-Ashbury district in San Francisco that was center of the Counterculture
Black Power Movement Comprised of those who lost patience with non-violent, gradualist approach of MLK
Malcolm X part of Black Power movement and Nation of Islam; believed in black self-defense and immediate equality with whites
Stokely Carmichael originally part of Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee, he later formed more militant Black Panther Party
My Lai Massacre Murder of app. 350-500 South Vietnamese civilians (mostly women, children) by platoon led by William Calley
Kent State, 1970 most famous protest of Vietnam War; Ohio National Guard kills 4 student protesters on college campus
Tet Offensive massive 1968 offensive by VC and NVA; resulted in public opinion in US turning against war
Martin Luther King civil rights leader assassinated in 1968 in Memphis
Robert Kennedy Democratic presidential candidate assassinated in 1968 after having won California primary
Democratic National Convention 1968 resulted in division within Democratic Party between pro-war and anti-war factions
George Wallace ran as American-Independent in 1968; was anti-integration, anti-Great Society, anti-counterculture
Great Society nickname for LBJ's domestic program
Richard Nixon Republican Party candidate in 1968
“Vietnamization” term that described the plan to train South Vietnamese to take over war effort
“ping-pong diplomacy” term that describes diplomatic attempts to improve US-Chinese relations under Nixon
Détente term to describe easing of tensions with USSR under Nixon
SALT: Strategic Arms Limitations Treaty (1972) treaty between US and USSR that froze nuclear weapons at current (1972) levels
Stagflation unusual circumstance of high unemployment AND high inflation under Nixon
Watergate Nickname for scandal that caused Nixon to re-sign in 1974
CREEP Committee to Re-Elect the President; its "burglars" attempted to steal campaign secrets from the Democrats
Gerald Ford became President after resignation of Richard Nixon
Silent Spring book by Rachel Carson that raised concerns about the use of pesticides in agriculture; credited with starting modern environmental movement
National Organization of Women (NOW) founded in 1966 by Betty Friedan and Shirley Chisolm, it is the largest women's organization that works to secure political, professional, and educational equality for women
Created by: stufflsb
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