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Quête de soi

affectionate Affectueux (euse)
awesome Génial
mature Mur
careful Prudent
clumsy Maladroit
ambitious Ambitieux (euse)
well/bad mannered Bien/mal élevé
reliable Fiable
healthy/unhealthy Sain/ malsain
charming Charmant
honest/dishonest (mal)honnête
sensitive Sensible
diligent Assidu
absent-minded Distrait
wise Sage
axious/ stressed Tendu/stréssé
introverted Introverti
extrovert / social Extraverti
franck / direct Franc (he)
proud Fier (ère)
calm Calme
kind Aimable
talkative Bavard/e
stubborn Têtu/e
to be in a good mood Etre de bonne humeur
clever Malin (maligne)
hard / tough Dur
gentle Doux (douce)
cold Froid
nice / kind Gentil(le)
discreet Discret(ète)
funny Marrant
unpleasant Désagréable
grouchy Rouspéteur(euse)
grumpy Grincheux(euse)
relaxed Décontracté(e)
tensed / stressed Tendu(e)
Catholic Catholique
Protestant Protestant
Muslim Musulman (ne)
Jewish Juif (ve)
mixed race Métis (se)
bilingual Bilingue
society La société
personality La personnalité
an identity Une identité
well-being Le bien-être
self-esteem L'estime de soi
appearance Le paraitre / l'apparence
a belief Une croyance
a quality Une qualité
a flaw Un défaut
a relationship Un rapport / une relation
a value Une valeur
a norm Une norme
morals Les mœurs
a clique, a group Une bande
a mindset Un état d'esprit
a lie Un mensonge
friendship L'amitié
childhood L'enfance
an asset Un atout
a weakness Une faiblesse
a quality Une qualité
a flaw / a fault Un défaut
digital DNA L'ADN numérique
identity theft L'usurpation d'identité
canvas / netting La toile / le net
private life La vie privée
social life La vie sociale
cyber bullying Le cyber-harcèlement
hacking Le piratage
datas Les données
social networks (plural) Les réseaux sociaux
a password Un mot de passe
a fake name Un pseudonyme
a reputation Une réputation
to have self-esteem Avoir confiance en soi
to do one's best Faire de son mieux
to be one self (true to oneself) Etre soi-meme
to feel Se sentir
to feel comfortable in one's own skin Se sentir bien dans sa peau
to hide Cacher
to pretend Faire semblant
to pretend to + verb Faire semblant de + inf
to come from/to have just done something Venir de+ infinitif
to be from Être originaire de
to fit in S'intégrer
to smile Sourire
to lie Mentir
to shape Forger
to make friends Se faire des amis
to support Soutenir
to count on....(someone) Compter sur....
to confide in....(someone) Se confier à....
to cheer someone up Remonter le moral à...
to trust....(someone) Faire confiance à...
to have trust in....(someone) Avoir confiance en...
to be anonymous Etre anonyme
to avoid Eviter
to be careful with/to Faire attention à
to become aware of Prendre conscience de
to post / to publish Publier
to tell/show off one's life Raconter sa vie
to protect oneself against Se protéger contre
Created by: mmemcl
Popular French sets




Use these flashcards to help memorize information. Look at the large card and try to recall what is on the other side. Then click the card to flip it. If you knew the answer, click the green Know box. Otherwise, click the red Don't know box.

When you've placed seven or more cards in the Don't know box, click "retry" to try those cards again.

If you've accidentally put the card in the wrong box, just click on the card to take it out of the box.

You can also use your keyboard to move the cards as follows:

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When you need a break, try one of the other activities listed below the flashcards like Matching, Snowman, or Hungry Bug. Although it may feel like you're playing a game, your brain is still making more connections with the information to help you out.

To see how well you know the information, try the Quiz or Test activity.

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